I like to stick my fingers up my ass and then smell my fingers. Who else does this? Not sure if this is Veeky Forums related or not. Food eventually comes out our asses in the form of feces so I don't see why this wouldn't be appropriate for this board.
I like to stick my fingers up my ass and then smell my fingers. Who else does this...
we all do it brah
including girls
thank you for your service
How do you know everyone does it?
Pheromones are hell of a drug. Same reason we like the smell of our balls, farts, sweat.
>transparency background on a jpg
I call someone a kike and get banned for a week yet this stays up. Sage goes in all fields.
Stay mad
I don't do that, but I do constantly play with my foreskin and smegma (and I don't wash my hands)
>literal shitposting
>put fingers in ass
>there's shit
This. I said i like to shop at publix because there arn't any niggers. 3 day ban
Veeky Forums is a jew-run website, what would you expect.
>midnight on a slow board
Hey look guys, it's the ninja master of samefagging!
you are a faggot and belong on face/b/ook with your milo-posting norm-shit trolling