Which one should I have tonight?
What are you having tonight?
Which one should I have tonight?
What are you having tonight?
The Centauri is pretty good, but I think it has two different formulations - one is 9% alcohol; the other is 6-point-something. I prefer the stronger one.
Space dust tastes stale and weak, didn't like their immortal or whatever either with the fist and lightning on the bottle. Doubt I'll buy the brand again
Miller lite tonight, but I tried pic related the other day and man it was weird. Super funky, but the hops made the aftertaste really bitter. When it warmed up it got better, but it was just very unique tasting. Not good or bad. Just different. Excited to see where this project goes for surly desu.
Oh and I've only had one other Brett beer so I didn't really know how to approach the stuff.
I was unaware that they made two different versions - I've only every had the 9%, and just had it on tap last week and remembered how much I liked it.
Instead of looking it up I went and took a pic inside the door of my fridge (if you can't guess, I'm drinking the Elysian).
>stale and weak
*drinking it right now*
*pondering your assessment*
I think it's quite good. Not at all stale, and by no means weak. It's certainly not everyone's cup of tea, but "stale and weak" is definitely not how I would describe it.
Perhaps you tried a bottle that was a year or two old? (Still can't figure out how it would get "weak"; the 8.2 abv wouldn't go down and if anything the hops would become undrinkable.)
>unironically drinking IPAs
>unironically not drinking stouts
>unironically drinking any of the garbage i listed above and not just unironically drinking whiskey like real men do
Where the fuck did your parents go wrong?
Haven't had too many Elysian beers yet, but I liked this one. Not even a pumpkin fan either.
>unironically consuming fermented cereal grains
>unironically deluding yourself into an activity that only exists due to constant shilling by neckbeards from BeerAdvocate
>unironically exerting energy for the sole purpose of berating a drink and it's consumers
>unironically having this sad of a life
>unironically going into damage control mode when someone unironically BTFOs a meme liberal activity rooted in unironically taking turns at masking a foul tasting substance
>unironically turning every subject into a political debate
ya know I'd be willing to try it again, a lot of the beer we get in MS is old. I've started checking the dates more. Surprised it's 8.2%, really didn't seem that strong.
What are some others you like?
>ironically shitposting
kill your self (unironically)
>What are some others you like?
That's too broad of a question, and the answer is usually going to be one of a number of things I've had recently.
Just try all different styles, and try things that have generally good reviews (trust your own taste and remember there's no such thing as a "meme beer" - you'll know if a dumb fad is a dumb fad). And if you're going to pick up an IPA, or any other hop forward style, don't bother if you're not going to drink it within 90 days at the very, very, latest of the bottling date.
>unironically having the taste palate of an infant
Stick to tendies and choccy milk, buddy.
Love the artwork on this, and I definitely warmed up to it more half way through. Good stuff.
I like pale ales, but IPAs are shit. Why do people like IPAs?
>Why do people like IPAs?
Why do you feel the need to post this in every single thread?
is your name Phil
can I fuck your tight boyhole
I never thought beer could actually taste like piss
until now
Because they don't have the need to adopt contrarian opinions to impress anonymous people on an imageboard.
>unironically calling someone a child when they call you out on the fact that the craft beer community is unironically filled with beta numale liberal neckbeard lumbersexuals that unironically fabricated an entire false-culture around tasting and drinking these awful tasting concoctions
My local beer shop has space dust, is it worth the price?
Solid NW IPA. 4/5. Goonies.
Uhh all your insecurities are showing.
Just a heads up.
>unironically reiterating the same notion over and over again despite everyone refusing to acknowledge it, all in a vain attempt to win a greentext argument
Beer tastes fucking amazing faggot
>unironically taking the bait
>unironically resigning to a state of complacency where baiting is more common on this thread than actual discussion
Where else do you suggest I unironically talk about food and cooking?
Space Dust is a god send. Maybe best IPA out there.
Sonorran Brewery has a bomb diggity white chocolate ale.
More minnesota beer. This brewery finally put out reasonably priced cans and it's awesome. I had their tripel a while ago and loved it. This is an awesome, decently priced stout. Going to try their wit next. A ton of potential in this brewery.
Neat. I'll have to check that out.
$5 for a six-pack at 8.4abv
>unironically expecting intellectual and relevant discussion on a Cantonese scarf weaving forum populated by craft beer drinkers
>unironically implying ironic implications
Good price at least, all the craft beer here seems like it's gone up to $7-8 a 6 pack in the last couple years. Fucking ripoff.
only $5?? what state?
IPAs taste like soap to me. No idea why.
I had a smoked porter the other day that was the strongest I'd ever tasted. It was like drinking a cigar. Wish I could remember the name of it.
Fifth night in a row getting blackout off this trash. $8 a 12 pack. My lower back hurts when I wake up.
It's a decent IPA but it's a few bucks more expensive than other decent stuff so I don't recommend it. It does have a pretty high abv so the alcohol per dollar is actually a bit better than the other stuff, but that hardly matters to me since I tend to drink at the same pace regardless of abv.
Ultimately, I'd say it's worth trying if you like IPAs but not something to buy often.
I had some smoked beer a while ago and it tasted like smoked sausage. It was the strangest thing I think I've ever drank.
I fucken love rauchbier tbqh
here is a picture of beer
pardon shitty lighting
Has anyone tried that Scotch ale from the whiskey Thief company the one with smoke flavor and Heather flavor I don't know what's going wrong but it tastes awful to me I'd rather drink Steel Reserve with a drop of vanilla extract then this seemingly poorly made ale.
Is my pallete retarded or does this taste bad?
Would you mind defending your keurig? Please, it's my fetish s
I bought my wife a Keurig and it was a novelty for a while until we both realized that it's cheaper and tastier to just make full pots that we can grind ourselves.
i'm a straight rum kind of guy
Rochefort 10 Is tops. Definitely not for regular consumption like other beers imo tho. I go for one every six months or so.
Scotch ales are hard to do well IMO. Most of the time they're unbalanced (usually too sweet) and adjuncts in a strong beer can be hard to get right.
You're 100% gay. Or a child. Was your single parent poor? Poverty is a well-known reason that people get childish undeveloped palates.
not really worth of the hype. Interesting, but not worth it.
>drinking one beer
*one bomber
There are always plenty of other everyday drinking beers in the fridge - one simply doesn't drink a 22oz Space Dust back to back with a 22oz Alpha Centauri. Those two can be saved for two separate nights.
You realize one of those is equivalent to about 4-5 normal macro lagers, right?
>unironically enjoying the taste of grass
I use my kuerig to dispense hot water for making tea quickly. I drink a lot of coffee and I'd rather have more available rather than the 10 oz max cups. I also chill coffee i don't end up drinking from the pot, rather than tossing it.
There's no equivalency between the beers in the OP pic and any "normal macro lagers".
Its more like blended pine tree but I mean you're really just a case of stop liking what I don't like. Go keep Mikes hard lemonade and Smirnoff ice sales up.
i dont use it, my father does
You might look into an electric kettle. They heat water very quickly. Bought her a cheap plastic one for thirty bucks years ago and it still works great. The one I got her holds a liter at a time.
I couldn't cringe harder at you
Or better yet....
Keep sipping your coors lite.
There is for abv.
22oz at 9% is 3 12oz beers at 5.5%, in terms of alcohol.
>not exclusively drinking brewery only release sours
That looks pretty tasty. Sours are great.
this one is fucking good.
If I had millions of dollars then I might
I've like the Elysian beers I've had. Apparently they were acquired by AB recently and that's why the distro is so wide.
I like this one. Too bad it's ~$16 for the 4-pack.
Oh, and sporadic, limited releases.
Some of the brewers were displeased by this and I know cloudburst brewing was started by one of the main brewers at elysian that left.
>unironically enjoying the 'craft beer' type which are brewed with as much vanilla bean/chocolate/cocoa/coffee as humanly possible in an effort to mask the terrible taste of ethanol which
>unironically drinking a milkshake
Dieu du Ciel is so good at stouts that I think they are immune to that criticism.
Incidentally, Grande Noirceur is phenomenal.
>I hate fun
Yolo faggot. Happy KBS day co/ck/s
Also: first space dust, man thats good stuff.
who else /delirium tremens/ here?
Trader Joe's, huh?
Their simpler times beer is bretty okay
Ayyy. Tonight be a space dust night as well.
(Get to the tax returns already, Rachel.)
Everybody raves about this beer but it's not even good.
California beer is a meme.
I'd suck a dick for that
Been partial to the hitachino white ale. Can't find trappist at my total wine, wondering if I'm blind or something
Had one of their Belgian IPAs and it was fantastic but old, need to go on a trip and get more Dieu du Ciel.
How long did you cellar that for, bro? :;
0, I bought it 4 days ago
that space dust is fucking delicious, despite its dumb name and label
Regardless, Pliny is pushing a couple months now on it's freshness. I live in the region and haven't seen it on tap in a few weeks now, and used to get it on tap almost every night during the Winter. Where do you live, out of curiosity?
My bottle said it was bottled march 7th. I dont live in the area where its sold, I bought it in San Jose when I was visiting a friend.