Blizzard food and snack supplies

Gonna be trapped inside for 36 hours at least. What supplies did you stock up on? Any blizzard meal plans? Special snacks for the comfy snow storm?

>inb4 bread and milk if you didn't buy it yesterday ur fukked

Booze, cured meat and bread.

Scotch and Bourbon

>trapped inside for 36 hours
>typical Northeast snow storm

Come on, man. Its not the fucking apocalypse. I live in Maryland, by the way.

Let's be honest, you are trapped inside with or without the storm. Stock up on your hot pockets and doritios my friend.

I'll be writing 100 papers but im planning on making some soup for the apartment.

Plenty of booze to ride it out, too

Beer. Just lots and lots of beer.
Something cheap like Busch. At least two 48 packs. If you have a glass door, lay on the ground in front of it while you drink beer and stare at the snow. If you do not have a glass door, move a table beside a window and lay on the table and stare out the window at the snow. Just lay there drinking Busch until the snow goes away. This is your life now, because there is snow and you would die if you went outside and it touched you.

I like to have grains I can prep in boiled water since I won't lose my gas stove in a storm.

Get boxes of couscous, barley, oats, etc.

Yoo senpai, where you from?? I'm from PA

>"trapped" for a day and a half
>stocking up on supplies

hope you're having fun pretending.

It's a small way to live out their SHTF survivalist fantasy.

>tfw when you live on the edge of 6" or 16"

Who knows what the fuck we'll get.

Looking at 22-24 inches in southern CT. I'm gonna put on my boots and walk on down to the bar and crush some beers. It's just fucking snow.

I'm getting a case of beer after work. Already set on food. I got some thin cut sirloin to make cheese steak subs tomorrow. Gonna saute some onion, peppers, and mushroom to put on them and make an apple pie for dessert.

We're gonna make a bangin' stew with a russian imperial beer. Gotta pick up a 30 and some whisky tonight as well. It's supposed to start at 2am and go all day. At one point they said 2-4 inches an hour. It's gonna be fun

>tfw live in the beige speck in NJ
Fuck. Guess I'm going grocery shopping now then.

Soup sounds good.

Stew supplies defs, finna make a charcuterie board and have wine by candlelight.

somethin going on tomorrow?

OP here I'm in CT. Right in the 16-24'' zone

One garlic baguette

I was 85*F here today

>mfw americans think a 2 foot blizzard is a world ending earth shattering event
As long as there isn't too much snow for you to open your front door you're fine

>he doesn't understand that regions used to this weather prepare their infrastructure to withstand such events, and areas which rarely if ever get such large storms, will not have the infrastructure to properly manage and maintain roadways, powerlines, etc etc.

Wew, your ignorance is showing.

That happend in 2013-2014

We got our seasonal average snowfall in a 6-day period. And then we had 4 more snowstorms of a foot+

What do you not have fucking snowplows in new england?

> LOL, I don't understand weather

You could try harder, you know

It's not JUST new england fuck wit, just look at the map, that's the entire north east.

Do you think 16 inches of snow is normal in Maryland?

Places up north nearer the boarder are going to be fine, they're somewhat used to this sort of snow. But Deleware, NYC, PA, MD, VA, etc aren't particularly used to more than a few inches at a time for the most part.

Even if you have plows, it wouldn't be enough without asking for out of state help, and since most of the other states in the region WITH snow plow fleets are otherwise going to be engaged, it will mean a cluster fuck for the more southern states of the north east.

And there are always some idiots who forgot to buy extra tendies

>pic related from the blizzard in Feb

Tri-state weather posted this handy guide

>tfw its a nice 85

Feels good man

Normal stuff. Have canned food and bottled water if the power goes out. Freezer is full of ice packs and a cooler is ready. All electronic devices and extra batteries charged, gas tank is full, snow shovels ready. I actually like the day when I finally get to get out there and start shoveling. I'm probably just going to drink beer and eat string cheese tomorrow. I don't think this one is going to be nearly as bad as the Snowmageddon or Snowpocalypse storms. Eh. I hope nobody dies this time. Good luck everyone.

Get one of those camping gas stoves, a pot to cook in, some chicken tendies and honey mustard sauce

If you want to LARP it up, buy some of those commercial MREs from a sports store.

Takis and Dr pepper for snacks, cause we have that mass effect trial on wednesday night, and we're cooking beef stew for the storm.

Oh and im in the 24In zone in MA

It's a conspiracy to promote supermarket consumerism

PA here too. NEPA.


I live in southern Ontario and nothing makes me rage more than when smug idiots think we get a lot of snow or something and brag about how tough they are for enduring it when in reality we never get anything that can't easily be shoveled away. Then they post stuff like pic-related and my blood boils.

>snowed in for a couple days
>stock up like it's the end of the world

why do people do this?

Yeah those faggots in NYC are going to lose their minds again and everyone else is going to secretly be happy.

hurr i get more snow hurr my dick is bigger. You're incredibly petty.

>not having months worth of non-perishable food stocked up

>not being Alex Jones

>>not having months worth of non-perishable food stocked up
This, I tend to have extra food most of the time in my pantry. I stock up for Hurricane season a bit heavy on some of my favorites I'll be eating anyway.

I go to BJs/Costco, and I pick up a pallet of starbucks iced coffee, aloe drink variety pack, a few cases of LaCroix seltzer water, sparkling cranberry or pelligrino juice in the cans, some iced tea maybe or some soda. I might pick up some instant drink mixes, gatorade or aqua fresca packs. That'll last me 6-9mo til the next stock up. Then, I get "extra" large portions of mixed nuts, school lunch packets of crackers, granola bars or diet bars. A bag of apples, a box of clemintines or some grapes (ie no refrigeration). I pack up my freezer with some containers of water, so I make my own blocks of ice. I can move a couple to the fridge, or move it all to coolers, either or. While I am in Costco, I'll be picking up a roast that I'm making now in the oven, or something for the crock pot that I can eat off of a day or two, with some amazing giant loaf or two of bread or rolls. I like to get some treats that go well on charcuterie platters but doesn't necessarily have to be opened now, olives and pickled things. For the "stress" eating to come, I treat myself with some great cheeses, or expensive chocolates. Pickles, vinegar, onions, celery can make a great bean salad to have with crackers if refrigeration really does crap out. The gas grill can do something fun out of the freezer..

>Work canceled for tomorrow
>Decided I would make some French Toast for Breakfast tomorrow
>Go get Milk and Thick Cut Bread
>Lady screams at me for taking the last loaf of bread
>Point out there is more on the bottom shelf
>She says that im younger and I should bend of and get it (Which is where I got mine from)
>Next aisle over she """accidentally""" runs into my cart and it spills over
>Grocery is already packed and it's super awkward

Damn where do you live where there are such crazy bitches?

Are you retarded or do you just have the reading comprehension of a 5 year old? That whole post is arguing that people who post stuff like that are idiots. It is AGREEING that its petty.

PA, it's usually not too bad but whenever we are going to get >12" on snow or they call a storm a Nor'easter everyone


There was literally no milk or eggs in the store (I actually bought a pint since I only plan to use it once)

Shits retarded

I already made ropa vieja and a huge pot of black beans yesterday, but I panicked on the way home from work and stopped to pick up another bottle of wine, some bread, some snack meats, a puck of cheese, and a pomelo

Looking forward to shitposting a lot about knives, cast iron, memefood, flyovers, do americans really, and tipping tomorrow, I hope I don't starve

This is why I stock up two days before a snowstorm. People (and especially women of a certain age) are fucking assholes prior to storms. I just watched two cars crash into each other right outside vying for a coveted parking spot on the street. Two women of a certain age got out and started screaming at each other ghetto-style while leaving their cars in the middle of the road. They almost caused three more collisions. I watched out of my window sipping coffee. I'm probably going to end up shoveling part of these assholes' sidewalks in a couple days because I don't want nicer people to slip

Well, there are people everywhere who are fucking useless in a crisis. I think these are the people who exhibit the really whiny skittishness or excessive selfishness prior to. Kind of a Napoleon complex, I guess. There are some places in America where a heavy snowfall is so unusual that they do not have the resources to clear up roads quickly enough for emergency medical and fire rescues. Two feet of snow usually causes tens of deaths in these places. Remember, The U.S. has a crumbling infrastructure. The glory of the 1950's is slowly falling apart.

I have supplies, but for some reason I really want French Toast tomorrow

>Two feet of snow usually causes tens of deaths in these places. Remember, The U.S. has a crumbling infrastructure. The glory of the 1950's is slowly falling apart.

People died in the 1950s too, they're just not around to grouse about the "good old days" because they're in the ground

It's going to be in the low 90's Fahrenheit all week.

In northern Arizona, the Borders bookshops roof collapsed from a snow storm, so they rebuilt it, and then it collapsed again the next year.

>I live in Maryland


>stock up

Cleaned out fridge. No appetite. I got flour though, maybe I'll make bread if I don't feel like starving

There's this weird e-peen thing with winter weather it seems where people want to brag about how they have it the worst. Everyone in Alberta seems to think they're incredibly manly for enduring the handful of days with a low below -40 we get in a year. Of course when they talk about it on the internet they'll use the windchill and then subtract 10 degrees to seem tougher, so that -40 becomes -60, yet they spent the entire week without setting foot outside.. Funny how everyone also claims we have 6-7 months of winter, too - in reality, it's about 4.

you aren't going out to shovel? wtf? disgusting neckbeard lol, do you ever stop and think about how truly pathetic your life is?

This. If you're old enough to be on Veeky Forums you shouldn't just sit in your basement all day.

Live in BK, work in Manhattan. F train is preemptively fucked tomorrow, so on my way home tonight I got a bell pepper, two jalapeƱos, carrots, onion, and celery. I have 3 kinds of dried beans on hand, chilis in adobo, all the necessary spices, and frozen homemade stock, so I figure I'll make a three bean chili tomorrow.

Slow cooking beef stew as I type this. Whole place smells like beef.

send cold weather please

Nice 2006 era pic.
Learn about infrastructure and the hows and whys places not used to heavy snowfall have it worse than you igloo licking retards regardless of the amount of precipitation.
Past a certain point, it doesn't matter how many more inches you get if your pop density is threefold and never see weather like that 99% of the time.

>its another idiot who didnt read the post

Do people just reply to images now instead of reading for context?

Well, see my friend im talking about southern ontario which makes it even worse. We dont even get -40 weather and the snow is never more than a few feet. Most of the time its people bragging about enduring -25 and they dont even realise that we live in one of the most southern parts of the country and that other provinces (or even just 200km north of us in our own province) have it much worse than we do. Im not saying its not annoying for you either, but at least people in alberta have something more to complain about and brag about.


a lifetime supply of snow cones.

Why do idiots always fall for the hyped up snow storm shit that happens every year? They just trying to sell you shit. How embarassing. That was supposed to be a super storm?

I got to shitpost on Veeky Forums all day instead of going to work. What's the problem exactly?