Post your favorite Veeky Forums - Food & Cooking related webm.
Post your favorite Veeky Forums - Food & Cooking related webm
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lmao what a sperg. nice tits tho
I think she's physically handicapped user.
Show some class
Can i post gifs?
Safari doesn't support Webms
well fuck. I didn't know
Fuck you
do NOT bully charisse
she has cerebral palsy
Yes. God bless you, user.
Get a real web browser.
What the fuck is up with her backwards arms?
Or is she just being blonde on purpose?
Webms don't work in Chrome on iOS either. VLC app is cumbersome.
>inb4 get a real phone faggot
Android is slower and buggy as shit, no thanks.
I'm just posting my favorite food picture.
Retards are gross, what's she doing handling food? I bet she can't even wipe herself.
>Android is slower and buggy as shit
It's not though
t. Droidfag
Well user, in some ways she's better off than you; at least she was born emotionally stable
Completely serious, I'd rather have a handicapped offspring instead of a cognitively sufficient sociopath.
Not an argument.
I wasn't aware we were arguing :)
The important question, though, is "does she have a boyfriend"?
They aren't even cooked yet.
If by boyfriend you mean someone to pretend to wipe her ass for her, I'm her man.
I'd barely brush the oily dook aside onto her cheeks and wait until she's asleep before going to town, cleaning her up for real using only my tongue.
That's disgusting and no you wouldn't
Not an argument.
Oh yes I would.
Scat fetishes are real and powerfully sexually invigorating. Even more so when the woman is asleep of powerless.
Oh fuck yeah
For fresh quail, I always quarter, wrap them in bacon and grill them. Stick a toothpick through at the end.
Very simple, very delicious. It's a great app for large groups.
Pic related
10/10. I chuckled.
+1. Came here to say this. Was not disappointed.
Not an argument.
That woman is so cute. She seems sweet.
I have the shittiest chinese android imagineable. Chrome webms work like a charm.
Apple does not allow any browser to exist on the app store that isn't a wrapper over Safari. Its one of the reasons Firefox took so long to get to iOS because they didn't want the browsing experience to be Safari with bookmarks from Firefox like what Chrome did. Firefox and Chrome on Android are the actual versions of their respective browser
Feel free to post your jokes online.
If you make jokes about the handicapped in public, I promise ill try my hardest to knock you unconscious and beat you senseless until you are worse off then they are.
Her arms are like a retarded t-rex though.
Imagine her hand jobs, she'd tear your cock off.
Underrated post.
What is Virtue Signalling
>knock you unconscious and beat you senseless
I think I'm safe. I'll just call the cops on you and then I'll call the police.
wew I always forget that, behind the memes, there are legitimately disturbed individuals on this board.
I'm going back to the cooking threads.
I think you meant to refer to /pol/
If you are talking about knocking people out because they made handicapped jokes on the internet I'd say you are the mental one cause you likely have autism
Calm down bro, I was just picking on your repeated sentence.
Don't be so high strung, it can't be good for your blood pressure.
>inb4 I'm Veeky Forums
Me too, I'm all muscle.
>Being a faggot is ok because its online
Why, God? Why?!?!?
This post is pure cringe.
>making jokes about the handicapped isn't OK
>threatening to bash them is OK
>so is using the term faggot
You are a hypocrite and you don't even realize because your autism affects your self awareness
I would rather have a more stable operating system via iOS than Androud which has to attenot to run smoothly on dozens of different phone platforms whereas iOS is just one common phone.
I'm not that guy tho.
>I was just picking on your repeated sentence.
I think the word you're looking for is 'redundant' :)
I'm sure there'd be some awkward muppet arms moments, but I bet she'd be gentle. In every video she comes across as kind and considerate. The pancake flipping one shows she has a sense of humor, too. I'd date her.
my webms are spreading. yesss.
Calm down, you're not famous or a trip goddess on 'the chan' yet.
Not an argument.
Remember this thread on Veeky Forums. Anyone have the one of him putting his keys in there?
Im guessing you havent actually compared an Android phone and an iPhone since Android 2.3. Its not a laggy buggy OS anymore
I do daily dev for Android and have started picking up iOS dev more for work. Neither is perfect but I feel Android is the superior OS at this point. It simply lets you do much more. The biggest issue is that its much closer to a real computer, which have always had to deal with different hardware and screen sizes.
Just like you wouldn't download some weird one off game to your home computer, you have to use a little bit of common sense and not do the same shit on Android.
I had been using an iPad and an Android phone for the past 5 years and now that my iPad is breaking down, Im really seeing no point in getting another one since the ecossytem doesn't offer anything worth while. Android tablets are cheaper and the Surface is a real computer.
But iOS users are still the most likely to do in-app purchases, so if you have an app that relies on being bought or in-app purchases it still makes sense to bother with iOS
Thanks for redpilling me. I have not used an Android since 2011 because if the frustrations I had with it. Will have to reconsider my next phone.
He put his keys there and, like the wrapper, shifted and slid them into his center console. It flared everyone's autism on Veeky Forums.
I want to watch her awkwardly masturbate while letting out guttural moans.
that's a pretty stupid post you have there, mind if I save it?
Jokes on you, I don't go outside
found one
Because it's going to wreck his transmission
2 minutes of fame
back to tumblr useless cripple.
It's not "sociopathy" to be disgusted or rational. It's not "selfish and uncaring" to not want feces flakes in your breakfast.
Do you just use words you don't understand and hope nobody calls you on your shit?
May I ask, what is your opinion of unofficial Cyanogenmod builds? My Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7" is sucking dogshit right now -- it keeps resetting its connection to the cell tower. I am 99% sure that this is a software problem due to shitty buggy automatic updates that Samsung crams down my throat. Unfortunately, Cyanogenmod doesn't have an official build for this phone. I'm not sure whether to bother with fucking around with the unofficial ones, or if I should just drop this one into the office shredder and go buy something else.
I'm not sure rationality entails a worry over the physically handicapped being covered in feces.
Further, sociopathy entails, by definition, a lack of empathy. You seem to fit the bill.
It isn't a difficult word. Being pompous about knowing it only makes you look stupid.
I think they're degenerate and dumb.
Because fuck Hertz and Enterprise
fuck you user i spilled my iced tea