Got this for my birthday, it's actually pretty cool, but those syrups seem fucking toxic and overpriced...

Got this for my birthday, it's actually pretty cool, but those syrups seem fucking toxic and overpriced. Any home syrups I can make. Besides berry based.

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You could do something like this
Or buy pic related (they have fruity flavors too)

forgot the pic, sorry for ruining Veeky Forums everyone

Just make a simple syrup, like you would for a cocktail. Infuse it with whatever flavorings you want.

>Just make a simple syrup, like you would for a cocktail

This is probably common knowledge, but you've lost me. What sugar and water?

Please Respond

Yup, Simple syrup is just that, sugar and water that's been reduced to syrup form.

here's a good summary of simple syrup and how to make flavored varieties.


Who gives a shit about the Palestinians?

What part of "a gift for my birthday" escaped you?

You can go full toxic and use the various artificially sweetened liquid concentrates available. Mio, etc. Some of them cause an exciting nucleation event, so be near a sink.

make beer and carbonate

Some suggestions on syrups in pic related. If ypu wanna do your own homemade stuff I would highly suggest looking up cocktail books.

Bitters are another solid venue. Even just Angostura and soda is great.

Try to make carbonated milk.

Who gives a shit, it's not like he or any other Westerners care about Palestinians... it's just a way for them to "stick it to Israel". Besides, SodaStream moved and hundreds of Palestinians lost their jobs, so the protesters should be happy.

Anyway, I usually just drink it plain or add some lemon juice. The syrups are pricey and I'm not into that much sugar in my drinks. Although I made a strong ginger syrup, which was pretty nice.

That sounds interesting. Wouldn't it explode everywhere?

Some guys on YouTube did it with chocolate milk, they were fine.

I would carbonate chicken broth for a refreshing savory drink. Coffee would be interesting too.

Got a link?

Holy shit, just type "carbonated chocolate milk" into YouTube, you lazy cunt.

Literally no reason to be hostile.

Shut the fuck up

Get some juice concentrate in the freezer section and have carbonated fruit juice

Some brands come in a handy plastic container with a lid.

I've never bought one of those in my life,always wondered why it comes frozen.

I had one of those. I stopped buying the syrups, they are ridiculously over priced. You can get same results by using different concentrates, you know the generic ones you mix with still water. works really nicely, only I don't bother with the refills anymore and just buy a bottle of fizzy water instead. Same results.

Buy some of those calorie free water flavours for some homemade diet sodas.