ITT: Underrated/Little-known Cuisines
I try my hardest to make something from any region of the world I can. However, I'm running out of ideas.
Maybe I'm making Ugandan soon, who knows.
ITT: Underrated/Little-known Cuisines
I try my hardest to make something from any region of the world I can. However, I'm running out of ideas.
Maybe I'm making Ugandan soon, who knows.
Have you tried doing some preserved dishes from across the globe? Biltong, kimchi, pickled fish, etc.
How easy is it to bomb kimchi?
Well it's fermented cabbage with chili powder user.
Hard to mess up
Is one of those dishes okra? Disgusting, but the rest looks good.
Why you be dissin okra?
Yeah obe Okra one is aubergine
Truth be told, that sauce is probably amazing.
> Wikipedia's picture
> never have I been so underwhelmed
It may look like your toilet after a night on the piss in South America, but Ethiopian food tastes great.
Oh, no one's denying that. It's just that Africans completely lack the skill of plating.
Ive never had kimchi, is it similar to saurkraut?
It's like sauerkraut, but spicy.
You can't be seriously saying that based on - self-admittedly - looking at a wikipedia article. Gorramn.
Recently I've been impressed by the following: Georgian, Uighur, Serbian, Yemeni.
Perhaps. I'll admit my ignorance, I haven't eaten a ton of African food in my life (though I want to).
That said, I feel like it's fair to state that some cultures are better at flavor than presentation. I'll shut up if you show a good looking African dish. Meat on skewers doesn't count.
Break it down for me:
If I'm doing one of these this week, what is the dish I HAVE to make?
>tries to make food from online sources and recipes
>doesn't know if he made it correctly because he's never been to the region.
is this what basement dwelling poorfags do on their "staycation"?
A lot of these are the same foods with similar names and slightly different variations.
Everyone has a form of kibbe and kofte
Or, people who like trying new things.
Don't be so cynical.
Georgian: Kind of like Turkish with the richness level of Russian. Awesome cheese breads, salads, dumplings and spiced stews. Great wine.
Uighur: Chinese food seasoned with lots of cumin and chili pepper. Lots of lamb and thick hand pulled noodles.
Serbian: Kings of grilled meat served with cabbage slaw. Awesome fruit brandies.
Yemeni: Lamb broth, good spiced vegetable stews, grilled meat.
> Turkish with the richness level of Russian