You are visited by a magical wizard of investing. He grants you 3 million cursed dollars to make a restaurant. If the money is used on anything but making the restaurant you'll go straight to hell, same deal if you don't use them.
What kinda restaurant do you make? Joining a restaurant chain or generally being a shitter trying to fuck with the scenario will also send you to hell
You are visited by a magical wizard of investing. He grants you 3 million cursed dollars to make a restaurant...
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Ah shit posted the wrong picture... well, whatever
Well I would go on trying to make a central/South American restaurant. Similar to "asian" restaurants that are a Mish mash of different cultures.
Food based on the roman republic, inevitably modernised if it can give it an objectively better taste but I'd try my darndest to have it retain its identity. Would try to decorate it close to republican roman style as well.
w-why do you have this picture?
I'd make a hole in the wall at a really fancy street and name it "the red pill". I'd make alt-right themed dishes and be really ambiguous and coy about my stance on the matter. I'm pretty sure I could nake every side of the matter feel like they'rein on the joke, and no matter what happens in the future it'll age well
>w-why do you have this picture?
Cause it works great.
Also not in London no, but yes I am a londonian
I'd tell him OP is a horrific weeb.
can i put my peepee in your poopoo?
If we happen to meet I guess
i'd open a whorehouse that sells burgers.
I'd open a whorehouse that sells hotdogs.
Coffee roasting cafe, I guess. Really good beans, good people, maybe one pastry. Nothing trendy or complicated, just good. Even if it went under in five years I'd have fun.
A diner.
Burgers, fries, shakes, tuna melts, etc.
Classic Americana.
Drive through that serves hot buttermilk biscuits in the morning, burgers at noon, and hot fresh doughnuts the rest of the day.
And good coffee.
I build a cafe/bakery where I bake the pastries fresh every morning by six, hire someone to make the coffee and cappuccinos and such. Make sure everything is as good as I can make it, as fresh as I can buy it, and as comfortable as it can be for people about to leave for a job they don't like.
I used to wake up early before school and go to a cafe similar to the one I wrote about. For an hour I could forget that I was a chronic fuckup without friends. I could just read a book in peace, have my blueberry scone, drink my coffee, occasionally talk to the weird economics professor about overly-simple solutions to complicated problems. On second thought, maybe I wasn't as lonely or friendless as I thought I was - he was always happy to talk to me, and I him.
It felt good to be able to walk into there and see them whip up my order before I even reached the counter. It was, for me, a place free of hostility, a place you could escape to, a place where the only thing you owe anybody is a few bucks for a delicious breakfast. If I could open a joint where I could make at least one person feel that way, I think it would be worth every penny I put into that place. And as long as I'm still dreaming, I'd like to bring my books into the shop and let customers read them at their leisure, maybe recommend some to curious patrons and talk to the customers who pick out my favorites.
that sounds pretty good my guy, I'd like to go there one day.
just one pastry? what would it be? It would be kind of weird to only see one pastry for sale
I'd open an American restaurant in Western Europe, and keep it all as traditional as possible. Parts of the menu comes from all over the country; Southern food for breakfast, staples like burgers and hot dogs(available in styles from numerous states) for lunch, steaks and roasts for dinner. Pizza available for both lunch and dinner, both NYC and Chicago style.Turkey and desert pies on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Sweet tea and coffee to drink available at all hours.
Hm. Malasadas, I think. Tell me a good cup of coffee and a box of those doesn't sound nice. I like simple things.
you sound like a complete fag. no wonder you have no friends.
There's literally no culture where I live in redneckistan, so I'd get a spacious property that has room for billiards, darts, foosball, and other diversions to draw the simple folk in. They won't buy anything too weird or ethnic, so I'd make my niche small plates/tapas style American comfort food. Of course we'll have to have a full bar, and some decent TVs for showing sporting competitions. Keep the margins nice and thin on food so they feel like they're getting a good value and the appeal of picking and choosing multiple snackable dishes, then kill 'em on beverages. Keep them nibbling on a variety of affordable, salty, savory treats so the booze keeps flowing. We'd also need a small menu of full-size meaty entrées for the potbellied redneck men who want to blow off steam but need a full meal, and a mix of classic and unique salad+protein options for their mombie housewives.
I would buy and airplane and fly people around I'm circles serving them airplane food once done land back at the same airport.
Got to make them go through tsa before the fkight and then cbp when they land, to make it authentic
Id call it
Cloud dine
don't listen to the other user you aren't a fag :333
This genuinely makes me want to wake up in the morning and get some breakfast. Thank you.
>And as long as I'm still dreaming, I'd like to bring my books into the shop and let customers read them at their leisure
I've seen a cozy little cafe+library that does exactly this.
I don't go there because the staff are a bunch of bibliohipters with attitude, but the concept is doable.
I only wanted a rib and stout kiosk, but I would need to do much more to reach 3 million cursed dollars cost. Maybe some place where I raise chickens, too. I could invest in fine tea though, so Maybe it would be "Fine Tea & Fine Chicken".
Indoor game preserve that breeds exotic and semi dangerous animals.
Rent a gun and go on safari, then either prep the meat yourself and eat it over a campfire with some salt or bring it back to the bungalo BBQ and have a chef do it.
Stuff like croc, kangaroo, cassowary, bear, boar, snakes, maybe some forms of ape or monkey, possibly an aquatic area with some sharks, eel, tuna, marlin and turtle you hunt with a speargun.
Most of the money would be spent on facilities and insurance. Animals could be bred/shipped to order to minimize costs.
I'd need more investment capital but I'm sure $3m starting and the wizard backing me would draw in the sharks.
>magical wizard is Satan
>making a business deal with magical wizard Satan
>Satan takes your soul if you don't make a restaurant
>trusting magical wizard Satan not to rescind on his deal or incorporate fine print where you go to hell regardless of what you do with the money
>providing a fantasy backstory for a hypothetical question about a restaurant
I don't make deals with magical wizards that are secretly Satan but if I was going to make a restaurant it would be a simple family restaurant with my mom's recipes.
Just use the money to buy an alcohol selling licence and bribe the state anytime they would be annoying and blow the rest on the comfiest of counter in a hole in the wall where I'll just serve the same everlasting stew on top of rice or oats and homemade gin.
am i in cgl or ck
Why stay if you have 3m for a restaurant then?
Nigga who says it's a deal? He forces the 3m dollars on you
I'd open a Celtic pub in Melbourne, Australia with Scottish pub decor and food and drinks from all the Celtic regions in Europe
You write like a homosex, my dude
Including the munchie box?
Keep it all.
Do Asians have different skin than other people? Now that I think about it most Asian girls I know bitch about acne way more than any other adults I know
Also to answer the question, I would make the Hasbro themed restaurant. You will be served by people dressed like Jem and the Holograms, get drinks from Sgt Slaughter, eat all kinds of My Little Pony themed burgers while the Transformers soundtrack plays on a PA, etc etc etc
Possibly even live tribute bands and guest spots from creators and VAs
>Do Asians have different skin than other people?
yes (although a lot of it is just makeup overuse fucking up your skin chemistry):