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Looks good. I'd be good with that.

>no seasoning

add some smokey hot sauce an you're good to go m8

Where's the ketchup?

I used franks

Not enough fat. Seriously. Fat is needed for a balanced diet. And it's tasty as fuck.

looks like it would taste quite bland but also looks well balanced

It's bland as fuck, like said! What the hell is this? Fish? Chicken? I can't fucking tell, that's how bland it is! You don't have dry carrots and broccoli with that, you need SAUCE, or a gravy at the very least. Fucking plain meat, rice and boiled veg with just a dash of FUCKING pepper.

Is this a childs plate?

Fish looks fine for steamed or poached. Everything else looks a little overcooked. You are either dieting, or undergoing cancer therapy.

I'm 70

even if he's going thru any of those things adding some spices and herbs ain't going to hurt nothing and is not that hard

whoa thats way too spicy

Not enough food. Vegetable: Protein ratio is too high.

Gramps what are you going here?

Woah..right on. I though I was old at 41. Cool.

It was a commentary on the meal itself. Not how it's seasoned. As in it's a common meal for exercise fanatics and dieters, and a recommended meal for people undergoing certain cancer therapies.

Not sure I believe you, but congrats if you are 70. This does look like something my 83 year old father would be served in his care center.

I'm not even ragging on it. I'm a Veeky Forumsizen. When I'm on a cut, this is exactly the kind of meal I eat.

Not if you eat donuts for 12 hours beforehand.

I like this food site.

You're still young!

I am 70.

If you couldn't tell that's fish than you're retarded

You fat fucking waste, you can't tell without the breading and dinosaur shapes can you?

I'm 69 with your wife

Post proof faggot. No fucking way a 70 year old gonna be browsing the cooking board on Veeky Forums. Even reddit would have been a stretch.

>white people

I am 70

>I am a faggot
Got it. Hope you trip and die.

Wow don't talk to an elderly person like me like that

Looks too dry for me, needs a little sauce

There should be more of everything

Post feet

It does look kinda bland, but I sure do love me some fish.

Would eat, can't find much of a flaw.

It looks like you belong on Veeky Forums.

kys you fucking autist

where is the lamb sauce?


Moist, good season.
Could be flakier.
Completely unseasoned.
Probably steamed with the broccoli.
Needed to go longer, or be cut smaller.
Touch dry.

I wouldn't pay money for this, but I wouldn't turn my nose up at it if it was served by a friend or family.

snack on nuts afterwards?

All that pepper makes it way too hot spicy! Yowch!

Your gay old lady plates.

everyone keeps saying its dry and needs sauce cant u see there is sauce poured over the rice u retards?

>poured over the rice
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Soy sauce on the rice like some kind of pleb.

What's wrong with that?

No gorilla legs