Got any favorites? Anything you came up with yourself? Please share.
I'm opening with a 1:1 ratio of vodka and cinnamon wisky. This thing taste incredible and it pack a serious punch. Great as a shooter to give yourself a boost.
Got any favorites? Anything you came up with yourself? Please share.
I'm opening with a 1:1 ratio of vodka and cinnamon wisky. This thing taste incredible and it pack a serious punch. Great as a shooter to give yourself a boost.
stop drinking.
I'm pretty sure ONE shooter every few days is reasonable.
I'm not kidding.
heres a classic for you alcoholics to try
put a clothespin on your nose and chug earthquake malt liquor without breathing. then wash the aftertaste away with soda or water so theres no flavor left
remove clothespin
feel buzz
feel awful hangover 10 minutes later
continue this process all night
Rum + Beer + Coke.
Here's a new cocktail I invented. Three shots of gin and a half shot of dry vermouth. I call it the vermin, because it's vermouth+gin
Mango Parrot Bay + Mike's Hard Lemonade
Fireball is great. Pic related, my tower of beer.
are you a woman?
>small plastic bottles
xD flavored whiskey is for pussssies!!!! haha lmao did you know it's actually schnapps!!???/
I just saw that shit for the first time in my life, in this piece of shit ghetto liquor store, along with pic related, and I picked up a can of each. Earthquake being 10%, Camo Black being 12.2%. I couldn't imagine it being as bad as it was, holy shit.
People talk shit on King Cobra and Old English and shit, I LOVE those, I can even kinda stomach Steel Reserve, but holy Goddamned shit.
The worst I've ever had in my life. Maybe tied with Wild Irish Rose. No drunk, just DIRECTLY to hangover. Never a-fucking-gain.
Oh that's pretty gross OP, I don't know about that. Then again, I hate shooters.
Blackberries + Basil + Lime + Sugar + White Rum + Club Soda
cinnamon whiskey is a great additive to beer.
Is this what middle school girls drink these days?
Back in my day it was either SoCo or Goldschlager.
so basically straight fucking gin, but you wanted to add your gay name to it
>basically straight fucking gin
It's a fucking martini, dum dum.
cheap american brandy mixed with squirt soda
Smoky Martini
Gin and scotch
Equal parts vodka, tequila, triple sec, and tonic, plus a couple twists of lemon and a splash of lime juice. Sometimes i garnish with a slice of lime or 2
Half a bottle of gin with some Wild Turkey 101 later.
1:1 fireball and mango nectar
Is that what they call it in Murica? My mum always called them winey-pineys, because the vermouth is a wine and the gin tastes like a pine tree
One shot of Listerine
One chaser shot of Gentleman Jack
Swill vinegar in your mouth and spit it out then suck on a lemon
Follow up with as many cigarettes as you want
>7% Apple cider
>ginger ale
tastes like an apple pie and floors you hard.