Who here had shark fin soup?
Apparently the fin itself taste of nothing, only adding some texture.
Taste comes from other ingredients.
Why would you do that?
Shark fin soup
It's a status symbol, and a delicacy.
Asians love it because the shark has to suffer immensely in order to make it
It's Chinise cuisine but we Japanese also love it.
because chinese.
Definitely not a status symbol. However the fin is soft and chewy, pretty delicious. It's like a transparent noodle, but fish flavoured.
It also acts as a great base for flavouring. Red vinegar is great for shark fin soup.
Also about the sharks going endangered thing, we can solve that by farming sharks and encouraging more ethical ways of consuming them like eating the entire shark for example.
Why not just eat lab grown cartilage with a bit extra fish sauce for flavour
Alternatives always taste like shit or different to the original.
Sweetener does not taste like sugar.
Regardless of what plebs say, diet coke and coke zero taste like weird chemicals compared to normal coke.
However major Chinese authorities and many restaurants are actually taking shark fin off restaurant menus.
I love it.
My grandmother has made it all my life and it tastes amazing, easily my favourite soup.
Also the texture of the shark fin is great but i've never had it with artificial shark fin so I can't comment on whether it's a suitable substitution.
something about chinese people eating food for the texture?
Sharks tastes like shit (I tried a bite) and they have very high mercury levels (and a lot of energy is needed for them to grow) since they're so high on the food chain. The mercury poisoning can't come sooner to the shark eaters!
It's good, but it's not like it's so good I want to spend a lot of money on it or seek it out again. If it's part of the set menu at a place I'm eating, great. If not, no big deal. Sucks about the shitty fishing practices, but I don't feel strongly enough about the stuff to put much energy into it one way or the other.
The actual bits of shark fin you get are like gelatinous strands/fibers, they don't taste much but adds a chewing nice texture. The soup itself can best be described as an extra rich chicken soup, tons of flavour and relatively fatty.
sweetest of the transition metals
All coke tastes like weird chemicals.
It is a status symbol, also because they think it's magic
>Why would you do that?
Many Asian cultures, especially the Chinese, really love that chewy texture. The texture is the whole point of the dish.
...and many other foods command super-high prices because of that valued texture. Sea cucumber, shark fin, swallow's nest, bear's paw....it's all about the texture.
>why would people do something that I'm too feeble minded to comprehend?
>farming sharks
are you autistic, how much are they going to sell it for when they spend a fortune feeding it for a couple of years
Shark fins sell for a fuckload of money, user.
Those are all medicinal ingredients to asians.
Look up how supply and demand work.
Everything is a medical ingredient to Asians.
I don't get why ching chongs insist on eating bits of endangered animals as aphrodisiacs.
First of all, Viagra actually works, so if you can't get your 3" dinky hard you don't have to eat powdered giraffe pecker, just take a pill.
If you don't have a sex drive, stop eating a soy-based diet and quit sucking on the BPA/melamine/gutter oil teet of your pollute dystopia.
I've had a couple of different varieties. One has a whole fin floating in some broth. Had that at some dinners with very rich people who were showing off. The other is more like hot-n-sour soup, with a ton of other crap and allegedly some bits of shark fin thrown in. Had that at corporate New Year's banquets where we all had to toast the company founder as thanks for letting us make him a fucking multimillionaire while the rest of us slave away for pennies. Glad he fired me (for not being Christian), he was a real piece of shit.
>I don't get why ching chongs insist on eating bits of endangered animals as aphrodisiacs.
Probably the same reason why a lot of people still go to church. Old habits are culturally ingrained and take many many generations to change.
How can anyone eat this shit? Don't they waste the shark and only take the fin?
I actually ate shark meat once on the beach in Thailand. It was really sweet and yummy desu. Wouldn't eat it again due to the heavy metals and radiation. Actually I don't feel good about eating any seafood these days except maybe salmon. But everything has been Fukushima'd and not to mention the plastic particles.
Humans are disgusting aren't they?
>How can anyone eat this shit?
We already explained that the texture of shark's fin is highly valued in China.
>>Wouldn't eat it again due to the heavy metals
That only means you shouldn't eat it daily. Eating it every once in a while is no problem.
Go to Mexico, Baja California and look for Chinese restaurants to get the best godamn shark fin soup ever
>many many generations to change
Not true, as soon as people enter a country they are more true to the established culture than those established in the region.
America is more native American than it's ever been because the natives were immigrants so European immigrants made it more native American.
This desu
not really, it's dirt cheap in most of Asia.
Had shark fin soup a few times at a nice chinese restaurant in toronto over a decade ago. I remember it being really fucking good. I'll miss ya buffet king.
So I can say that I ate a shark and feel badass
What is that? Oh he's adding eel farts now!
Shark fin soup uses fin cartilege that has literally no taste at all. If you seriously enjoy eating shark fin soup you should kill yourself for perpetuating the horror of cutting off shark fins then leaving them to die, and for thinking tasteless cartilage tastes like something other than the broth its cooked in
Is there an animal that Chinese won't consume?
>killing sharks
Explain why this is a bad thing.
>muh mercury levels
Stop spreading this factory farm propaganda, mercury is actually beneficial for you in the amounts naturally found in seafood. Why do you think the nips live so long?
Fucks up the ecosystem
>muh ecosystem
Humans have a right to do what they want with nature.
>kill all the sharks
>shark's prey doesn't get eaten
>they overpopulate
>they eat all the food
>they all die
That's just one reason eliminating an apex predator from an ecosystem is a mistake, and it's a snowball effect from there, eventually resulting in complete ecological collapse before a new equilibrium is reached. Then again, you're just baiting.
>shark's prey doesn't get eaten
>they overpopulate
>humans catch more
>more people get fed
>economies grow
>no more shark attacks
>Why do you think the nips live so long?
Because they don't consume dairy products.
vegetarian shark fin soup is actually pretty tasty
Its a status symbol dumbasses, like expensive champagne
You buy this soup to showcase your elitist level of power, wealth, and aristocracy.
>dinosaur eats man
>women inherit the Earth
If it worked this way there would be a lot more rays on menus and less scallop and oyster fisheries being shut down
I thought it was a meal you eat on a certain occasion. I don't know the customs surrounding it but thought there was some tradition involved.
It does work we just fish everything so heavily it fucks all of it.
Lol, yeah no.
Middle class folks would treat themselves to it on special occasions like a wedding to "show off" that they aren't bitching poor. It's really more of a status symbol even though sharks aren't that hard to kill anymore.
The fin itself is tasteless, all the taste comes from a premium chicken+crab stock. If you like that taste you can try the vegetarian version that uses the pulp from some squash that has a similar texture. Alternatively there's Fish Maw's Soup that often uses the same stock, just with fish maws/bladders.
Chinks will probably start slaughtering blue whales just for their blowhole.
Then you'll hear baby chinks talking about how good the blowhole texture tastes.
But they taste so good. Whiteys will never understand real delicacies. Just stick to your 'za and 'chup.
t. gook