t. poorfag
Is caviar good?
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No, people eat it because it's considered classy by some.
It's the oldest meme food there is.
t. never had cavier
It's pretty damn tasty. I had it a few times. Way overpriced though.
Truffles are the real meme. Caviar actually tastes great.
t.never had Truffles
they're actually great!
It's great on/in sushi.
that's not real caviar
pick one
Ok you've got me... they're certainly more meme-y though. On every culinary episode of that Buzzfeed series they slap them on something to exacerbate its 'extravagance' or 'luxury'.
isnt caviar a specific type of roe, from sturgeon? not saying that that pic shows caviar, but one is a subcategory of the other
that's just dumbasses. truffles have a wonderful flavor, same with foie gras, and expensive alcohol. dumbasses will be dumbasses, expect no less
Technically, yes. Roe is fish (or urchin) eggs and caviar is salt-cured sturgeon roe. In some regions the term's been stretched to include cured roe from salmon, carp, etc. as well because it makes it sound fancier and helps them charge more.
Fresh roe is better.
Truffles are great. They take on the flavour of the tree root they grown on, oddly.
What's terrible is truffle oil, canned truffles, truffle cheese, basically any of the meme food that costs an absurd amount for a nanogram of truffles in some sort of olive oil motor oil mixture.
It's nice yes but not amazing it has a very strong taste which limits its use somewhat.
A big portion of it is perception though (that goes for most 'classy' foods though I guess), not unlike tea parties in Victorian England.
It looks pretty and tastes like semen.
Reassess your life.
Why is he always hunched over and jumpy like a fucking addict?
>He doesn't know that Gordon snorts coke between shots
>posts low quality bait about fish eggs
it's like pottery
I've only had roe. I probably would like caviar tho.
it's great
it's ok. Not white alba truffle good.
Is it how different compared to salted salmon roe?
Because even that is a bit expensive for me. Sig... I wonder how much roe gets wasted in fish processing because the demand is such and such so only some amount is harvested and the rest goes into mink fodder with the rest of the guts. (Fish liver is also pretty good!)
If you've never cut open a live salmon and eaten the eggs straight from the belly, then I don't know why you think you know anything about good fish eggs.
Salting loses a lot of what makes actual fresh roe so wonderful.
catfish roe is the best.
>eating fish eggs
what's next, horse cock?
not much worse than Veeky Forums 2bh
certainly takes less time outta my day
Salmon roe is okay. Haven't had caviar.
it's strong creamy salt flavor. i don't care for it.
>what's next, horse cock?
Is that an offer?
>not much worse than Veeky Forums
It is. Because here at least you have the option of sifting through the bullshit and potentially finding a nugget of gold.
Buzzfeed is pure unadulterated bullshit.
Caviar depends on what fish is from, when it was caught, where the fish lived, the size of the eggs, and how it is prepared. All those factors can affect how the caviar tastes or how it can be used. Not all caviar is super expensive either, if you want something that's cheap and has the basic taste of caviar go to ikea and get a tube of this stuff and have it crackers or toast.
fake news
>he's never been in the presence of a great chef
its called passion
Is that what the kids call it these days?
just let me have my brain stew material ok
Fish eggs are fucking amazing. I just don't understand why caviar is more expensive than other roe varieties. Maybe tasting some might explain it.
It has to be harvested from sturgeons which reach peak maturity at 20 years of age and are endangered (some populations are protected).
I mean I'll try anything once
Beluga caviar is fantastic, the rest is garbage.
Caviar used to be cheap peasant good, but through masterful marketing it is what it is today. Google that shit, not even trolling.
And aside from the hype, it's pretty meh
It's disturbingly salty
Its by far one of the most highly overrated things around much like saffron
>expensive alcohol
they've done blind test on this, and the vast majority of people including experts can't tell the difference between expensive alcohol and the cheap kind. Some people do worse that random guessing.
It's all about presentation and perceived value. I actually have bottles of expensive wines that I save and refill. My in-laws fucking love them. They have no idea, and I earn major points. "Will here I come!"
Post those p2p research papers you tasteless pleb
>References to caviar date back to as far as the Persian Empire. However, it hasn't always been regarded as the luxury item it is today. Russian fishermen learned to farm caviar as early as the 12th century and for centuries it was considered nothing more than cheap peasant food, served with porridge and eaten by the bowlful. However, once Ivan the Terrible got a taste for it, its status changed and it has remained a delicacy since.
hahaha rekt as bro
See Whats it like sucking fish dick!?
But I like fish sticks
Well I could believe hard liquor, with wine there's a difference. They probably just say it's good because they don't want to look like plebs.
But this happens with cavier. Even experts can't tell the difference from more expensive cavier. Rarirty doesn't always mean taste.
Caviar got more expensive long before marketing kek but lobster was the same way. Used to be prisoner food.