Medium is best
Medium is best
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I respect your choice in how you want your steak cooked. I prefer medium rare though.
Blue rare master race
Well done is done well. Its literally in the name. Enjoy your bloody steaks.
>Enjoy your bloody steaks.
Thanks, I will!
i dont really care as long as its warm in the middle
so, medium rare
Anyone ever order a blue rare steak?
I dont see that tasting super good, medium rare is a sweet spot.
i generally like somewhere between rare and med rare. but it really depends on the cut and quality
There's a small spot between medium and medium rare that is ideal, but I have inconsistent results in trying to get it. If I'm eating out I just ask for medium rare.
You're retarded.
Depends on the cut usually though for everyday cheap steak I did medium. Higher quality cuts I go with medium rare.
There is one correct way to eat a steak. As a raw piece of meat with a thin layer of crispy sear, served with mashed taters, asparagus and a bottle of shiraz
Enjoy your flavorless slab of leather
That's why you add ketchup.
Why has God abandoned us?
>It's literally in the name
Does your mother know you're on Veeky Forums, kid?
medium rare master race
Well done master race
Ketchup is peasant garbage paste.
who in the world add ketchup to steak? siracha is a different story though
You know how I like my steak?
Alive and happy. Go vegan.
I've eaten rare and medium rare all of my life, but recently, I've had a couple of nice steakhouses serve me medium when I order medium rare.....medium is actually growing on my a little bit to the point where I may order it on purpose soon
>ew tomato paste on steak?
>oh but spicy garlic tomato paste is way different
Well if we did that nobody would raise cows and they would go extinct.
>"tomato paste"
it's more sugar than tomato you donut
hello mr orange meme president
I have never had a steak well-done. Is it worth trying at least once?
no, just don't, try eating your shoes, it tastes the same and has the same chew
Top right is only correct choice
Always medium rare, except if the meat is of high quality, then rare/blue rare all the way
I prefer it but I can understand why others would not. I'm happy with anything under medium, and sometimes searing it as rare as possible becomes almost an exercise in ego stroking (look at how rare I like MINE!), but I do really enjoy a good, rare steak.
it's a bit under. see how the flesh is a bit stringy and ratty after being cut? just a bit more resting to raise it that 5 degrees to 2nd column right side is all it needs.
It's possible to make a good well done steak, but not by grilling. Got to slow cook it at a lower temperature. For grilled steak or anything at a restaurant that is done on a searing hot pan, well done is just going to mean overcooked.
And on the other hand, a good rare steak is possible, but you've got to let the meat come to room temperature before cooking it, and let it rest a bit after cooking it.
Most people who think rare steak is bad have never had a good rare steak, and most people who think well done steak is bad have never had a good well done steak.
hearty chuckle, thanks
For me the most important detail about a steak is the quality of the meat. If it's shit-tier meat making it into some sort of a chili is the only recourse (and by shit-tier I mean alright but cheap).
I love steak. Every couple months or so (less in summer when the grill is active) I'll go buy some nice NY Strips or some other good cut, dry aged a bit if possible but only from places that offer really fresh stuff. It's always a bit pricey but so so worth it. Salt & pepper rubbed into the steak while it gets up to room temperature before cooking.
My method is usually a high heat sear or char whether in the cast iron pan or on the grill and cook for 4 or 5 minutes on one side before flipping and adding another minute or 2 tops (this is assuming it's a nice, thick cut of course).
Then resting under a loosely wrapped piece of aluminum foil for close to the amount of cooking time before slicing. Delicious rare to med rare steak every time.
that makes it okay
fuck off
>medium rare
>145 degrees
USDA was a mistake
I like to order medium because if they overshoot it or undershoot it, I'll still eat it.
yo you dumb uncultured fucking shit stain of a fucking retard, take your dumb burnt ass fucking "medium" burnt retard stake and fuck off
Steak is overrated garbage. Can't believe you fucks pay so much per pound of meat for fucking steak.
you could say what you said but replace steak with any other food
congrats buddy
Medium rare is 135, not 145. Not sure what that chart is about, but the temp numbers are all fucked.
>you are what you eat
>prefer well done
>like my other equally superior peers, fictional and real
The deer is still cold, looks like some shitty cook can't roast a piece of meat without burning it.
135 is medium
not what the ol wikipedia tells me
I don't care what some Wikipedia article says.
126-134 is widely accepted to be the medium rare temperature;
But I mean, fuck me, right?
Enjoy your salmonella poisoning, yanks.
>bunch of links that disagree with each other and most say medium rare is 140+
Yeah, fuck you. Medium rare is 126-134. Deal with it. You don't need to autistically prove yourself right when you're wrong. And citing shit like the usda is retarded. Do you cook your chicken breasts to 165?
You shouldn't. 150 at 5 minutes is more than enough.
The point I was making is that your "widely accepted" claim isn't what I'm seeing. I usually see medium rare as being 130-140F. So I just compromised and made it 135. I haven't heard anyone tell me that med. rare starts at 126. What I do is pull at 130 and let it rest up to 135. I've provided sources and you have provided me nothing except your word.
>confirmation bias
You could have easily found sources that said 126-134 but you didn't want to because you want to be right. So you cited the USDA and "safe" recommendations.
Here's some for you so other people won't think I'm bullshitting:
You'll notice these have a common factor: Don't source the USDA or "safe" meme temperatures.
Oh look a faggot.
Dude, I care just as much about the USDA "safe temperatures as you do, which is to say, not much. I just grabbed the first handful of results from googling "beef doneness" and didn't see any numbers that mentioned medium rare @ 126-135.
By the way, most of those sources are saying that medium rare starts at 130 as well, which is what I was saying in the first place. I don't think we really disagree here, we both can agree that medium rare steak is the best, and this faggot is wrong, right?
>implying any steak is better than blue rare
If you don't like it like President Baby, you're wrong. With Ketchup, unironically.
yeah forgive my steak autism. that's a troll / drumpf pic anyway.
depends on the cut of steak and how lean it is
>eating blue rare
>not just biting the live cow in the field to experience the purest meat and hide bouquet.
>not just hiding in the forest until night falls and joining your fellows in the Hunt
Would eat.
already finished
last meal?
well, which shall i eat next>?
Went to outback. Got this cut in a medium. Tasted alright.
Donald J Trump eats his steak (dry aged New York strip) well done with ketchup.
why not all at once?
No tomatoes in sriracha.
>i ruined the beef
>let's ruin it some more by adding sugar loaded tomato paste
Medium rare is best. However, medium isn't a disgusting choice, so I have no problems with that. I don't truly care how other people eat their steak as long as they don't fuck with mine.
I had a blue rare steak by accident in Croatia, was at a German steakhouse probably one of the best steaks I've had
>cool center
This can't be real. What the fuck.
>tomato paste
Get a load of this fucking faggot.
restaurants should just say no to well done
its a fucking disgrace
"Yes, I'll like to order a sandwich but could you burn it?"
"What? No?! Well I'm allowed to order whatever I want! It's YOU that has no taste!"
>that shit quality cut
USDA has lowered it's temperatures a bit over the years, not just with beef, but also poultry. You both may be right, just not up to date, depending on the information you're using.
I personally enjoy medium-well and well-done. Just kind of a preference for me for most foods, I tend to cook most things a bit longer than others. It's never been about health concerns (I'm aware that burning some foods can actually be unhealthy as well), or because of the look or """blood"""
The image may have been old or altered then. Currently, USDA still calls for 145 minimum.