>he doesn't oil his pasta water
He doesn't oil his pasta water
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kill him
Why would I deliberately waste oil and create a potential fire hazard with absolutely nothing in return?
If you want to oil our pasta for some silly reason do so after you've cooked it. I'd rather leave the oil off so that the the sauce sticks to the pasta.
Every 3 months or 3000 miles, dummy.
>he doesn't turn his canned goods
Why not just drizzle a bit of oil on your pasta after you drain it, instead of relying on trace amounts of oil adhering to the wet pasta as you quickly remove it from the water?
>he doesn't rotate his bananas
>he doesn't drink the pasta water
>create a potential fire hazard
how the hell would you set a pot of water on fire?
>he doesn't eat his mcchicken
>he doesn't boil his pasta in oil
>he cooks pasta in water
>he doesn't for me his mcchicken water
>he doesnt grow his own cooked, oiled pasta
>he doesn't mcchicken his boil oil
>he doesn't make his own water
i did an internship at my local water plant last year. so technically, i did make my own water
>he works for free
>he doesn't
yeah cause it's completely unnecessary ya dopey cunt
>he doesn't add a McChicken to his McChicken water
Enjoy your sticky pasta.
Are you calling Marco-Pierre White wrong...?
It is supposed to be sticky you stupid bastard. How else would the pasta SAUCE stick to it.
>how the hell would you set a pot of water on fire?
Oil floats on top of water. If your oily pasta water boils over, then the oil can splash down into the hob.
I've seen dumbasses do this several times in the dorm kitchen when I was in university.
I can't imagine what the fuck you're doing wrong but I have never once had a problem with pasta sticking together.
Oh geez, that is disgusting, "keep your pasta water to make soup the next day" and olive oil in the water! "There's no real recipe [for carbonara]"
I've said it before...he's an uneducated low IQ idiot. How embarrassing for him to be shilling the knorr products in ways he has to make up, like adding it to pasta water.
>adding a substance to pasta water that actively hinders the attachment of sauce to the noodle
The best part is he tells you not to oil the water on other videos. Guy's completely given up by this point.
Gordon Ramsay also oils his pasta water.
Well he's a homo
Well he's in Hollywood now so that goes without saying.
I believe it. ROFL. Seems like someone else must be writing his scripts them, if he's not even consistent.
>Gordon Ramsay also oils his pasta water.
Same level of poor IQ qualities. Money simply doesn't make idiots classy, though education might.
you are supposed to put a little oil in the water to stop the water from foaming and boiling over.
that is the only reason to add oil
that's a poor solution to a problem you shouldn't even be having in the first place
But oil has zero effect on the water foaming or boiling over.
only person here who isnt autistic
also if you sprinkle saw dust on the tomatoes it stops the garlic from smelling
Is this seriously a problem you have? Like, you cooked pasta once and it was just slipping all over the place and the sauce all flowed off your noodles and made a puddle and you couldn't even get the noodles to stay on your fork because they were too slippery from the oil and you were just completely helpless before these oilled noodles and so they're still in your house now all these years later, a bowl of spagoots that has completely undone you and so you never add oil to yo your pasta water ever again?
Just sauce/oil your pasta immediately after straining while its still steamy and slippery and you'll have no problems
You had a dorm kitchen!? Man, my university was fucking worthless.
But that is what your doing when you pull your pasta through the oil slick.
>rinse your pasta
There is no need to rinse your pasta in cold water.
obviously you have never cooked pasta before
boil some pasta and when it starts foaming add some oil see what happens. It breaks the surface tension of the water not allowing small bubbles to form on the surface
The oil stops the pasta from sticking together while cooking, you stupid fucking Americans.
but thats wrong retard
if youre boiling pasta and shits foaming and overflowing then you should stop overfilling your pot, don't add oil. or just fuckin stir it.
i never add oil to my pasta. guess what? no sticking. no boiling over. why? because i dont overfill my pot and i stir my pasta occasionally.
>because i dont overfill my pot and i stir my pasta occasionally.
I put oil in mine and pass the pasta through it, that way I don't have to stir and lose the boil.
Chris CUNT DESTROYER Kimball made several hundred batches of pasta to test if oil in the water does anything.
It doesn't.
I trust repeated, verifiable scientific testing better than your mamacita's anecdotes.
>lose the boil
what the fuck? you think stirring is going to decrease the temperature of the water significantly?
when you drain your pasta, your pasta will go through that oil. congrats on your oily pasta. not bad if you want to eat it plain, i guess.
>boil some pasta and when it starts foaming add some oil see what happens.
I have, back when I was a retard college student and didn't know any better. It clearly didn't do anything (a fact backed up by my later Chemistry classes), so I stopped doing it.
The practice of adding oil to pasta water is some stupid old wives tale that keeps being perpetuated by people who were taught incorrectly and who are too stubborn to realize it's pointless.
>he doesn't oil his pasta after pulling it.
who the fuck cares what ramsay says? he's obviously wrong on this. and he's been wrong before and admitted it.
I agree with adding the oil after it's cooked but adding it to the boiling water does nothing.
Harold Mcgee says different.
misread. thought you meant during the boiling.
obviously you oil your pasta after it's done. you don't want it sticking together
hehe :^)
>he doesn't do a he doesn't
>he doesn't respond with he doesn't
>he doesn't acknowledge the he doesn't with a he doesn't meme
Why can't you just put your pasta straight into the sauce? Why deliberately give your sauce a hard time adhering to the pasta?
>He oils his water.
I bet you put salt in it too you disgusting fuck.
You can. Just depends what you're doing.
I cook for myself and other people, so I often will have my noodles in a different bowl from the sauce so everyone can control how much sauce they have.
Oiling the noodles here is essential.
B-but muh memes
Kill yourself
>Stop the water from foaming and boiling over
just put your spoon over the top of the pot lmao its that simple
That's why you put oil on top, it's nigh impossible for oiled water to boil over. I oil the water for my rice if I'm too lazy to wash off the starch so it doesn't boil over.
>i make my food worse because i'm lazy
>food worse
Not him but how does olive oil make food worse?
why the fuck is it boiling over in the first place? just put in less water you dumb nigger
Makes your pasta oily thus making it harder to stick to your sauce.
Not sure about rice, but I'd imagine oily rice would be unpleasant.
There's a difference between boiling with it and dressing with it.
Our common room had a fridge a microwave and a stovetop. BY the end of the first couple weeks the fridge was chained shut and the dials were taken off the stovetop because the fridge had gotten filthy and people were doing blades on the stovetop
Adding I've oil directly to the pasta is going to prevent the sauce from adhering.
Anyone cooking small scale won't ever have this problem.
When you cook huge volumes, you start to have sticking issues. Of course the solution is indeed to stir it, but if you're doing 50 other things, let's face it, you'll add a drop of oil and just focus on the other shit until the timer goes off.
I don't like dry rice you fucking retard, why the fuck do think less water in rice is a good idea? Fuck off.
You're not suppose to be boiling your rice. Bring up to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Cover. Let the steam do the work.
Underrated post.
>he doesn't activate his almonds
Satan has good sense when it comes to pasta making
>he eats
>he doesn't raise his own livestock
First time I'm hearing of this.
Seriously? Never? I am now curious what you are doing so right to have always avoided that.
I never would have guessed it's for that. I don't think I've ever seen anyone do that but now I'm curious to try it.
ROFL... Wait, I mean kek
All the green texts in this thread are fantastic. Thanks.
You actually spent the brain power coming up with that autistic fantasy to make yourself feel superior to paople who like their pasta to grab sauce a bit better?
Expectation vs reality of your water fiasco
>he dindu nuffin
I am just curious about the people posting "muh slippy spagoots."
This is not a problem I have encountered, so I can only imagine what it must be like.
you are so wrong its funny