What's your favorite My Kitchen Nightmare episode Veeky Forums?
What's your favorite My Kitchen Nightmare episode Veeky Forums?
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the one where he curses a lot and calls people a donkey
the one that was obviously staged by the producers
The one where he goes to the poo-in-loo restaurant - Dillon's I think it's called - and discovers that just like a microcosm of India itself, it is absolutely disgusting and crawling with cockroaches. After watching it I never ate Indian again.
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The one where he yells like a smug douchebag at mentally ill Amerifats
Runaway Girl, but I think it goes without saying that UK > USA
amys baking company goes without saying
The burgandy hotel. UK > US
That's Hell's Kitchen, you fucking donkey.
I've had ENOUGH!
That episode absolutely blows my fucking mind.
>chick can't take any amount of criticism
>Ramsay tells them that's exactly what's wrong
>curses him out
>he just leaves
>they look retarded and act like Ramsay has no idea what he's talking about.
Season 1. Dillon's I think the name.
>he comes back
>redemption episode
>shit still goes to all hell
>they never learned their lesson
S1E06 Sebastians Pizza.
UK version is worth watching them all though. YouTube has them.
The one with the owner who is addicted to World of Warcraft so he never shows up to work
hah, I'm watching it right now. that fucking menu.
Can't help waffling on like a pussy, Jesus that episode was fantastic
The one where he makes the autistic twins beat each other up.
Also from Gordon: "you're making my shit itch, and it hasn't even come out yet."
Ugh, this just reminds me of this restaurant I went to with a friend of mine I hadn't seen in a while, and halfway into our meal a band set up and started playing so loud that we literally couldn't hear each other talking if we shouted. It was ridiculous. We finished our meal wordlessly and then shouted at the manager (not in anger, just so he could hear us) that we wouldn't be coming back.