Hey Veeky Forums, i started this cider a little over a day ago and its seems like it has stopped fermenting, the airlock is still bubbling but almost all bubbles are gone from the top if the cider. What did i do wrong and how do i fix it.
Hey Veeky Forums, i started this cider a little over a day ago and its seems like it has stopped fermenting...
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>What did i do wrong and how do i fix it.
How are we supposed to answer that if you didn't describe what you did in the first place?
I sanitized everything, put in a cup of sugar, put in the apple juice (no preservatives just juice), added the yeast, put on the airlock, put it in a slightly cool slightly warm place yesterday, now its today
fermentation starts to slow after a few days anyway so don't worry, but you could try warming it and giving it a good shake and add a little more yeast if you're nervous.
By not being a fucking retard, maybe?
maybe try adding more sugar another cup anyways...and did you activate the yeast before adding it?
DONT OPEN IT, just leave it the fuck alone. It should take a week or so to get really cranking. I assuming you used pasteurized and non-preservative juice/cider it should be just fine.
Just let it be.
Ok, i was worried about opening it but ill leave it be. How will this taste when its done? I dont really plan on carbonating it.
OP i love jenkem
huff one for me
It's possible it's still fermenting even though there's no outward signs. Take a gravity reading, wait 3 days and take another reading. As long as gravity is changing it's still fermenting.
Is that you Jizzus?
This. Most likely, everything is going according to keikaku.
What kind of yeast are you using?
Probably a little tart, you can always add a little honey after it's done fermenting to sweeten it (after you backsweeten it rack it into bottles and stick it in the fridge to keep it from starting up the fermentation process again and popping your bottles)
I don't know if or how you fucked up, but try this shit:
>pour 16oz of apple juice into a bottle (doesn't matter what size as long as you can airlock it)
>add 1/4 cup of sugar
>add 1tsp yeast of choice (I prefer Red Star Champagne)
> shake until sugar is dissolved (yeast will get agitated as well)
>leave somewhere WARM (75+ degrees Fahrenheit)
That shit will be 14 percent alcohol and not taste too bad within 24 fucking hours. Discovered this on accident. Just filter the yeast out before drinking.
What did you sanitize it with? If you used metabisulfite, it is entirely possible you added too much. Also possible your yeast was bad. Either way, your yeast are incredibly inactive. What was the specific gravity of your solution before adding yeast?
if youre gonna resweeten it then you have to add some product to stop the fermentation process
yea it definitely takes a few weeks to ferment. not an overnight process. also im pretty sure you need the juice to be unpasteurized, not just free of preservatives.
>airlock is still bubbling
there doesn't seem to be a problem.
Will this actually work?
Or will it make metaphorical mustard gas?
This sounds too good to be true!
I so want it to be true.
yes but be sure to get apple juice that isn't shit otherwise the cider will taste like shit without the sugar to cover up the shitty juice flavor
Its true, but it definitely takes longer than 24 hours. The actual time will vary depending on yeast type, sugar concentration, etc., but if you don't care about taste, a week or so will be fine 90% of the time.
This thread again. Cider is not beer. It takes a long time to finish. Lurk cider making forums.
just try it and see. Just remember that you need to do 16oz or smaller batches and keep it somewhere pretty warm, warmer than you'd normally store fermenting stuff. Like I said, 75+ degrees F but not brutally hot.
What you """discovered""" is small batch prison hootch. Good jerb
>implying it tastes like prison hooch
>implying prison hooch can get to 14 percent ABV overnight
I know you don't want to believe, but try it or shut the fuck up.
The only way to know if it's still fermenting is to check the gravity with a hydrometer over a few days. The airlock won't tell you jack shit.
I miss 2012
OP here, so basically i get me some of this (best applejuice in publix plus it comes in a glass jug), add sugar, add yeast, balloon with hole because fuck it im lazy, then wait a day and it'll make quick cider? am i missing anything
I can only guarantee it'll work in 16oz batches and if you keep it at the temp I posted. I used to do it all the time though, even had someone more experienced than me check the gravity just to be sure. Was always 14 percent or so.
yeah, ill pour out the excess
Yeh, maybe shake the fuck out of the juice to try and get some oxygen into it before adding yeast. If you can get some yeast nutrient it'll help get the gravity down a bit lower. I'd go with champagne yeast myself.
I'm a master brewer in the U.K.
You've done something wrong that looks like piss.
how well would baker yeast work? i know that it doesn't work as well but i have it on hand
Lol. I've got a bottle of that sitting on the table. Use it to make this pork recipe: seriouseats.com
I've never used it myself but it will make alcohol.
Quick cider guy here.
Surprisingly it makes the same ABV at the same speed as Red Star Champagne but it tastes like ass.
what type of ass
If you have a local homebrew shop just go there and ask for lalvin ec-1118 yeast, it'll only be a couple of dollars. Or look it up on eBay.
Rack it off the lees into a fresh carboy with a clean airlock, and let it bulk age for 5-6 months.
It goes from prison-tier cider to godmode.
Moldy cardboard ass
y'all dumb as hell spending all this time and money get a fucking job and buy 4loko if you want 14% shit water
I need to properly decontaminate and clean two carboys that have some sediment shit on the bottom. What do you recommend?
Bleach and water. That is effective both for cleaning and for sanitizing.
You can get "campden tablets" for sanitizing brewing equipment too, but that only sanitizes, it doesn't clean. I prefer the bleach since it's much more widely available, cheap, and does a great job.
StarSan works well, and you don't have to thoroughly rinse all the foam out, which is a pain for large carboys.
That's a very impressive cum jar for a rookie.