>Now lets put in these four ayygs
Now lets put in these four ayygs
>eating cholesterol bombs
Why do Americans even touch eggs?
What the fuck kind of faggot doesn't eat eggs
I swear you people are as bad as the 'oh I can't have gluten I'll be dead in an hour' shitheads
>>still believing that dietary cholesterol has any impact on your serum cholesterol
It's not 1980 anymore user, we know better than that now.
it's our constitutoinal rights to have eggs, I don't need to justify myself to a nanny statist. back in my day we didn't even have warning labels and we were grateful when the grim reaper harvested our souls for making some trivial error of judgment when doing something potentially fatal
nice post corky, but that was an attack on american FREEDOM you forgot to say OBSESSED
She disgusts me. I find her personality as ugly as her appearance.
I have to fertilize four of your eggs? Well if you insist.
I fucking hate people that pronounce it like that. Fucking yankee faggots.
I wonder if the carpet matches the drapes
doubt it that hair color looks pretty fake
Nah I've seen her pubes, she's ginger.
It's her creepy homeschooled Stepford children that freak me the fuck out. Nothing can be that perfect on the surface without horrible secrets underneath.
That, and her husband seems like the "let's get drunk and beat up some faggit mexicans!" type.
>Do Nothing Bitch marries rich Chad
>Sits on Pinterest and Blogspot all day stealing everyone elses ideas.
>Gets a TV show
Projecting this hard
I go hard in the taint.
>a happy family can't exist
>a blue collar mang can't just do blue collar shit without being a racist
You need to stop sipping on that mainstream media there boyo.
it's funny, because blue collar types are the ones who say "durr it's a stereotype for a reason"
Fucking flyovers, amirite?!?!?!
Fuck off, I'm amused by inventing horrific backstories for the housewife cooks and 90's celebrities that have taken over Food Network.
I have never watched the show so I looked it up and they freak me out
>That, and her husband seems like the "let's get drunk and beat up some faggit mexicans!" type.
>implying there's actually anything wrong with that
I see you've been brainwashed by the Kardashians and Teen Mom
Close, Chrisley Knows Best.
this show is so bad
Public drunkenness is a societal ill and should be frowned upon.
If I had a forehead fetish this family would be my el dorado
>would be my el dorado
What did he mean by this?
El Dorado, the lost city of gold.
>blue collar types are the ones who say
>people who believe stereotypes are dumb
hmmmm, really made me think.
El Dorado, a mythical "City of Gold".
No it didn't. Nothing can, samefag.
>makes an oopsie in his ravenous hatred of the midwest and talks himself into a corner
>better just throw some Veeky Forums words that he doesn't understand into the mix
hmmmmmmm. Sad!
Not so sad as making up imaginary versions of yourself to talk to on Veeky Forums.
Bought egg white syzurup
Haven't had eggs for years; thinking a welcome return.
Cooked it up...aiiight at best. House smelled like sulfur farts later.
No thanks man...I'll get a protein source elsewhere....
I mean...something that doesn't reek of farts....
And has the texture of warm styrofoam...
I will pass on that, thanks.