Anyone else feel 711 is really underrated for food? Been going for lunch the last few days. Would recommend.
Anyone else feel 711 is really underrated for food? Been going for lunch the last few days. Would recommend
Nope. I think it's rated fairly.
There taquitos is amazing drunk food
My 7/11 has corn dogs and it disgust me how many of them I've eaten.
Garbage in western countries.
The ones in Japan were fucking awesome though.
Yes, 100%, almost everything is as good as a fast food place, but with bizarre variety and 24/7 service. Their hot dogs are beyond god tier.
I wenr ro one last week and saw they had a sausage and gravy breakfast pizza. Anyone try this? I'm scared.
The japanese ones do look pretty nice. And they have half off sales often I think
being an insomniac that wanders around all night, 7-11 is one of my primary meal options
there was this sleazy persian guy working the late shift at one I would go to a lot, and when the chicken first came out he was really pushy about me buying it
I don't know if he had a quota or something and had to sell it
>hey man, you want some chicken?
>nah I'm good
>come on man, have some chicken
>no thanks
>you sure you dont want the chicken?
>just take the chicken
was weird
He probably fucks with it and gets off on the thought of fuckers eating his cock tainted food.
Seven Eleven workers are either terminally chill or fucking awful. The ones near me were bro tier indian/pakistani dudes who have been selling me booze since I was 15.
only 7/11 in western countries.
7/11 in it's home country of Japan is amazing. You can live out of them if you're too lazy to cook or if you're sick.
I have a mixed bag, there are 5 7-11s in my town, my main one has a cute new paki girl so I haven't been able to get snacks as much because I'm embarrassed so whenever she's there I end up buying a granola bar and coconut water instead of fucking honey buns and cream donuts, and energy drinks, and chips, and slimjims...normally all at the same time and binge in my car
the one in the other direction, the manager is a fucking dick, big fat guy named tareek and he made fun of my nipples for showing through my shirt once when I was in high school
then there was one I had to stop going to because the guy behind the counter wanted to be friends with me, he thought I was a cool guy I guess and asked for my phone number so he could call me to hang out. I gave him a fake number and never went back
I use to get chili cheese dogs from there all the time in my early teens. I got one not to long ago and it was nostalgically amazing. I haven't tried any of their newer stuff though (pizza, chicken, stuffed nachos ect)
Hawaii 7-Eleven is best 7-Eleven
just looks like a sub-par Japanese 7/11 to be honest desu, like AM/PM or CircleK tier
looks like yours are run by half japanese people.
Hawai'i is basically half Japanese, so yea.
The shitty thing about 7/11 in my area of the country is that none are walkable. I live in the suburbia of Vegas, Phoenix was the same, and I spend time in LA and SD a lot. So every time I'm in there, it looks like shit has been there for HOURS. Which is likely, since people only stop in there for specifics, and they're rarely attached to gas stations.
If it was a corner store where there was some circulation on a city block, I'd probably grab some of their food.
>tfw can get two quarter pound roller dogs and a 32oz soda for $3.00 at the gas station down the street
Fucking based.
do you live in Henderson or Summerlin?
I stopped going to 7/11 because when I wanted a beer or something they'd have the fridge doors locked by like 7:00 and I'd have to show my ID and wait like 10 minutes to have someone open the thing.
About a year ago I was there with my 13 year-old nephew and asked him to hold some things while I got my wallet out and the cashier started flipping out, asking to see his ID and accusing me of giving alcohol to minors because I let him touch a can of beer for 10 seconds. It was really weird because I live in Cali and there's no law against it. Kids can even carry open containers if an employer or guardian requests it.
Fuck that. I was there buying some milk and went to the register to pay, but no one was there. Stupid fuck was in the side office jerking off with the door open.
once got a sandwich that was like 95% bread and 5% filling. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Never again.