had to put my orange cat down last night
i've been drinking since 8am
had to put my orange cat down last night
i've been drinking since 8am
your cat
he was a good buddy. go fuck yourself.
Stop acting like a pussy
I feel you pain. My cat is still pretty young, but I sometimes hink about what my life would be like without him. Very sad days, no more soft purrig next to me while i browse Veeky Forums. Dark days.
>YOu're cat
>Instagram style food pic
>muh sob story
He looks like a bro.
Its evening here, so I'm raising a vodka redbull for him
Stop having a pussy like op
wah wah my cat died
At least you're not showing more "food" you burned on your fisher price grill
That looks like a catastrophe, would eat though.
he was my buddy. fuck off.
Did you have to shoot him Ol' Yeller style?
If i was your cat, i'd have shot myself too
Fucking normal piece of shit
are you the guy from /k/
i'm the guy from Veeky Forums that sometimes posts on /k/
can't have Veeky Forums without /k/
>i'm a giant faggot
But we knew that.
Can't have it without /c/ either you fucking weeb faggot
What the fuck is that big brown thing?
i don't see any black people
I'm sorry about your cat. I don't normally drink because I hate the taste of alcohol, but I might get something tonight just to raise a glass for him/her.
also, an english muffin and strawberry jam
What is the big brown thing and where is that food from?
Pizza puff, its the Chicago classic that's more rarely talked about compared to the fucking hot dogs and pizza.
I hate you progun, but I'm sorry about your kitty. I'm drinking to her tonight.
Kitter is in a better place now.
Your girlfriend very obviously does not love you.
>Stop acting like a pussy
is OP catatonic? feline pretty bad?
ITT people who have never had a cat fall asleep on their lap
>tfw my cat is 17 years old
>tfw i dont even know how old my cat is
every day is terror
Hate orange cats desu, they always seem nuts and shit, sorry about your loss though famlam. I too have a cat who I had to put down around Christmas.
>tfw my cat is 21 years old and perfectly healthy
vet is amazed anytime we take him in for a checkup, perfectly healthy weight, he still plays, doesnt shit or piss outside the box. that cat is fucking awesome
Hey OP, I have some idea who the troll, singular, probably is, the same person who has been shitposting using pictures of Asuka from EVA, the same person who made a shitpost here AND at /pol/ about making a fuss at Walmart about having their receipt checks - their tone is similar.
They are shitposting in Veeky Forums now because they've been banned from /pol/ and it's easier to troll here because there is on unique poster ID and they have no life.
Sorry about your cat OP, bake a cake to celebrate their arrival at the rainbrow bridge, the land of slow running mice made of catnip!
Sucks man. My cat is 11 and I'm starting to get sad imagining him getting old. They don't live long enough. Sucks you're getting a bunch of underaged trolls in here too new to know Veeky Forums always loves cats.
Try not to drink too much, alcohol is a depressant and just makes it worse.
Did your girlfriend pulp your cat into a smothie too? What's the recipe?