What are some nicknames you have or food?
I call pineapples, "my nipples."
What are some nicknames you have or food?
I call pineapples, "my nipples."
>scrambled legs/hard boiled legs
>slobster (or "slobberinis")
>frrrimp (gotta roll the r)
>roasty beast
>shepherd's puppa
>ching (for "a glass of wine", colloquially: "wanna have a ching?" "come on down and have a ching with me")
and a million more that aren't coming to mind
Cow juice
>Saag paneer
Spinach diarrhea
>Roast beef
Bee puke
>Mtn Dew
Neckbeard fuel
>Any white icing
>Shrimp, crabs, and lobsters
Sea bugs
Farmer dildos
Russian water
not really a nickname but i keep mixing up the words for ravioli and hemorrhoids
thats kinda cute lmao
>white onions
>red onions
>green onions
>green peppers
And so on
I love portmanteus
Not so much nicknames, but I go out of my way to pronounce anything with accents/non-english pronunciation as incorrectly/literal as possible
I call quesadillas KC/DCs
>flied lice
>spegy merbls
Pork chops = chork pops.
Chicken hamburger helper = chicken masturbation (as opposed to beef strokin'off)
Are you my middle Aged dad? Do you call sausages snausages?
Alcohol is "teccica shoo"
I've accidentally said 'chos and 'za irl before
Chicken Nuggers
chick nugs
Shrimp is pronounced skrimp and I say kwoson in a bad frog accent
I call all onions funyuns
I used to say nuggers but then someone who was probably in a gang followed me out of the mcdonalds yelling at me calling me a punk bitch or something.
Potatoes=those round, white ones
Any meat, ground, steak=food
Instead of Chicken McNuggets I say Chicken McNiggers.
My stupid brother always asks if I want scrambled eggies.
My ex would call pineapples pinapples
I'm going to have to politely ask all 12 year olds to vacate the premises.
literally all me
Beef pie with tomato sauce = dogs eye with dead horse
Beef pie as in pic related
Snausages, cannot say it normally
jambalaya is jamby
I call chicken parmesan chicky chicky parm parm