I'm trying to convince my wife not to get a stand mixer because they are expensive, she doesn't bake often enough...

I'm trying to convince my wife not to get a stand mixer because they are expensive, she doesn't bake often enough, having one won't make her bake more often (like she claims) and they are a waste of space.

I'm going to lose this battle though. Can you tell me what we can use this machine for that doesn't have to do with baking? Remember, because we don't bake this will collect dust otherwise.

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>Can you tell me what we can use this machine for
Cook for her boyfriend, faggot.

This is the housewife board, please leave.
And your wife probably will bake more, stand mixers are great

They have all sorts of attachments. I personally own the noodle making attachments and the ice cream bowl as well as the juicer attachment.

They're honestly great if you bake even somewhat regularly.

Get one you fucking retard. They're wonderful and, even if she doesn't bake, your kitchen will look better just having it. Stop being a pleb and graduate to the middle class.

Aside from baking, use it to mix things dumb ass.

I bought my stand mixer over 20 years ago and i'm still using it to this day, it's worth the cost.

Even when baking I use my food processor more often. But I usually make shortcrust/pie doughs for shit like Beef wellington and meat pies so I only have to cut in buttter. For mixing I use a hand /immersion blender with whisk attachment

>when baking I use my food processor
... why?

Because he's an idiot or barely baking anything

>cut in butter.

Welcome to reading! keep trying!

Baking is literally for fags and women.

Honestly though, this thing is great for baking. Even if you want to hand mix, this thing really anchors itself so you don't have to fuck with holding it.

You can cut in butter without using a food processor idiot.

>Baking is literally for fags and women.
So is using a food processor for anything.

>Baking is literally for fags and women.
And people who enjoy eating baked goods but don't want to pay exorbitant prices.

No, he's a manly man because he's on a cooking board but doesn't bake :^)

>Baking is literally for fags and women
This board is literally for fags and women, idiot.

>You can cut in butter without using a food processor idiot.
And you can do all of baking without a power mixer, what's your point?

That using a food processor for baking is like using a microwave for cooking bacon.

heh, no


>fb-tier let's cook video
loving every laugh

You real8ze the majority of this board is women, right?

>You can cut in butter without using a food processor idiot.

Not him, but since I don't make shortcrust pastry often I'd rather use a fool proof method with a food processor. No warmth of my hands fucking things up.

No it isn't

Yeah it's a preference I'm sure. But the way he said implied you have to use a food processor to do it. Pretty retarded.

Use it to make batters for deep frying.

Yes it is

No it isn't

Kitchenaids are fucking amazing for 100s of things, but mixing batter for deep frying are something you can do by hand.

I do that too. But when you are making a lot of batter this can save you time.

yes it is, nigger

>on cooking board
>baking is for fags

They make attschments for making pasta, making freshly ground meat, shredding vegetables, stuffing sausages, making ice-cream, etc. it's not just for baking.

This post backfired on you.

Yes it is

Woman here. Can confirm. Anything outside steak autism is probably women.

Women suck at cooking so it'd make sense

Why not just buy two if you are that insecure

No it isnt

More things we would never do. Great.

>comparing the autusts at cooks illustrated to buzzfeed

How new are you? Hell even the suburban housewives know about Cooks Illustrated since they spend their husbands money writing checks to support PBS.

what on earth are you talking about?

circle jack posting is the only hetero part of this board

cooks illustrated.

Stand mixers kick ass, you can do a ton of shit with them and they last forever.

>you can do a ton of shit with them


is this better for you?

great argument

>ice cream


>thinking the attachments are good
>majority are 1 star ratings.

really tickles the neurons.

>cherry picks example
>to prove some autistic point


>Linking to amazon paid shills.

>alternative facts

>anyone who doesn't agree with me is a paid shill

Just kys now

Cherrypicking amazon while the kitchenaid website says otherwise.

Yeah, kitchenaid website with 200 reviews is TOTALLY better than amazon with over 2,000 reviews.

Not to mention being $30 cheaper.

>doesn't know that reviews are bought and paid for now.

husband, stupid.

Reviews CAN be bought and paid for, that doens't me reviews ARE bought and paid for on EVERYTHING.

Remember when you were in school and they had this thing called
>critical thinking

You should give it a shot some time.

pro vs artisan for casual use? worth the price difference?

if you make more than one loaf of bread at a time artisan wont be enough for you

I bought an attachment todo sausage links and hot dogs so I can control my own lips and assholes

My boyfriend bought a 6 qt lift one a while ago, we use it for making all sorts of dough. Lately i've been using it to make cheesecakes and other non-cookie desserts. We also have the meat grinder and the spiralizer, which we use to make curly fries and peel apples.

Why doesn't the cunt just buy it with her own money? Your money, your rules. Otherwise you're a faggot cuck anyways. Why would you "argue" with any woman and lose? Might as well give her your balls if you buy her that mixer. If the fucking bitch is buying it with her own money then fuck her friend.

These things are like $50 tops, quit being a fag over something so trivial

Unless you're considering 10x that amount for what amounts to a motor with a speed dial. Then you'd just be a retard.

We have a joint bank account.

>Can't afford a stand mixer, classic wife owned instrument
>can't afford to provide for wife
Yeah, just enable yourselves to continue getting takeout 6 days a week

Shh user, the jews are always behind everything

Proud owner of a £30 stand mixer here
Things I use it for besides baking:
>Fucking nothing
But let's face it, there was no way I was going to start enjoying fresh bread every day without it

>having a joint account
So what? You didn't answer the question...
Who is making the money. If she wants it she can buy it with her own money. Same as if you wanted whatever faggot cucks like you want and you'd have to check in with the control tower to see if you can use your own money to buy things for yourself.

>trying to convince my wife
Lmao just draw up the divorce papers now you pussy, she's already trying to find a real man and make it look like your fault things went wrong

get this mixer instead webstaurantstore.com/hobart-legacy-hl600-1std-60-qt-commercial-planetary-floor-mixer-with-standard-accessories-200-240v-2-7-10-hp/425HL6001STD.html?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=GoogleShopping&gclid=Cj0KEQiAgJTGBRDLr5_az_Ouk44BEiQAIxaA4mfKuVLwlGwC_iI9uNi0Kaecu6DjXCkGBln5tC6ZcO4aAi3r8P8HAQ

I have an artisan and regularly do 2, 9x5 loaves of white bread, or two baguettes the length of a 16 inch baking tray.

I think the tiers above artisan aren't worth it, but they do come with a dough whip instead of dough hook, and that makes me jealous.

Pic related, was done in an artisan as a single batch with a hook. Sheet is standard 13x18 half sheet pan.

Op, you should get a stand mixer. Part of having a good life is keeping your lady happy. These are wonderful tools with many uses. I have the pasta rolling attachment as well and love it.

I wish these didn't cost the same as a small car... I'd have one if they were just a couple thousand cheaper. I don't know where I'd keep it in my house, but i'd find a way to make it work.

My parents used to use theirs for mashed potatoes

Which attachment works on mashed potatoes?

the whisk

Time spent baking could be spent at work instead and you'd be able to buy twice the amount of exorbitant bread.

some people also enjoy making their own food

Thank you. I will be trying this in the near future. Mashing potatoes is a pain in the ass.

>people should work on the weekends, and after hours, and any time they aren't sleeping - in fact they should even work while sleeping.

No thanks.

Good bread isn't made in a stand mixer

She'll be baking for Thaddeus down the street with that attitude

Stand mixers are great for baking desserts, but 99% of what you make out them is not health food.

There is no difference in the mixing action of doing it by hand, or doing it in a machine. Gluten is developed either way.

Great bread can be made either way. The machine just means you can do it faster with less effort and it is great at mixing a thousand other things besides dough... the same argument can be made for those thousands of other things - though i would argue that for meringues and whipped cream the machine is actually better.

>you can do it faster
Fast bread is shitty flavorless bread.


This isn't true if you use a pâte fermentée, biga, poolish, starter... or just let the bread rest for a long time after mixing in any way that you want to mix.

You just don't know anything about good bread. That's ok... you aren't alone. Really good bread is a dying art. The hipster scene wants to sell you on all kinds of bullshit artisan kich... read a book on baking and stop watching youtube videos of hipsters in cities making no knead loaves.

oh my god no please tell me this is wrong

lmao. god. faggots. faggots everywhere.

If you truly have no space in the kitchen on the countertops, then yea, I'd debate not getting a standmixer but rather a handheld mixer that slips into a drawer that can be taken out for whipping some mashed potatoes or a cake mix, or have some cart or on a shelf in the garage or somewhere out of my cubic 3x3x3 single only workspace between a sink and stovetop.

If you have a normal amount of space, they are attractive, and aside from bake sale cupcakes, some odd cake or two for 3 or more birthdays a year, I have to say I use my food processor wayyyyyyyyyyyy more and consider it the better purchase if only getting one item out on the countertops.
Things I make often in my quality (!) food processor:
bread dough, though I might mix in the last cup or two of flour by hand
pate brise/ pie crust dough
homemade sausage meat for gyros flavored loaf, sage sausage, mergeuz pork sausage, homemade chorizo
pulsing some meat to make my own coarse ground burgers
ginger-waterchestnut-green onion raw pork filling for dumplings like potstickers or won tons
chopped salads like shredding quarters of cabbage down the feed tube
shredded cheese, shredded carrots
I often pulse up mushrooms to fold into meatballs or meatloaf
combining cheese balls like gorganzola-date-walnut
making cracker doughs like southern cheese crackers
I chop onions, cilantro together, and then hand dice my salsa
I puree soaked dried ancho chilies for makin mexican things from refried beans to stews and enchilada sauces, like mole.
Chimmichurri for steaks coming off the grill

>I'll use big french words that are in Tartine Bread to sound smart.

I know all things about fermentation and it's best done slowly. Go read a book about beer

>There is no difference in the mixing action of doing it by hand, or doing it in a machine.

WRONG as fuck.

t. baked professionally for 5 years.

>I know all things about fermentation and it's best done slowly.
>hurr durr, go make a beer in your kitchen aid

You have completely missed the point.

Please try to understand the following:

You are a fucking clown and your opinion is clearly uneducated.

>WRONG as fuck.

WRONG as fuck.

t. baked professionally for 15 years.

>whipping some mashed potatoes

Those would be whipped potatoes, not mashed potatoes. Use a hand masher for mashed potatoes.

>doesn't know the best books on fermentation are beer books.

Where do you think bakeries got their yeast, faggot? You can increase fermentation speed by increasing the cell count (with a poolish) but it won't increase flavor.

wrong fucking anyways. there's a drastic difference between machine kneading and hand kneading. and i don't give a fuck who you are, that's a fact.

It has a ton of accessories. I got 3.
Meat grinder came with mine.
I bought a rotoslicer for about $40
I also bought a spiralizer for about ~$120

>Where do you think bakeries got their yeast, faggot?

I never said anything about yeast strains... no one did. you are arguing with yourself and showing your mental retardation.

>You can increase fermentation speed by increasing the cell count (with a poolish) but it won't increase flavor.

Well.. that would depend on what the poolish is made of and what it tastes like, and how much you add to the new raw flour and water ingredients wouldn't it?

You see.. for some classical loaves (which i know that you have never baked, or probably even eaten) you would use up to 60% biga. With a sour dough starter.. where exactly do you think the sour dough taste comes from?

Look, I can't help that your brain doesn't work, but I can ask you nicely to stop polluting this thread with insane proclamations about fast bread being bad. fast isn't even a measurable amount of time so you are just spouting cliched tautologies which you know nothing of professionally. fuck off.

>that's a fact

its actually an opinion - and even if it were a fact, it wouldn't be true for all mixers and all hand mixing techniques.

but hey, if you keep repeating something over and over without providing any evidence, maybe someone stupid enough out here will believe you.

>yeast and thus fermentation doesn't attribute flavor.

Yep, found the retard that likes the sound of his own voice.

no, it's not an opinion, it's a fucking fact. you don't knead the bread the same way a mixer does. you can't. it's a fucking fact. and a mixer can't knead it the same way a person does with their hands. it can't. it's a fucking fact.and if you think otherwise, it's probably because you're a fucking second shift schlep who fucking has made 12 dollars an hour for a decade panning up frozen dough because you're fucking retarded and can't operate anything more complicated than a rack oven.