>that one friend who orders this at every restaurant you go to
That one friend who orders this at every restaurant you go to
>children eating that much black peppercorn on frenchfries.
Yea, nice filename.
because only children would eat chicken fingers and french fries at a restaurant, tard.
>going to restaurants that have that on the menu in the first place
>out at restaurant with friends
>look at menu, see chicken tenders, consider mocking the kind of person who would actually order them
>waitress comes, give our orders
>robot friend actually orders the chicken tenders
I gave him so much fucking shit over it, too.
I would assume an adult would crave more than bland meat and bland potatoes.
my girlfriend loves tendies and she's 26. should i dump her?
The bass player in my band ordered them once in some hipster bar. I couldn't resist gicing him shit, telling him it looked like he was eating the birthday dinner of a picky five year old. He told me to fuck off.
I don't mind that actually. If they're ordering a kids meal that means i'm paying less if it's my week to pay for lunch. Who gives a fuck what they eat.
Literally the second the waitress turned around, I said (in the most condescending, disgusted tone I could muster)
"TENDIES, [user]? Really?"
God love him, but, c'mon.
ooh look at you so grown up
Look at you eating chicken tenders and fries passed the age of 10.
Oh what, you never bust your friends' balls over shit like that?
He literally complains to me that his favorite food got co-opted into some /r9k/ meme and he hates that they ruined his tendies, what am I supposed to say?
He very well could've just punched you square in the face and it would've been well-deserved. There's busting your friends balls, then there's just being a dickhead for no good reason.
>what am I supposed to say?
Ideally, nothing.
chicken tender eater detected. enjoy your 12th birthday at Chuck E. Cheese.
that much lol? Thats an average amount. Go fuck off you pussy bitch haha
I dont see what the big deal is. I dont eat them but I dont understand why you would care so much about what someone else decides to eat.
>Being so influenced by incel memes that you willingly damage your friendship over pieces of chicken dipped in batter and fried
You're pathetic. 80% of bar food is the exact same level of complexity, it's just random fried stuff. The fact that you think there's some huge faux pas over eating them shows just how little you actually go outside
Fuck off.
My grandpa and sister love chicken tenders
past. If you're going to pretend to adult and make fun of someone, at least know how to spell such a simple word or know word usage of different spellings and their meanings.
You're a faggot and internet memes rule your miserable life.
Good one user. Is your life so shitty that you have to try to make your friends feel like shit while they are trying to enjoy something? Fucking pathetic lmao
this was for
is an era that is the opposite of the future
is pass after the action has taken place, hence "passing" the age of 10.
You stupid twat.
I'm that friend. I always get chicken tenders and fries with cheese to dip them in.
adverb vs verb you dumb cunt
>There's busting your friends balls, then there's just being a dickhead for no good reason.
Is there, though?
I feel like mocking tendies is right about the perfect level of ball-busting that's appropriate
No, put a pineapple ring on her finger asap.
>Is there, though?
Yes. But it depends on the audience. If your friend feels bad about liking what other people see as kids food, he might not this it's just harmless bantz
Turn 360 degrees and walk away
I generally tend not to judge my friends much over their food choices unless they're vegetarian/vegan.
But if he turns 360° won't he be playing Nintendo Switch?
My old girlfriend was like this
>I'd have to order it for her every fucking time
I would have punched you in the face for being an autistic fag
I just put Chicken Tenders and fries in the oven actually.
>I'm 27, NEET, live in my moms basement and I have become overweight.
That's me.