Would you eat here?
Street vendor videos
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Yes if I wanted diarrhea and tapeworms
>street food in countries where people use their left hand to wipe their ass instead of toilet paper
No thanks
Might as well eat my own feces.
This is in Pakistan not India
shits good for your immune system pansies
And? Same bathroom habits and 40 million+ people in Pakistan don't even have toilets.
>Pakistan is in fact the third largest country, behind India and Indonesia, where people are forced to defecate in the open.
these look hella f*cking epic
Lol no. Just no. There have been numerous endeavors to acclimatize the Indian subcontinent to modern indoor plumbing.
Often times the natives are superstitious and a strong fear of toilet witches has taken hold in mass hysteria.
Other times the toilets are repurposed as shrines or other.
Pic related
Don't you EVER think they are forced
surprised this hasn't been posted yet
turbo kek
>that jasmine cutie at 2:48
This jian bing lady a CUTE
i like watching eggs get worked
That's not a street vendor
I'd rather they just give me the recipe so I can make it in my clean, sanitised and hygienic kitchen thanks.
cant agree more just looks so dirty
Depends on what else is available. If the apparent cleanliness is the same everywhere else, sure I'd eat here and call it an adventure.
Post the ice cream cone webm.
Yes of course.
Reading the description on the video, it sounds delicious.
I'd just wait a week before trying it to get over the Delhi belly.
Lmao he signed the eggs.
Those things are great but the only time I ever got serious food poisoning was after eating one of them.
Anyone got videos of street food that won't make me piss shit from my arse?
One of the classics.
>toilet witches
never ceases to amaze, even more ridiculous than south korean fan death
I think you misunderstood the question.
I think he understood it very well.
From the video description "The patty is made of potato and vegetables, then dipped in battered egg and pan fried in vegetable oil. It's then put in a traditional bread with sauces made of yogurt and mint, and lots of onions. Mostly healthy stuff except for the oil, but not the most hygienic in the world :)"
chinese street vendors are the main buyers of gutter oil. you ate literal boiled gutter shit and motor oil
Can i take a moment to say how glad i am to be white? This is the kind of pigslop i wouldn't even feed my dog.
How sad. You reject freshly made food, but I bet you love factory-produced and microwaved crap.
The only issue I have with it is the sanitary conditions. The ingredients are all fine and probably pretty fresh
What a good looking guy
>all those disgusting cooking utensils
The future of the west ladies and gentlemen!
Because that factory produced food has cleanliness standards. They'll recall products if they find contamination and issue apologies. You get food poisoning from these literal holes in a wall and they'll claim you're a racist while never admitting they don't have clean practices.
I used to live in Singapore and whenever I walked pass places like this it always fucking reeked. Not sure if they're Indians or Pakistanis but the setup is quite similar. Looks gross and smells bad. I never tried any. Is it good?
seems odd that the thread would get this far with no surly king of the egg fort
read the thread again troglodyte
lol i know her, i fingered her at a party. she is a slut
I like the 16,000 honey strands WOW
ITT: people with weak ass immune systems
You gotta live a little
It's a potato "burger" drenched in sauce. I wouldn't call it good but it's fine for a junk food fix. I've seen guys sharpening their shitty stamp metal knives on the side walk and there's no way anyone washes their hands ever. Often it's the same guy handling money and cooking.
I had diarrhea 6 months out of 12 while I was India and I am 95% I still have a parasite. I've seen some stats that say half of India has parasites. I believe it. They can't even do clean water right. Fuck India.
>he's worried about sanitary conditions
That's what your immune system is for faggot. Maybe you have a weakened one due to AIDS or something
I didn't read it, I'm just looking at the webbums.
don't forget to watch in 4k
But my monitor isn't 4k.
That's a lot of wieners...
I don't know which I enjoy more watching him crack the eggs or forming the giant omelette.
Also have this:
I'd rather just have a fried egg on top of my burger.
>making wonton wrappers and churros
You are wrong on too many level
Holy shit m8 I don't know where to begin
Fuck off faggot; you literally don't know shit.
that omelette is going to be rubbery as fuck
it's funny cuz all it takes to make a toilet is a shovel and a chair with a hole in it. not fucking hard, they're just too lazy and dumb to do it.
>toilet witches
kek but believable. even abbos in australia do shit like rip the doors off their houses to light a bonfire in their living room for cooking in.
same thing
anyone have that poema bout the toilet dayans?
I'd never go to india, and I'd definitely never eat their street food. Read too much about what that shit contains.
i went to india for work for two weeks and for the two weeks I was there I took only one shit.
was fucked
How's that? Normally the spice, bacteria, and parasites should get you shitting. I know I was often shitting 10+ times a day.
>Tests on Delhi eateries show high level of faecal matter in street food
i don't know i guess i had opposite problem. I only ate fried street food though; rest came from 700 rupee plus restaurants. a day after returning to homeland, I took a huge shit and it was weird color; you could tell it had been stuck in my colon
That guy is.. cooking on a piece of bathroom tile... you can still see the grouting.
Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Israel, and the UAE are the only middle eastern countries I would feel comfortable eating street food in.
get back to where ever you came from
i don't even care where you're from, just kill yourself
>street food
I sure love the taste of feces and traffic pollution
Wow I love this guy! He's so happy and I'm pretty impressed with how easy he makes it look.
I want to meet this guy.
>quail eggs
why bother?
God I hate faggots like you.
You eat your steak well done too because of "worms" right?
Dude, Pakistan is an even worse shithole.
shit eater detected
No, I like rare steak. Obviously I buy beef that hasn't been molested by people who don't know what indoor plumbing is.
You know, the parasites get into the meat while it is still alive (the nasty kind), or if the meat gets contaminated by feces in butchery (tapeworms). Oh, and you may also get tape worms from fresh water (or bottom feeding shore) fish.
As long as you buy your meat-whatever in a first world country, you are pretty safe from parasites, no matter the color of the person that will sell it to you.
Nowadays, Japan and Korea are just about the only places where I'd see myself being able to see the street food without worry.
I remember being little and going home to visit Vietnam and there was a street food vendor that came by outside the family home everyday or so and it was pretty great. Had stuff like fried meat balls on sticks.
>liking raw rubbery 'meat'
thank you for watching my video on Street food in China
It looks good and fun to watch. But I wouldn't want to eat that stuff. my stomach wouldn't be able to handle it
>They both handle money and the food
So I take it they haven't been taught the concept of things like germs and bacteria?
>all of that pointless movement
Like. I'll have street food in Korea and Japan. But not in these shit hole countries where drinking the water can ill you
>moving and smashing buns for no reason
>keeps picking out egg shells
>eggs are brown as fuck at end
c- at best
It's to wow tourists and get more money out of them.
Slightly Above PAJEET Level.
>Live a little
> not wanting food poisoning is now racist
Wow, these SJWs sure are contributing to society
>all of that raw egg in the middle
What about Hong Kong and Taiwan, man? aka "first-world China"
>I hear jerusalem bells are ringing!
News flash: raw egg doesn't kill you especially Japanese eggs.
Only shitty North American eggs have salmonella.