Can we get an alcoholic thread? What do you drink and why
I drink whiskey. Various brands, but always on the rock. A great whiskey should never, ever be mixed
Wouldnt that ice ball roll into your nose everytime you take a drink?
I drink whatever is on sale for beer. Liquor i usually drink Evan Williams.
Im broke as fuck and hate life.
If you sip like you are supposed to it doesn't move. CHECK AND MATE. END OF DISCUSSION
Same here. mostly pbr, rolling rock, or Busch. Got scheduled for a night shift tonight which never happens..just chugged a few before leaving. hope I don't get shakes at work.
Gin and vodka. Always gin and vodka. Always neat, never mixed. It has gotten to the point where I drink a 750m bottle (26 oz for you Americans) daily.
>Sexually abused as child
>Step dad killed my pet Fischer love bird by snapping its neck because I accidentally dropped his crystal glass and it broke (pic semi related bird looked very similar)
>4 inch penis
>Balding badly
>Girlfriend of 5 years cheated on me (and the kicker is the guy she cheated on me with and is dating now is literally named Chad).I got fat and went into crippling depression after she cheated on me and dumped me.
I am basically society's punching bag. I also hate most women. My mom was a fucking cunt and I hope my ex girlfriend gets acid thrown in her face. I am too much of a pussy to kill myself so I just drink, smoke, do drugs daily and eat like shit.
One of these over the course of the day, every day. Because I can.
Normally whiskey, wine, gin and beer. Honestly, depressed for various reasons, pessimistic. 0 optimism for the future.Very confused over what to do in life. Staying in school for now because parents are paying for it so I am just going to force myself to get a medical degree, law degree or PhD in something that will give me a job. I would rather have not been born honestly.
sorry man, I can relate to the sexual abuse at least.
Hey man there are worse things than being a glutton. as long as you are only hurting yourself and are self reliant you don't need to feel too bad about being a piece of shit. Enjoy the little things in life my friend.
Try Sobieski, Russian standard, or Finlandia. Smirnoff is kinda shit honestly.
Are you that self loathing attention whore from the McDonald's threads? "I've said it before..." guy (or woman)?
svedka is decent for how cheap it is
I drink the same brands lol. Usually if i start drinking early ill mix my first beer with spicy V8
I've said it before..I'll say it again..Reason I am fat is dominoes pizza. I will go through a large double pepperoni, bacon, double cheese pizza with ranch and a side of cheesy bread like a snack. I'll admit it I'm obese, 339lbs. It's largely the fault of society. I admit that it is partially my fault because I can't stop eating but I would say it is 80% the fault of society. Society made me this way. I was abused heavily as a child and sexually too. My parents were horrible and my brother sadistic. I had difficulty opening up to people all the time and still do. By the time I was 18 I was only 5'6, and 127lbs, balding, and with a dick slightly longer than 4 inches and not much better girth. But I mean I was not fat at the time, people said I had a nice face/funny personality and my hair was only beginning to recede. I managed to meet a girl. We were together for 3 years and it took me 2.5 years to open up to her fully. Then I caught her cheating and she ripped me apart. She used my past against me and made me feel horrible and she would demean me behind my back sexually to her friends. And then whenever I tried to meet other women they wouldn't even give me second thought because all they could see was a disgusting short, bald emotionally broken wreck. So no, I don't fucking care if I am obese you fucking faggots. SOCIETY MADE ME LIKE THIS. And all the fucking ADVERTISING of muscular attractive tall men in movies and commercials reinforces what is fucking almost unattainable for most because they don't have perfect genetics. So now I eat tons of food because it is the only thing that makes me feel ok and I like to drink a lot of gin/vodka and when I can get it I take oxycotin, and vicodin. I hate this world i ate this world i fucking HATE THIS WORLD and I fucking HATE women and I DON'T FUCKING CARE IF YOU JUDGE ME FUCK ALL OF YOU
I'm probably a semi-alcoholic and love drinking. I like to mix it up a bit. Alcohol is stupid expensive where I live but I still get some good stuff from time to time. I usually get a few craft beers, drink them at the beginning of the evening and take tasting notes. Then I continue on with cheaper stuff. Cheap beer, cheap wine, red or white. Cheap whiskey. Sometimes vodka straight or mixed. (I very seldom buy expensive whiskey because I end up drinking it all almost in one sitting anyway. But imma get me something good to celebrate the new Twin Peaks when it comes out).
I'm mixing a cheap red wine with a sweet tea atm, it's great.
I would get sobi if my store carried it, but they sell me the Smirnoff handles for $75 per case.
I literally just soaked paper towels with vodka and put it in my ass for the first time as an experiment.
What would your mother think if she knew?
Does it work?
usually rum, sometimes bourbon or rye. mostly because I like some flavor in my booze, but I'm not a huge fan of juniper, peat, or rotting vegetables
My mother is crazy and has repeatedly attempted to put me in jail under made-up shit and she herself is in jail now because of it.
I don't care.
I'm a heavy drinker to the point where I can drink a full liter of vodka a night or 20ish beers.
I've only been doing this for about 70min but, yes it does but not as well as the internet says. It bypasses your liver so it's much, much stronger which is why I'm basically taking small anal sips. I've lost a bit of my buzz from drinking orally but I just recently said fuck it and soaked a medium sized rag and put it up there. It's working a bit.
Holy shit is this whole thread copypasta?
So you've been posting this for a while now. Do you update your weight? It says 339 but I have to imagine it's only gone up.
With any luck you'll die soon. Hope it's painful and drawn out!
I've seen this pasta before.
I mean I'm sorry if things are like that for you, but I know this passage is a result of copy and paste even if it's your true story.
It's 355lbs now. I hope you get married, have 2 beautiful children and a loving wife. Then one day your children are run over by a truck and the following week you come home to find your wife willingly fucking her boss and your life is in worse shambles than mine. You are human garbage. I hate you fuck off.
Update, my legs are comfy and numbed. I think the reason it isn't working "that much" is because I'm really uncomfortable inserting things into my ass, I've never done it before tonight and I think I'm doing baby doses.
Further update.
The drunkenness is very comfy, the feeling is a little different. However, it hurts a lot and when I wipe my ass there's some blood. So I'm done.
Experiment over.
>high is preferable
>burns like hell
>annoying to go to the bathroom every 20min
It's not worth it. I'd rather be sober, it really does hurt like hell.
In fact I would say the high is completely different. More of a body comfyness, not a head drunk.
Ugh, I tried plugging some shit a few nights ago. Not alcohol, but a different drug. It worked fantastically and was much more comfortable than snorting, but for a day or two after I felt slightly nauseous.
we tumblr now
Vodka and coke, usually a double.
I drink because I'm too uptight to interact with people properly without being like 50% alcohol.
I can't stop drinking soda, I usually drink a liter a day.
You're mixing it with water as that ice melts.
As the fictional Peter Griffin said (paraphrased)...
The difference between being a young kid and an adult is the difference between wanting alcohol and needing alcohol.
I'm the latter. I am in my mid-30s and I have discovered that as I age, and as my physical state steadily declines, things I used to find fun or thrilling are no longer as appealing as they once were. Even sex is less enticing. Alcohol is one of the few remaining things where I still find similar levels of pleasure as I had when I was in my early 20s, and if that means I'm going to end up with a liver the size of a Hummer, so be it.
Oh, and Yuengling is my beer of choice these days, though IPAs, which I used to avoid, have grown on me recently, as they have a higher alcohol content and can get a good buzz going faster..
Our liquor comes in 750ml bottles too
we love you, user
thanks I love you
Go to Veeky Forums bro, fuck your life.
Couldn't find the right img, but there was a sucidial story, basically saying
>"your suicidal? Great now the world is your oyster. Do things people who care about their lives wouldn't do and live your life.
Requesting img if anyones got it
99bananas, that schnapps stuff. The size bigger than the airplane bottle, they call them "doubles". The wy is because It's been on sale for a couple months now and it's not offensive. Get wasted in under $5
Lager, cider, wine.
I enjoy being pissed, I've been pissed for 20 years.
> so I just drink, smoke, do drugs daily and eat like shit.
Sounds like a good life to me.
>4 inch dick
If she wants anything bigger just use your fist.
Have you got that fucker back?
not sure if bait, but why let other people ruin your life?
Once you die and meet your maker, nothing else in this world matters
the only person that matters is YOU and YOUR journey.
So don't do shit that will fuck u up bad be it short or long term, live long and take what you want out of life
>What do you drink and why
Nothing because I'm smart.
I drink everything. I'm Irish.
How to end up as an alcoholic? I was drinking on every weekend for many months. Eventually I got so sick of the alcohol taste that there was nothing left that I could drink without the chance of vomiting.
>I hate this world i ate this world
W-was this on purpose? Are you going to eat the world?
>But imma get me something good to celebrate the new Twin Peaks when it comes out).
Alright I'm not a big drinker but I'll monitor these threads and drink when this happens; I hope Lunch delivers
You're breaking ground for those of us too afraid
Everyone else can drink alcohol without getting addicted except you.
Makes ya think,huh?
You sound like an Ausbro.
Vodka mostly. Beer if I have to
Because crippling ptsd
Me 2
You have to become the liquor.
>What do you drink
Usually wine with dinner, then a few beers an brandies to send me to sleep.
>and why
I started drinking on a daily basis after my first marriage ended. I was lonely and heartbroken, so I drank.Then my life got better. But I kept drinking because it was fun. Then I hit the point where I couldn't sleep unless I had a lot of alcohol in me. That's where I am now. My life is pretty good, I'm happily remarried, but come the evening if I want to get a decent night's sleep I have to get drunk. Otherwise I'll just lay in bed tossing and turning all night, keeping my wife awake.
Good on yaX
>What do you drink.
Beer and Whiskey.
I'm stranded on a farm and the booze staves off the cabin fever.
Rather smoke a fat one tho... Vodka in my ass will tickle my hemaroids x
Wisky vodka, and sometimes beer primarily to calm the fuck down about getting rejected from every college/scholarship i have applied for
Am i an alcoholic if i drink myself drunk once or twice every fortnight. And have a dram a whiskey everyday
Bourbon and beer.
Both go down easily and are a familiar taste from my earlier years.
You're an alcoholic if you can't not do that. If it's really a question, just stop and see what happens
>It's largely the fault of society.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha. fatfuck
Well the amounts I drink are small compared to even regular young drinkers. But still it feels good to have a whisky each day. Its like coffee for me now.
Yeah, what I said has nothing to do with amount per day. You do it every day and are wondering if you're addicted to it. If you're not, then you can stop. If you can't stop, you probably are
Guess I am for now. Maybe Ill get bored of whisky soon. Literally drink it for the taste. I drink vodka or beer to get drunk though. Or wine. Everything tastes so boring after you get used to whisky...
nothing anymore, 40 days sober and i feel fucking great. fuck you fucking retarded fucks.
I'm sipping on a 250ml sailor Jerry rum bottle I got as a gift. First night I sipped on half of it straight (didn't have anything to mix it with). I'm gonna ration the rest on some rum n cokes. I'll be going back to the liquor store soon.
Any recommendations for a good gin? I don't know too much about which brand would be good
I drink Busch Light, because I like to always have something in my hand, and the hangovers are much less.
It's odd, I started with it in high school, but am a consummate enthusiast of craft beer. Used to buy shitload of good stuff to try it all, but then saw it costs too much money. Settled on a 30 rack macro in The Champagne of Beers. To cut calories and abv, then went to a light beer, which I contend the best of would be Busch.
The cyclical nature preference.
If you consume alcohol through your as s do you still get the calories?
>drinking the bottled jew
>always on the rock
You're like a tramp explaining why the dumpsters outside Wasabi are better than the ones outside McDonalds.
Quick post the best whisky you've ever had.
Same senpai. I buy four locos because their cheap and fuck you up lol
Long term drunk here. been cutting down a bit. Have drug and alcohol test in 8 days. Will I pass? Can't get straight answers on google. If I drink tomorrow...then take a break. Will I be good?
what do you have to take an alcohol test for?
I drink anything and because I enjoy it.
Drink wine, martini, pernod
Let my artistic ideas come to reality
Almost fails
Typically drink cheap vodka and lemonade because I have a severe case of OCD and its making my life hell.
Guys my face goes numb sporatically and my blood pressure shoots up a day after I'm done binging. What's wrong with me? I'm scared I'm dying. I've only been doing this alcoholism thing for a couple of years, not most of my life
Dude, see a doctor, you can get medics for that (i do).
Blood pressure is also inherited .
I have my annual physical at the beginning of April. My parents and at least my mom's immediate family have no blood pressure issues. I had it checked back in January and it was fine then too. I was very confused to find out otherwise when I checked it for kicks last Saturday
I usually drink 2 40zs of steel reserve a night. Have been for years
Look up alcohol withdrawal kindling, shit happened to me and is some fucking bullshit.
best reply so far.
Well fuck I hope that's not what it is. Even if it isn't the other options don't sound great either. Fuck I have no idea how to avoid this happening besides complete abstinence, and that's gonna put a damper in hanging out with friends
Job that involves driving and high voltage. Haven't had a good job in years. I don't do drugs but most of the people i've lived with smoke weed a lot. Been staying at a friends who only smokes it outside now. So i haven't been exposed for 2 weeks to weed smoke. I drink all the time, but I can handle going a week or so without any...will that be long enough?
i go insane on that stuff.
there's also 99 peaches and 99 apples.
i usually drink Taaka tho