What do you guys feed your pets? I just made a nice dish for my dog using four scrambled eggs, a serving of fat free cottage cheese, a cup of Quaker cinnamon cereal, and two pieces of generic grocery bread.
What do you guys feed your pets? I just made a nice dish for my dog using four scrambled eggs...
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Just got my german shep on a vegan diet. Even got rid of his bone for better alternatives. Besides some moodiness, I think hes adapting well and has become more chill in general, sleeping more often.
The mad man always eats the bread first
add semen to his food. it will cure his lethargy just like I cured your mom's lethargy.
My African Grey just had some baked chicken cutlets & roasted asparagus.
That's messed up.
Post more pictures of that good little borko
I give my dog kibble because he's a fucking dog. Anyone else's dog always eat the kibble that misses the bowl before he dives in to the actual bowl? It's hilarious
Train greyhounds with my dad. Every night we give them about 4 slices of brown bread,pound of meat,tspn of calcium,fist of wheat germ and a couple tspns of cod liver oil. Mix it all up with about a pint of soup and voila.
>he doesn't make dog stir fry kay's way
yo you are killing your dog if you actually fed that to him
dogs have tiny dog kidneys and get diabetes easily from eating human food, same thing with feeding carrots to hamsters
t. animal pro
Dog food is made out of human food you know
This little feller occasionally gets to chow down on:
> baked chicken
> carrots
> eggs
> rice
> spinach
Cooked all together in a skillet with a tablespoon of crunchy peanut butter, with some frozen fruits like blueberries and strawberries for "dessert"
>unironically buying into the dogs have to eat dog food because that's what the media says meme
I bet you neuter your dog too because the liberals say it's what you're supposed to do.
He's actually not neutered. Bringing up liberals into your comment told me enough about you. Faggot
My parrot eats whatever I have on top of his food. Except avocados, a lot of dairy, and certain flowers.
Hi, poorfag here
I cook my dog some cheap chicken with cabbage or carrots or potatoes in a large pot with corn meal and some salt.
I feed my parrot sometimes cheap seed mix, sometimes expensive, millet, carrots, apples and homemade whole wheat no yeast bread crums as treats.
Dog's getting chubby during summer and parrot is dumpster grade
I keep chickens but they're not pets. I like them and they give me eggs. I feed them grain. It's nice going to feed them in the morning. They go mental.
I feed my dog some dry food and leftovers from meals. I feed my cat tins of cat food and also tuna fish and chicken; and scraps..
My dog will eat anything. Used teabags, mouldy bread - just anything. The cat is more fussy. My chickens just eat grain.
The chickens are shit scared of the cat. She doesn't bother them, but she often kills mice and birds. They don't mind the dog. We had a fox in the garden one night. I shot it. I didn't kill it. I just wanted it to fuck off. and leave the garden.
>not neutering your pets
Nobody wants your useless barking shitting machines wrecking their yards. I hope your mutt gets shot or hit by a car.
Enjoy giving your pupper the diabetus.
>tfw there really are people this stupid
Dogs need meat, young boy
Damn, only your second sentence and you get the "liberal" in there. Bredy gud, shitkicker, breddy gud.
It actually happened to a couple of Vegan YouTubers. They buy a FUCKING WOLF DOG and put it on a vegan diet and then it got sick as shit and they tried to blame it on the breeder for selling them a sick dog
Jesus.. it truly amazes me how ignorant and non-self-aware some people are
Not sure what you're trying to imply here (then again most liberals have no idea why they regurgitate the shit they do) but dog neutering is well known to be part of the globalist agenda to pacify pets and relieve their owners of personal responsibility when it comes to proper training/management of their dog. Not to mention it comes with a host of negative side effects (diabetes, heart problems, bone issues, etc...)
But keep drinking the kool aid bud. Cut their nuts off - they don't need em :)
As a treat I cook my dog cubed beef seasoned with peanut butter sauce with some diced and boiled carrots.
My cat is a picky asshole and only likes eating rabbit meat and sometimes fish. I'll usually just give him half a bowl's worth of rabbit mixed with wet cat food.
usually unseasoned chicken, meat, or fresh fish i caught. i also put rice or sweet potato on the side.
dogs love sweet potato
Now you get the "Kool Aid" in there. Next is "Snowflake", right?
Pic related: you
No, next is I'm not replying your blatant bait anymore. I voted for Johnson, not trump. Nice try though
retard. pet ownership is the ultimate bluepill. ever notice how pets are only pushed on white people? it's to prevent them from having children. you hardly see non-whites with pets
it fills me with joy knowing the majority of liberals either commit suicide or die without reproducing. the future wont ever have to deal with the faggot sjws of this generation because none of them will pass their genes
>TFW everyone's pets eat way better than I do.
Come on over m8. I'll cook you up some dog food.
You voted for Johnson? That was literally the worst choice. Way to think it through.
Wasn't my decision, my parents never did it but hey thanks user! My dog probably has more personality than you. But really what's the big deal with not neutering your pets?
Thanks for ruining this decent thread you two shitbirds
kek I think not.Babby boomers and conservatives are dying out. And black men are breeding your women en masse. The ensuing children of superior African blood will most definitely not be regessives.
It can still be a decent thread. You pointing that out certainly doesn't help
>make post about dog food
>devolves into nigger superiority and political extremism
I occasionally give my cat tuna and pureed pumpkin.
Shut the fuck up dog fucker. There's nothing more degenerate than a pet owner. Animals are tools.
Pathetic. Feeding that shit to your dog just for yous.
not gonna get all edgy like him, but animal companionship is a rather weird concept
i mean, youre taking care of a less evolved life form for the sake of a weird interspecies relationship
The eggs are alright, but the rest isn't that great.
Buy some dog food and put scrambled eggs on top, he'll get swole as fuck.
Don't lie to us. You're just out of clean dishes.
It isn't weird at all. The affection is evolved from usefulness. Still plenty of places, cats are used to kill mice and other rodents, and dogs are used to herd sheep, track and flush game, protect property, and kill smaller animals.
We like them because they have historically done things for us.
most people dont use them for a purpose, and it's not like humans evolved to like animals.
we're emotional creatures who will take affection from inferior species if we cant attain it among our peers
I think you're projecting. Most people who are capable of retaining healthy long term relationships like domesticated animals as pets. I'd go so far to say as most of those people do have them.
Raw chicken and eggs mixed with rice.
but why?
why should a human seek affection and give affection to a species that cant comprehend the same emotions as us.
i think humans enjoy more intelligent pets like dogs and cats because they have a simple set of emotions and if you show them affection youll receive simple affection in return.
it's all rather weird to me.
You must have a cold heart, or very little empathy. Maybe both. If you can't see the emotion in a dog's or cat's eyes, I doubt you can see emotion in another human's.
The Qur'an states dog ownership outside of working animals is haram, as they are demons. Especially black dogs. Want to scare a Muslim to jihad-tier retaliation? Loose a black dog on them. So glad I'm an apostate.
Your whining is very off topic btw. Reported.
that's why stereotypes of crazy cat lady with 40 cats and gay male dog breeder with 3 dogs exist
Nah, he's just a Muhammadist shill.
In the famous words of Robin Williams "I used to be one."
Takes one to know one, ya know.
If you are looking at the extremes, of course it's difficult to understand. Those people's behaviors aren't socially acceptable in general, which is why they are negative stereotypes.
It's very normal for an average person to have a pet, maybe two, as a part of their family. You are talking about replacing human relationships with animal ones, which is merely an extreme of domestication. You shouldn't generalize pet ownership like that.
70% divorce rate. What's normal nowadays?
got me there. ive done psych analysis tests and it always says i lack empathy.
still doesnt make sense to me to relate to another species who doesnt actively help me out, maybe ill never get it.
Couple that with the massively lowered marriage rates and you realize...nobody is married these days.
Here, to simplify it further, I'll clarify. By "normal" I meant "the ideal that is set out by the average person".
Only fucking creeps don't like pets. How can you not understand a simple attachment to a soft animal who loves you unconditionally? You're the kind of person who dogs bark at and cats run away from because they can tell how much of an awkward and stressed person you are.
kibble with canned dog food if I have it, occasional leftovers or treats
corn or grain w/e their food is made out of. right now it is scratch basically just assorted seeds and corn, occasional treats like bread, apple, tomatoes, left over bird seed, etc.
parakeet food that is seeds, millet and oranges, occasional millet sprigs. one time I got him this thing called a crunchy stick that was fruit with seeds stuck on it
>the average person
In which demographic? Minorities seem to understand that having children is normal, living alone with your cat is counterproductive and emotionally damaging.
If you want to see the long term affects of prolonged solitude, talk to long-haul truckers. 100% of them end up batshit insane after a while. Loneliest profession I could think of.
in my mind being a creep is someone who wants a soft animal who loves you unconditionally.
like shit nigga, go talk to a human, at least they presumably have complex emotions and will challenge your thought process on a higher level. making a dog like you aint shit, just give it a treat and that fucker will be your best friend
enjoying animal companionship is lazy
By the way you're typing, I assume you're a normie. But that's okay, because here at Veeky Forums, we're all about second chances. You see, most of us here do actually have many disorders and ticks that make us undesirable, which is why we enjoy the anonymity of knowing no one's flaws other than your own.
but it's rather normie to like pets, so maybe youre actually a normie and im autistic
>Mix it all up with about a pint of soup and voila.
Voila is an instrument you retard, it's wa la.
>it's rather normie to like pets
It all depends on the way you do it. If you love your pets as much as they love you, it's likely because you're a lonely virgin, and the most female interaction you've ever gotten was from that one time that girl you knew touched your hand. The pet love makes up for your lack of love, especially seeing as they don't care about how you look.
However, if you have a pet because you wanted to take some silly pictures of it and post it online, or something to look pretty, then you love it like a normie. Likely you'd like facebook posts that say "only dog owners would understand".
No, voila is correct shitnuts. Viola is an instrument, not the other way around.
>being this new
You don't even know what pukkin purray is either, sham.
>he doesnt know LE BOARD CULTURE
>lol what a STUPID unhip loser LOL
Pretty much, yea.
Lurk more, post less.
Yeah, let me just travel back in time so I can catch up with all of the latest memes.
I can see why dogs don't like you, your toxoplasmosis hijacked brain isn't intelligent enough to lead them. Sham.
His coat is dull and looks like shit.
Probably because of his diet.
Less starch, more meat. No dairy.
>Veeky Forums board culture
>tendies, mcchicken, "for me it's...", "look at my shit shake-and-bake meal find a flaw you can't", [insert ethnic food] is the best, flyover flyover every state including New York and Cali is a flyover, being a smug uncultured willfully ignorant shitposter and pretending you're doing it ironically, etc.
I was arguing for dogs though
Dogs don't need anyone to argue on their behalf though. Cats serve no purposr outside of mice/rat control. Unless you're a farmer with grain sylos that need protection, cats are pointless.
Veeky Forums has always been dog-shit. Although. every now and again, you'll find some change, when it's having the runs.
Raw nonprocessed meat exclusively. Lots of carcass. Healthiest choice for a dog
You're an autist. Can't socialize with humans so you have to fuck dog's anus. lol
I feed my dog heart and liver or other cheap cuts of bovine
Always fresh and raw
OP get fish oil from pet store and squirt it into his food, his coat looks dull, it's not lively or shiny
Johnson is an idiot that's just at the top because he has connections. The Libertarian party deserves a much better candidate.
Pick both
I voted fpr trump even though he makes me sick to my stomache something entirely revolting .... still i voted for him as i cant wait for his faggot ass to get impeached
I will enjoy every last second of his trial savoring every juicy detail of his idiocy
Pence is the right's insurance against that. Don't wish for it, faggot, we'll just get another ghoul
You dont understand i just want to watch my prez get impeached wothout regard to who will take his place
All these jokers have been bought and sold since who knows when it doesnt matter who the chief is they all conform to whoever pulls the strings
my grandpa mostly only feeds his dogs oatmeal porridge or boiled potatoes and a few pieces of low grade meat
it's a lot cheaper than dry or canned dog food
>oh cool a thread about pets and pet food
>it's just more /pol/ shit
Why can't you just stay on your own fucking board you fucks?
Pence is a religious maniac but at least he has a clue about the operations of the federal government and has a relatively coherent belief system. Trump's only claim to fame is that he acts like a /b/tard in public and /b/tards think, oh, he must be just like me because he has #nofilter lmao so random. Right now the only people standing behind him who have any real power are disaster capitalists who are literally shorting the US economy and pushing Trump to fly this thing straight into the ground, this pleases the "government can't do anything right and I'm going to prove it by getting into government and fucking everything up" crowd, and the /b/tard NEETs who think their lives can't possibly get any worse (they may find themselves surprised)
Anyway bring on the impeachment proceedings so we can have a president who doesn't think twitter is a replacement for career diplomats and intelligence agencies, and in the meantime in before I'm banned from all boards and all my posts get deleted, like I give a fuck
>disaster capitalists
Go back to RevLeft you autist
I have no idea what that is, I assume it's some kind of edgy anarchy group? Same shit as the /b/tard #nofilter edgelords, I'm what flyover Americans call "extreme leftist" and the rest of the world calls a centrist. I believe in crazy shit like free trade, progressive taxation, and keep your religious shit behind closed doors where it belongs. But I'll put up with 4 years of a bible thumper in the oval office as long as it means the big boss listens to the advice of actual experts instead of just doing whatever Sean Hannity and Steve Bannon tell him to do
Are you six inches deep someone's abdomen with a knife right now? This sounds like a speech a serial killer would give to his quarry as he's cutting them up. It is easy to form a bond with an animal, use it as an emotional anchor, receive comfort from their loyalty and inspiring trust. Pets aren't property. They're not a doll you just squeeze when needed. They're another living being that we dont fully understand and treasure for their companionship. Why is that so difficult for you?
So what you're saying is: pets are emotional crutches for people with low self-esteem and who can't maintain eye contact with people, ie emotionally stunted autists.
Gowdy is a more hysterical, belligerent politician. I'd happily vote for that Democrat.
They're often a substitute for children for many people, whether they admit/realize it or not.