Tonight is the night for pizza

Tonight is the night for pizza

Got a good crust recipe?

don't forget the pineapples

Shit how do I post iPhone pictures non-sideways?
Split off a piece and roll that suck out
3 cups of the pictures flour, 1 cup water, 1 tsp yeast (started in the water beforehand), a dash of salt, and a prayer that it rises well


Sautée some mushrooms

Throw down some cornmeal on whatever these things are called


Throw down the dough and some sauce

oh god not those absolutely shit tier pepperonis please

Hormel makes nasty pepperonis.

Get all that good shit on there

How's that beer, user? Looks good.

Thank you friend.

Cheese it
But not too much

It's tasty, it's a little darker than the name would suggest

Eat that shit


put the cheese on before the toppings you goddamn barbarian

This finished product is definitely not worthy of a thread. Unfortunately, I was able to tell how this would end up by your second post. 2/10


belongs in the gore thread.

>toppings before the cheese

but why

Tradition, goyim.

its called a pizza peel you uncultured swine.

JFC you suck at this, I made better looking pizzas last saturday and I didn't even use a rolling pin.

Learn how to properly make a dough and toss it please
dough looks underdeveloped, underhydrated, and overall just pretty bad.
I prefer to do a simple 12hr poolish, and I like to keep the hydration around 75% at least. When you learn how to work sticky dough this isn't a problem, and is in a lot of ways easier than trying to work a dry dough into a proper circle.
This thread belongs in the trash OP

take a hike, kike

How does one develop and hydrate dough
What is a poolish

That is all information you'd be better off researching on your own, but I'll give you an extra quick rundown
flour + water + yeast left to ferment for a short while, usually between 12 and 24 hours, but can be longer or shorter depending on the flavor you want
development refers to gluten in this case. You develop gluten with time, kneading, stretching and folding, mixing etc. If your gluten strands aren't strong then the dough will break easily and be rough on the outside, when it's good you can shape the dough smoothly and work with it without much sticking, and if it's overdeveloped the dough is tough and ends up chewy and dense.
the ratio of water to flour. For example, if I wanted to make a 1kg batch of dough at 75% hydration I'd use about 571.5g of flour and 428.5g of water

Not doing pizza in a cast iron pan. Niller plz.

Thanks, I will use this information to better my pizza

Thank you
t. pizza cook and pastry chef

that's a Texas sized spatula