Is he the most reddit """cooking""" youtuber?
Oliver "Support my patreon goys" Babbish
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I actually rather like a lot of the food-tube recipes and chefs, especially Gennaro.
At this point, I don't even know what Veeky Forums means when they say "reddit" anymore?
Is "reddit" just popular?
>rick and morty
>black science man
>bill nye
>any of that 'I fucking love science' shit
>hipsteresque shit
>circlejerk hugbox communities
>lately meaning liberal cucks etc
This is a p good definition of reddit
i just saw a video of this guy
he says "careful cause black garlic is expensive and shit" then proceeds to mix it with industrial bottled mayonese
Aw man, I can't like Rick and Morty while being here?
You can't like anything
nice reddit response
The first half of your list is fine though, it's not LIKING shit like that which gets you associated with reddit, it's liking things and being incredibly vocal about your appreciation of it, and expecting everyone else to like what you like.
The style of video is not aimed to guide and encourage people to cook. It's just food porn with horrible music in the background. It's good if you are into pop culture. Not good if you're into cooking.
Also the way this faggot dresses and acts and talks are all typically reddit. The tattoo, the beard, the "I'm gonna pour myself a scotch" are cringy, pretentious, and laughably predicable. The normies must fucking love him.
>reddit culture is about jerking off how smart you are while Veeky Forums culture is jerking off about how retarded you are
>not realizing he's roleplaying for sweet Jew tube cash
It's too on the nose
jesus that's bang on the money
Yes I realize. I think even with normies in mind, the videos could be made to be much better. Simply removing his hairy, tatted up, fat fucking arms from the screen would make for much better viewing. Good for him to have found a niche. I just find the videos mediocre.
Goodness gracious, how long have you been away from Reddit? That shit gets shut down even there.
Wait, so you just hate hipsters then, not Reddit?
What's the difference?
hes a homosexual hipster from new york.. what do you think?
I like his videos.
Fuck you.
You sure seem to know a lot about reddit... Looks like you were too and got downvoted every time you posted. Reddit is an intellectual hub featuring many top minds; scientists, historians, biologists and many other sharp, forward freethinkers. Reddit humor is also very sophisticated and we don't like you people ruining our site with your pleb memes and catchphrases.
It's not that you can't like it, just don't be... reddity... about it.
>tfw i liked reddit in the early days after digg got cucked and now it's just another facebook feed
Ugh.. even this kind of humor is halfway to redditville
Never been there, like rick and morty though, am I reddit?
I left Reddit BECAUSE it got too right.
/r/worldnews is cancer
Im sorry user... you must go back
I like his videos
>If you have to ask, you can't afford it
Same principal, if you have to ask if you're cancer, that's probably your answer. That being said, as much as I love Veeky Forums, I would rather talk to than most of the faggots hating on one of the most popular sites out there when you spend your time on this shit. I have never used reddit (I personally think the UI is total shit), but who gives a flying fuck, Jesus, find something significant to bitch about
> if you have to ask if you're cancer, that's probably your answer
tl;dr, guy with money to blow on expensive luxuries combines his filmmaking experience with hobby of cooking, user gets mad at him for not being ironic about it
>filmmaking experience
Go shill your boyfriend somewhere else faggot.
Honestly, kinda inoffensive. The setup is a bit silly (and impersonal), but it was comfy enough.
Shit music tho
I'll bet my failing neighbours liver he edits his videos on a Macbook Pro.
Why would you pay out the ass for a whipped blend of oil and eggs in a fancy jar?
heh... more like autistic cover
Oh gosh Rick! Isn't he so funny and un-PC??? xDDD Oh gosh it got so dark when he tried to commit suicide :((( So brave to approach themes like that! xP Btw the science aspect is really what I enjoy! It's refreshing to see a show be intelligent with their humor (le belch! hehe). Only the most ironically sophisticated and cerebral humor for a gentlesir such as me xP
Fuck gennaro.
Food wishes or go home.
> when you're so caught up in your war against "normies" and "cucks" that you end up more retarded than when you started
>putting a line between the post number and your text
You're just a mad redditor, kiddo. You've lost the plot. :^)
>when you're so assblasted you resort to insults
Never heard of this guy.
It seems entertaining enough. Don't really give a fuck if he's a hipster or not.
Really wish he'd show more of the process though.
Remember epic meal time. It's like that but somhow trying to also be pretentious.
I like that he doesn't have a fucking annoying voice or cadence. He's like the only one who doesn't sound like a faggot in my opinion, but I'm sure I would dislike him as a person if I got to know him.
This about sums up a majority of that fan base.
That depends
Are you a 14 year old girl?
That's some incredible projection.
Back on topic, what are some Veeky Forums approved youtube channels? Everything seems to be shilling, I just want good quality cooking to learn and appreciate
Henry's Kitchen.
Simply Sara.
Food Wishes.
Ramsay's Ultimate Cookery Course.
Haha I agree! These fools have no sense of what makes a true gentlemen. They are obsessed with popular trends! They don't understand true classics: the long overcoat, the fingerless glove, the fedora... all the marks of a gentleman! I would never deface myself with a tattoo.
Hipsters know more about what they're being obnoxious about.
>Food wishes or go home.
Muh nigga
imo the only part of reddit worth visiting is gonewild
Don't forget Cooking with Ja/ck/!
I hit up r/randnsfw for a mystery fap every Saturday.
If you're into classical food or just find it interesting to see the roots of modern food:
digital food network has a lot of videos dedicated to single dishes. Some videos are better than others, and you do have to wade through some pretense, but even if it's totally pretentious, the video will probably be sufficient to show you one good way to make a dish.
Congratulations (you)'ve gone full leddit. Here's your upvote or gold star or whatever.
y'all are gonna like him a lot less once you see his face, it's a huge let down.
>trying this hard to fit in