
That's an adorable story.

I'd definitely try it, but that guy's description of it as anticlimactic is not surprising. I mean.. unseasoned cooked chicken is one of the blandest things ever.

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Why don't Japs have the same mental block towards eating raw meat that westerners do?

No. Raw fish is generally very tasty, as seafood is generally best when at its absolute freshest. I don't even like the texture of raw chicken when I'm handling it. I'd hate to stick that in my mouth. Chicken needs to be cooked. And I trust uncooked land animals way less than I trust uncooked seafood.

I've had it, it was good. It can't be just any chicken, they have to be specially raised. Just like sashimi fish. It's not that crazy

No, because I find the texture of raw chicken offputting. If they are vaccinated there is no reason to fear salmonella though.

Fish which swim close to sea mammals needs to at least be frozen. Anisakis is not pleasant.

people eat things because they taste good, not because they're safe. if you wanted to eat safe food, nobody would eat puffer fish
nobody eats undercooked chicken

>If they are vaccinated
How about this stupidity stops.

We already inject our children with these toxic, autism inducing chemicals, we dont need to contaminate the meat you morally vacant murderers consume with the same or worse chemicals

here is your (You), I'm sure some people will actually fall for your shit-tier bait

It's only bait to you because you refuse the absolute truth. Your addiction to consuming the product of murder addles your feeble mind, and I pity you.


Jesus Christ.

I hope they at least gave their poor toilet some lube first.

>medium rare
>it's a light sear and raw on inside

you're very new at this
trolling 101: don't make it too obvious
a better way to do this:
>>If they are vaccinated
>How about this stupidity stops. If we raised the animals in natural conditions we wouldn't have to inject them with artificial foreign bodies

Leave it at that, don't add "children" or "murderers", either of those alone is already pushing your luck and together people will engage with you merely as a troll rather than as a misguided person who needs to be put in his place. It is much better to be seen as a sincere but wrong person

if you are a small place it's easy to keep your chicken meat cleat of salmonella. The whole scare comes from industrialization, and how an infected drop will spill over a thousand people.
I had raw chicken by mistake, it doesn't taste that great imo, and the texture is definitely not pleasing

>It is much better to be seen as a sincere but wrong person
Um no, I am right. Being vegan does not make you wrong, you feeble minded murderer.

I tried it in japan and got sick for two days. the japs I ate it with were all fine. that suggests that there was some low-level of bug present which they were used to.

never again.

>Being vegan does not make you wrong
by definiton,veganism can't be excused, so yeah.

>eats autistic chicken
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Was just gonna post this, not that it would be any better if it was actually medium rare

Because they don't rat western raw meats.

I'd try it but no part of raw chicken sounds appealing to me, from taste to texture it just doesn't seem good.

>maximum autism

Are you American, european, s. american? I wonder it could be genetic like the milk enzyme.

As I do not want to get ill, I would not touch even so much as medium rare chicken.

They mostly eat fish, which is more acceptable to eat raw, and can even be prepared so you can eat the fish while it is still alive, but has had its scales removed, and has been flash heated. Although that last part is actually a Chinese thing.

I fucked myself way up last year by eating undercooked chicken liver.

While I understand it's probably perfectly safe I never want to experience anything like that again.


>Do nothing but shit jets of water for ten days.

>Somebody infected themselves with it on purpose in the name of science.

british. I don't see how it can be genetic, but it is hardly a commonly eaten thing in japan. surely not often enough to build up a resistance.