>hurr durr don't run your knife in the dishwasher it wears out the edge
Then just resharpen it you fucking retard. If you're so concerned about taking "proper care" of your knife, you supposed to do that regularly anyways
Hurr durr don't run your knife in the dishwasher it wears out the edge
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Why are you putting your knife in the dishwasher though? Just wash it off with a scrub pad or a brush so you can use it again.
That can be said about everything that goes into a dishwasher m8
It's to prolong the edge's life, fuck having to resharpen every few weeks.
It's not just about the edge. Dishwashers can also soften, warp and generally destroy the handles, as well.
I think you're just a sadist user
>fuck having to resharpen every few weeks.
sharpening takes less time than washing the knife by hand. kys.
Maybe if you have some fisher price knife with rubber handle
You are so fucking wrong it hurts, washing it by hand takes less than a minute while a good sharpening takes at least 5-10 minutes or more depending on how hard the steel is to get a razor edge.
What the hell do you have on your blade?
I have two knives (japanese and french blades) that are reasonably cheap with solid handles that I'll just toss in the dishwasher without a second thought. If I have to hone or sharpen them more often, whatever.
I have a small set of moderately expensive Henckels with nice wooden handles that me ma got me when I got my first sous-chef position (like I'd EVER bring anything of my own into that kitchen). Those get washed by hand, and only my more competent friends and family members are allowed to use them (lest mother flip her shit).
As long as you don't abuse your knives, and aren't missing huge chunks out of the edge, it should only take you a few minutes to touch up the edge every month or two.
It's easier to maintain your tools than restore them.
You don't need your kitchen knives razor sharp, you just need them sharp enough to get the job done. You people are such fucking autists it's fucking unbelievable.
No shit, I like them razor sharp, the point of that post was that washing knives by hand is quicker than sharpening knives that have been dulled by a dishwasher
knives become dull by becoming misaligned and by becoming more blunt. Regular usage misaligns them and is easily fixed with a west stone. Running them through a dish washer does both and a blunt edge can only safely be fixed by a professional
>washing it by hand takes less than a minute
So does sharpening retard. Also you spend time washing more often than you sharpen
>to get a razor edge
If you say "fuck fuck having to resharpen every few weeks" you're not going to have a razor edge anyways retard
>a blunt edge can only safely be fixed by a professional
Do you believe in glorious nippon steel folded over 1000 times too?
Nigga you can literally run a butterknife through a 35$ sharpener and then slice tomatoes with it
Are you retarded, sharpening takes way longer than washing it by hand, it takes a few minutes at least, you aren't a super special mythical bladesmith that can sharpen a blade with a few strokes across a whetstone
Also if you take care of the edge you can keep it razor sharp for a good while before you need to touch it up with the whetstone again
>sharpening takes way longer than washing it by hand
No. you can use one of those fixed angle sharpeners where you just drag it through 5 times, or a few strokes against a steel. Again, if you want your autistic razor sharp shit you need to resharpen several times a month anyways, which you said you don't do.
>if you take care of the edge
the only way to "take care" of your edge is not to use it. A dishwasher isn't magic retard, it just wears on the edge a bit, same as slicing 30 potatoes or whatever.
You can keep a kitchen knife with good steel shaving-sharp for weeks. Not "razor-sharp", but sharp enough that the difference is more-or-less meaningless.
things in your dishwasher move around, bump into each other etc risk of chipping,bending,rusting whatever, theres just no advantage at all, it also would take way longer to make a free space where bumping cant happen in your dishwasher than just running water over your knife and drying it, which takes like 10 seconds.Also theres a major area inbetween "autistic razorsharp" and a knife that only smashes instead of cutting shit, and smashin is what you do after one dishwasher run.
low quality bait 2/10
I just buy a new set of knives from Ikea when they get dull.
Sharpening knives is for faggots.
>the only way to "take care" of your edge is not to use it
AKA: to minimise unnecessary wear and tear.
i appreciate your point that dishwashing isn't the sinful malicious anti-knife crime that a lot of people seem to think, but it's still not as good for the knife as a gentle wipe down and rinse.
So you'd rather have a knife edge that's ground away to nothing after a year? No sir, I want my knives around for a long time.
But hey, 5/10 for getting me to reply.
Wood handles do that too, ya dink
>sharpening takes less time than washing the knife by hand.
I am seriously unsure if this is b8 or you're just really fucking retarded.
I prefer an east stone, senpai.
>deliberately sharpening your knives more than is strictly necessary
Good luck with that.
My colored Konami knives go in my dishwasher for four or five years now without an issue and stay the sharpest more than the Henckels, Chicago etc I have plenty of knives so, no, I don't need to use that exact one right away. My dishwasher has a flat rack that folds in the front so I usually put two long ones there like chef or bread knives. Top rack has a flip down plastic rack above the glasses that holds more and my silverware rack might get them alone and isolated though steak knives go into whatever spot.
You're not "sharpening" the knife, you know? Especially not with any kitchen utensil. Try to learn what sharpening is before yelling at everybody else, it'll prevent huge amounts of asshurt embarrassment when you find out you've been fucking wrong from the start.