I'll start
>cheese doesn't belong on most foods. Stop putting cheese on everything. Most sandwiches are just fine without cheese.
>cherries are terrible and dont belong in anything
I'll start
>cheese doesn't belong on most foods. Stop putting cheese on everything. Most sandwiches are just fine without cheese.
>cherries are terrible and dont belong in anything
Other urls found in this thread:
>op is not a faggot
Milk should only be used as an ingredient and never drank on its own.
Hot sauce is overused
>cheese doesn't belong on most foods. Stop putting cheese on everything. Most sandwiches are just fine without cheese.
instead of typing out all that drivel you can just save everyone's time and say that you're a shitskin.
Not that it matters, but I'm very white.
He's right though. Sorry if you got offended, Midwesterners.
>but im very jewish
fixed that for you. OP is butthurt that everyone gets to eat cheese and meat together but he can't.
stop using this stupid wrong chart
sorry to hear that cletus. what part of seattle are you from?
no, it's wrong because LA is flyover as fuck.
circle san francisco
Serving a salad before the main course is pointless and adds nothing to the meal
>san francisco
>not flyover
sorry cletus, you lose again.
he's right though
a flyover is the one posting those because he thinks it will "discredit" the term flyover, he always posts it after getting pre-emptively booty blasted whenever the topic seems to vaguely imply that he's less cultured than normal coastal civilized people
sincerely, guy from the city, county, and state of new york
There is nothing wrong with not liking certain foods.
LA is a complete shithole. Full of gang wars, illegals, bad weather, desert. The Michelin guide doesn't even bother going there. Flyovers just think it's great because Hollywood.
>bad weather
Meme science, my dude im white and borderline lactose intolerant while i know dark as night black people that drink milk and put cheese on everything. keep race out of this Putting cheese on everything is for uncreative flyover redneck retards with no understanding of nutrition or what constitutes good food.
Yes, triple digit heat isn't good weather cletus.
These are all fine by me.
Enjoy Living in a cloudy foggy humid shit hole. Full of queers lmao
Most "American" cuisine is genuinely bad. It's bland and only appealing because it's calorically dense. Inb5 >obsessed, I'm American.
I agree.
american """whites""" detected
Yes, that's good. Shade is good, cletus.
Only daly city and san bruno gets foggy. SF doesn't and neither does anywhere else.
LA is way more humid.
>full of queers
what a flyover response
Lol meme science. Even in national geographic in has the little african kids drinking milk those meme charts are all but debunked
>smog vs fog
what's your african ancestry at, my fellow white man. 25%, or is it higher?
If you're white and lactose intolerant you're not white.
being gay is degenerate as fuck user, and I've fucked a dude. I'd never want to live in a place full of gay people. they attract drugs and disease and a lot of them hit on underaged boys.
Here's my rule for sandwiches
>You can have cheese
>You can have a sauce
>You can have both
>You can't have neither
of course there must be other components, but if a sandwich doesn't have a cheese or a sauce it's at the very least a boring sandwich
if you can't eat cheese you aren't white. like 90% of whites can eat dairy and as little as 0% of blacks in parts of africa can eat dairy.
go eat some fucking cheese or move to asia like a little bitch.
>being gay is degenerate as fuck user, and I've fucked a dude
wew lad. self-hating faggot
>little african kids drinking milk
literally all kids can drink milk you fucking retard, that's the entire fucking point of milk. you make comments about meme science when you LITERALLY don't even understand the fucking biological purpose of fucking milk. go eat some asian-cali fusion with srirachi truffle reduction you fucking faggot.
/pol/ needs to go back
Very provincial. The only "sauce" you need on a good ham and tomato sandwich is olive oil.
all gays are self hating. why do you think their suicide rates are so high?
who better to know fucking dudes is bad than a person who has fucked a dude, user. the joy of life experience
reddit needs to go back
ham and tomato is a shitty sandwich, and putting olive oil on it is pretentious. people need to shut up with this olive oil meme bullshit, people are going to look back in 10 years and make fun of olive oil in literally everything.
>Full of gang wars
>bad weather
Visit a place before you talk shit.
I've been there. Three digit heat is not good weather cletus. Neither is smog.
>flyovers having this much shitty taste.
The Midwest was a mistake.
>olive oil is pretentious
What, EBT doesn't cover it?
I'm glad I don't live wherever you do.
>obese people should be shot
>processed foods and fast food are Hitler
>Eating meat is savagery
thanks for proving that olive oil is pretentious
>le fancy green oil I put on everything even though it's fucking terrible for cooking and tastes like a dogs ass
>olive oil is pretentious
I can't imagine your reality, but I remain very happy I don't have to live in it.
>terrible for cooking and tastes like a dogs ass
>formulating opinions on two objectively wrong statements
olive oil is objectively one of the worst cooking oils
because of its low smoke point? 350F? you don't use evoo for cooking though. it's not a cooking oil.
virgin and light are cooking oils and have high smoke points.
He assumes that all olive oils are the same.
>ketchup was a mistake
>truffle oil is a meme and ruins everything
>popcorn is completely overrated, don't even get me started on the bagged kind, and sweet/kettle corn is much better
>cheese is probably the greatest food ever created
typical flyover
>ctrl+f flyover
>10 matches
>ctrl+f cletus
>5 matches
They're obsessed.
Here's my unpopular opinion.
Flyover is a term used by foodie autists who'd suck the cock of any ethnic cook and should stop being used on Veeky Forums before the board gets any worse.
>Raw onions are good
>Chocolate milk is shit
>Jalapenos don't taste very good and stop putting them on everything
After moving to Chicago because I thought it was a city that could compete with LA or NYC after living in Tokyo, I've come to appreciate how correct the term flyover is when it comes to culture, food, fashion, etc
And yet you don't appreciate how pretentious a cunt you are :'(
Rare steak is pretty gross, there's nothing wrong with tomato sauce (ketchup), beef rib > pork rib, how much i enjoy eating the food is infinitely more important than artsy presentation
Nah. Food quality greatly decreases the morr flyover you get.
T. Former bay area resident
I miss good food
Pretentious isn't a word you can use when the general population legitimately likes something bad simply because they are surrounded by shit like Wisconsin and Iowa and don't know any better.
Specifically talking about food, Chicago is fucking annoying in that it is big enough to actually get food trends but not big enough to get healthy competition. Somebody brings mediocre KFC or ramen in to the city and a few places open up shop in totally separate neighborhoods if the one place proves to be viable and its all mediocre tops. Theres a number of restaurants that should have never made it past their first year even when talking about the regular shit.
The places that are actually good like Au Cheval are talked up crazily, have insane waits, for food that is simply good and what should be expected from a large city. It was a pretty big disappointment the first time going, but on subsequent visits ignoring the Chicago hype it was just a good burger
pic related
There is absolutely no fucking reason this place that serves disgusting barely cooked hardly seasoned rice bottom tier sushi with "ramen" that taste like chef boyardee chicken noodle soup with miso should have multiple locations all over downtown.
>it's either okay to eat all non-human animals or not okay to eat all non-human animals. no pigs are okay but dogs are not nonsense.
If you like strong tasting condiments, like ketchup, it's smarter to buy cheap meat to get your delivery method, than wasting money on something more expensive that would taste better if it wasn't covered.
try bologna with ketchup instead of steak with ketchup, you'll have more money for more bologna to deliver that sweet weird sauce to your mouth, you can eat plenty more ketchup that way.
it's literally the same for every city, you stupid fuck. or are you legitimately trying to say that jew york or LA don't have bad restaurants?
Ketchup is good on fried sausages w/ bread, burgers, and potato cakes
Come to think of it I can't think of much else but when it's good it's really good.
>jew york
So fly over it hurts
Bad New York restaurants go out of business quickly just as they should
I'm Canadian so I don't have any emotional investment in your quaint city feuds... but what is exactly wrong with not living in a large city?
How many times do you attend the theatre or visit museums? Aside for more diverse and better quality foods, I don't see the upside to living in a city. I would much rather live in a rural place where I have space, land to grow food, can generally do as I please and have privacy, etc.
I guess if what you like most in life is consumerism and conformity, city life is for you.
And don't tell me it's the diversity, you don't have to virtue signal with us, dear friend.
so you're retarded then.
>Most "ethnic" food is shit and only eaten by hicklibs who think it makes them "cultured"
You know you can own a house and live in the city, it's not common but possible,
city life is absolutely fantastic if you're a perpetual child. you get to buy slightly differently flavored cheap slop everyday prepared in subpar conditions to give you the impression of variety of food, and to save you from the ickiness of cooking yourself. you get to take public transport everywhere because who wants the burden of owning and maintaining a car? you'll probably have a cat to keep you company because everyone, including yourself, is insufferable in cities. you even get the pure bliss of being absolved of having to think, because cities are synonymous with group think. you either double down on the leftist propaganda or are ostracized and possibly even fired from your job.
yeah, if you want a tenth acre lot where your neighbors' houses are 3 feet away from yours on each side. might as well buy a condo at that point.
t. jaded southerner
Why does /pol/ keep pushing this meme. I'm black and live in the hood and everyone drinks milk. Cheese usually doesn't even have lactose.
Maybe pajeets or chinks can't drink milk but black people not drinking milk is horseshit.
Who said anything about lactose intolerance? OP here, I drink at least a glass of milk per day.
I just get sick of cheese being put on everything. It's part of this disgusting lust for salt and grease on everything.
Guess we need to be proud that we can digest fat better than other people?
>Most sandwiches are just fine without cheese
That opinion is unpopular because it is objectively wrong.
>>Aside for more diverse and better quality foods
It's not just food that's diverse and better quality. There is more and better options for pretty much everything. Schools, libraries, hospitals, music, etc.
Pick one:
You really don't need more than one on a sandwich.
>I'm black and live in the hood
schools are the reason why people move out of cities, because they are notorious for being shit.
literally every single town has a library, and if they don't have something you can request it. in this day and age >muh libraries is a shit argument to begin with.
you mean the same places overflowing with hoodrats and fat welfare leeches that feign heart attacks to be rushed to the front of the line? i've been to city hospitals, and fuck that.
you're a prime example of a delusional city dwelling shitstain. the only actual benefit that cities have is a larger choice in choosing/finding a mate. that's it.
Yes, that's why people in cities are overall healthier, in better shape, better educated, and happier on average. You sound like a bitter country bumpkin.
>the only actual benefit that cities have is a larger choice in choosing/finding a mate. that's it.
Dude, I make in the city 3x what I would make out in the country. I'm here for the money, nothing else. When I have enough I'm gone.
[citation needed]
also, happy to break it to you, but an "education" in social sciences is hardly an education.
so do you live in a car or do you not know how cost of living works?
this is such a fucking delusion lol
higher obesity rates and shorter life expectancy in the countryside. Also "62 million Americans who live in rural areas lack adequate access to trauma care — as evidenced by a higher death rate from unintentional injuries. "
risk of injury or death is higher in rurual areas vs cities
"Locales designated as rural have higher poverty rates and lower education levels than those labeled urban, suburban or town." This is kind of obvious, isn't it? You are just going to end up working on a farm, higher education has never been stressed in rural areas.
>but an "education" in social sciences is hardly an education.
lol ok buddy, did you get your STEM degree while roping cattle?
To me the biggest advantage of living in a city is pedestrian culture. You're not forced into a car every time you want to do something. This means lots of stuff happens at street level in cities. Just going for a walk to pick up some groceries is entertainment when everybody is out on the street. Catch up with neighbors, say hi to a few small business owners whose places you patronize, watch the volleyball/handball/basketball/soccer games going down in the park. And when you want to meet up with friends for drinks, dinner or to go see some live music you have hundreds of options. So it's easy to maintain an active social life.
Plus there are opportunities in a city that don't exist elsewhere. Want to be a creative, working as a designer, photographer, musician, artist? Or maybe some interesting food or wine related business? Or just be self-employed? These are options in a city. You don't have to go out and get a corporate job if you don't want to. If you aren't particularly interested in a cookie cutter life you can live a more interesting one.
Then there's the food. The variety of good food available in a major city is staggering. You can eat a different cuisine every night. You can get any ingredients you need to cook anything you want. Everything from street food to Michelin starred restaurants is available to you. Depending on my mood I can eat pupusas on card tables in front of a church or visit restaurants run by people on Mind of a Chef. I can learn about any cuisine that interests me just by going to the neighborhood where people from that culture live. It's like living in a fucking food playground!
>links to a bunch of rags, one that literally has dating tip articles
the only half way decent article said that the life expectancy gap is 2 years, but instead of quoting that you quote some bullshit about 62 million americans, because bigger number is better right? risk of injury being lower is also hardly surprising since cities are full of numales and women.
why no "citations" about city people being happier? you also made that claim.
>lol ok buddy, did you get your STEM degree while roping cattle?
even if i did it would be more impressive than going into a 4 year extension of high school where you don't learn any skills or anything of worth. i have 10 times the respect for people in trades than some useless shitstain that partied away 4 years and thinks that it makes him, or in your case her, "educated." trash like you is what makes cities such shit.
>i have 10 times the respect for people in trades than some useless shitstain that partied away 4 years and thinks that it makes him, or in your case her, "educated." trash like you is what makes cities such shit.
This kind of anti-intellectualism is what many people move to cities to get away from. While I too have respect for tradesmen the fact remains that someone who managed to get a bachelor's degree from a good school is more educated (by definition) than a tradesman, regardless of how much they did or did not party. Your prejudice is straight out of a Charlie Daniels song, "A rich man goes to college and a poor man goes to work, a poor girl wants to marry and a rich girl wants to flirt". No everyone wants to have the kind of values you embrace. Those who find them stifling go to cities where in terms of how they live their lives they have a greater degree of freedom.
>because I refuse to look provide evidence to the contrary, and it proves me wrong
here: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
>why no "citations" about city people being happier? you also made that claim.
Because it follows that if people are, on average, healthier, in better shape, have more money, and more things to do, they will be generally happier. I didn't think I needed to explain this part but apparently you need people to hold your hand through life.
Cities have more tradesmen than you throw a stick at anyway. It is kind of dying breed though. Not due to lack of demand but during the 90's a bunch of moron master tradesmen didn't want to train journeymen because they didn't want the competition.
>This kind of anti-intellectualism
stopped reading there. there is absolutely nothing intellectual about social sciences or business administration degrees. those majors are filled with people that shouldn't have even been admitted into college, but they were because it's a revenue stream.
if it's so obvious then you should have no problem in finding a citation.
Sure thing Cletus, good luck with them buck teeth
I thought that was trannies?
Melted cheese on tuna looks and smells disgusting
where's that happiness citation?