I just love the taste of a thick, juicy sausage in my mouth :)
They are so delicious. It's hard to stop at just one! I think that Savoies, Manda, and DD (mild) are probably the best.
I just love the taste of a thick, juicy sausage in my mouth :)
They are so delicious. It's hard to stop at just one! I think that Savoies, Manda, and DD (mild) are probably the best.
Eehhh, gonna sage this.
If you love meat sausage you will love a wholesome vegan sausage as well!
The exact same flavors, but with the enormous satisfaction of knowing you are not consuming torture victims who are horrifyingly murdered.
Sage goes in all fields, newfriend.
Also, stop with the reddit spacing, you typed less than a dozen words.
>mfw I wanna eat some snags but gotta wait until Sunday for the $1 sizzle at Bunnings
It's marketing genius. I know blokes who make an excuse to buy some nails or whatever just so they can load up on a few
but what if dominating lesser life forms for luxurious foodstuffs is part of what keeps you going in this hell hole wage slave world?
What if I'm retarded?
Then a snag won't do you any worse
i will never understand fairy bread that shit looks gross
try it, it's god tier. worst that'll happen is you waste a slice of bread.
maybe, I don't relly care for frosting or sprinkles though
it's not frosting or icing, it's just margarine. takes like 0secs to make. it's mostly at kid's birthday parties, if you had that shit at your 8th birthday you were the fucking boss.
it's also a comfy nostalgia/drunk/stoner food for us too.
do you like sliced bread at least or is that icky too?
People have been typing like that in forums since forever
It's not just a Reddit thing
wow sorry I dont like sugary nasty shit u fatass
i might try it one day
do it now, take a photo and post results, if you did you would be pic related
tn: mad cunt means "fucking legend" in auspeak
Thank you for not eating meat, it means more for me!
You have to try Filipino sweet sausage, it's probably even more cancerous than normal sauages especially when you panfried or grill it till it's black at the edges, but it's so worth it. I eat it with long grain rice.
If it where up to me you would be executed for eating meat but sadly the goverment is to corrupted by the meat industry too be reasonable like that
>if it were up to meat
I'm about to appreciate my sausage.
what's the really good sausage they make in South Africa? i tried it once at a bbq and shit was divine.
The curled up ones?
Just imagine that hard tender grip and pulling motion
I know how you feel, OP. I crave a hard dripping dog cock in my mouth too.
>Reddit spacing
Low income aspie whining