You fuckers ready for this? Real time baby.
USDA prime tomahawk sous vide
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so is this the hot new meme all the (you)s are (you)ing?
Looking forward to see how you fuck this up.
Bitch get your ass in line, before I put your ass in line.
Real time baby! Put your seatbelt on.
Dont you dare fuck this up.
here's the (you) (you) were (you)ing for
Put me in the screencap guys!
Pray for me, phamilia.
Fuck you faggot.
Heating up the bath, pic related.
and here's a picture of my guns
(sous vide)
5cm, internal temp 40 degrees.
131 degree according to Modernist Cuisine.
2 hours 16 minutes sous vide.
I trust my boy Nate.
>wasting prime rib on meme vide
I'm sorry not everyone lives in abject poverty like you.
Black pepper, salt, garlic powder, butter.
Freshly bagged.
Was not easy with only two hands.
Steak. In.
OP here. Gym time while dat dere steak bathes.
Ya'll fat fucks need exercise, and jesus.
is it done
why nigga? u hungry?
Why do boys feel the need to jam pistols into every pic?
yes i also want to know how well this water cooking method works
Are you intimidated by responsible practitioners of The Second Amendment?
It works very well for application it's designed to work with. This included. Most of the work is in prep. To be honest, there is little finess involved, but you can't argue with the results.
No but I find it very vain and cringe
You could have added a katana too, same effect. Maybe a fedora
I'm not fat enough or poor enough for that.
Because his dick is embarrassingly small, and he had to show his masculinity somehow. Guns are cool and all, but putting them in unrelated pictures makes you look like an insecure faggot.
Why butter?
lols. sorry to hear about your tiny penis.
>full Metal body global knife
>Sous vide
>Shitty tomahawk that's not bone-in
You must be a serious disappointment to everyone around you. Go get a decent tomahawk, with the bone in, and cook it like a man.
>Shitty tomahawk that's not bone-in
stop projecting, fags.
Let me guess. You're poor, you're dumb, you're uneducated, and you're so, so angry with your station in life.
It's ok, there is a solution. It's called suicide.
Why butter nigga?
flava, muh man. Typically, I finish the steak in butter when I'm doing it conventionally, but since I'm going to finish this with a MAPP torch, I need to impart the buttery goodness elsewhere.
you do realize the rib bone is intact in this cut, right? It's just covered with meat.
Just wondering seems weird to me, but hey whatever works for you.
It's an American thing. Surprised he didn't also put a pocket knife and some star wars toys, and have his cat's dirty ass sitting on the counter.
wonder no moar, phamilia.
It really works, btw. You should try finishing your steaks with butter (as in fry them in butter in the pan).
What will you pair your steak with?
When will you put it out of the water?
>What will you pair your steak with?
Asparagus and pepper
>When will you put it out of the water?
quite aesthetic I must say
He does so well for himself he takes selfies in public bathrooms.
nice fake guns
wait, where is the rest of the cooking pictures....?
30 minutes until completion of sous vide. Workout was brutal. Time to clean my pistols real quick.
The steak grabbed the gun and shot OP.
How do you get a nice sear with sous vide? Like half the joy of a steak is good maillard reaction
i think the sousvidefags give it a quick sear in a pan at the end
Nice airsoft guns, where ya get em?
O ok that justifies it in my eyes.
Where u at dawg? I can come over and authenticate my firearms with you.
guys ;)
guns ;)
I think this twat said he was going to use a MAPP torch
Looking forward to your off topic thread being pruned.
>projecting this hard
unlike you, most people don't constantly think about dicks.
You don't. It comes out wet and the sear is always sub par.
This is why low temp (250) in an oven, on a rack is better. You can nail internal temp just as easily with a probe thermometer and the outside dries out so that the sear is spectacular.
Meme vide is for total fucking losers. The type of insecure, tiny penis, cringe freaks that need to display gratuitous guns, fedoras, or shantoku yugizukis in an effort to compensate. Meme vide is basically just a compensation tool at this point.
There are many ways to do it, all application dependent. You can pan sear, deep fry, oven finish, heat gun, etc. For today, I'll be using a MAPP torch.
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Have fun being poor. And stupid.
i wish i could have a gun so i could shoot myself
Fair enough, I figured it'd be somethong like that, but thanks for explaining. don't get the sous vide hate, have only heard good things from people that have tried it.
but yes your guns are pretty silly and out of context .
so clearly you've never read any literature on sous vide because you're too dumb and too poor to explore the subject, so let me clue you in on why sous vide is a very special and useful application.
1) FINE temperature control. You think an oven can control it's transient temperature at the same level as a 1000 dollar laboratory grade immersion circulator? Clearly the question is rhetorical, because it can't. When a 10 degree difference trigger enzyme changes rapidly, and when your palate isn't shaped by a lifetime of McDonald's and produce from your local WalMart super center, the difference is quite appreciable.
2) MOISTURE retention. What do you think the water loss rate is in an oven? Hint: it's A LOT higher than a vacuum bag.
People like you really shouldn't comment on things you don't understand, because somewhere, there is an even bigger retard who will take your words for Gospel, and the cycle of stupidity gets even more contagious.
tl;dr? You're dumb, you're poor, and you should shut the fuck up.
How do you get a sear at 250 in the oven? Doesn't seem nearly hot enough.
>mentions dick
>must constantly be thinking about dick
Wew lad. The only defense you have is hurr durr "projecting".
Bag. Out.
So what you're saying is you spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars on ego boosters to do what any competent person can do with a pan?
Wow what is your problem with dick? Maybe fuck off until you get some taste
looks like shit.
>too poor to essentially cook shit in water
Yup, as expected, you fucked up.
>without food stamps I would starve to death
Steak. Out.
Torch at the ready.
I bet it tastes okay, but it looks more suited for the stock pot than anything
Watery steak doesn't taste okay, user.
So when you "cook" this way do you ever render that tonne of fat during your sear or would that overcook it?
not with that attitude it don't. jerky that shit
>thread is going fine
>antigun fags show up
>omg I'm scared of inanimate objects
>muh penis
>thread goes to shit
Why are these "people" allowed to live?
It's Veeky Forums not /k/. Unless OP is planning on eating a bullet, that shit doesn't belong here.
First side torching done.
Dicks have great mouthfeel and the creamy stuffing is not half bad. You'd have to have shit taste to not like it
Doesn't look nearly as good as a conventional pan sear. Congrats, you ruined your steak.
if it wasn't obvious to everyone that you were compensating, congrats, it is now.
You don't need fine temp control to hit the perfect internal temp on a steak. The specific heat of water is crazy high so changes in temp outside the meat don't make a large difference, and its very thermodynamically conductive so you don't get hot spots from a 10 degree fluctuation throughout the meat. Read a book about chemistry or physics before drinking meme koolaide and boiling your food in plastic cancer bags.
You should probably try cooking a steak at 225 in an oven before you claim that it will dry out the internal temp throughout the meat is 130... ask yourself... at that temperature what is the ecvaporative action that would cause the meat to dry out? Futhermore the drying action that does occur on a very thin outer layer is highly desirable as it aides the sear and maillard reactions which the wet bag technique hampers.
I've tried both techniques. I'll stick with the oven and reverse sear technique everytime.
you still sear in a pan after the oven. the oven just helps dry the exterior of the steak and cook it internally.
its like sous vide but better and you don't have to waste money on stupid meme shit and you don't have to cook your food in cancer bags.
Okay I see, that makes sense. How long do you keep it in the oven for?
Flipped, untorched.
>not using decimals
Looks good to me, I think you have a confirmation bias
Imagine any other ideological symbolism or hobby object arbitrarily stuffed into the picture and try not to cringe. It's fucking stupid because it had nothing to do with cooking. Imagine if it was a vegan ir feminism sticker, or an xbox controller. They'd all come off as tryhard and confrontational.
A charcoal chimney is better than using a torch.
good job wasting your money.
I always sear after sous vide in a cast iron skillet so I can aggressively render some of the fat on the side -- plus aesthetics...
Torched. Ready to be cut.
What a retarded way to prepare food. Explain this process to someone aloud and you'll never do it again.
>and after I took my steak out of the bag that I submerged in water I touched it to make it feel like a steak that's cooked on a fire
>stop projecting
>Let me guess. You're poor, you're dumb, you're uneducated, and you're so, so angry with your station in life
heh love it
guys it's different which means it's better kek plebs
till a thermo probe (cheaper than sous vide machine and more useful in more applications) reaches the desired temperature. its usually a bit faster than sous vide.. an hour to an hour and half. depends on meat and temperature going in.