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God isn't real and fish counts as meat.
Man, you're no fun.
>In Catholic school
>Sister Anne asks what we are giving up for Lent
>I raise my hand and loudly declare "I'm giving up Lent for Lent!"
>Class laughs
>Get stern lecture from the sisters
Almost 30 years later I still keep this Lent promise with God. Suck a dick, Sister Anne.
heh... you showed those intellectually inferior bigots who's who. now lets go practice our swordsmanship
You can lent it to me but you might not get it back.
>bending your knee to a desert god
Explain your words.
bloomin' onions count. the sauce is mostly chemicals.
it's called a katana dad
Why give up anything for lent when you can conveniently ignore other things in the bible at will? Are Christians this shit at cherry picking?
>jew on a stick
Dolmades are patrician as absolute fuck though
*Tips Fedora*
Oh wow, you sure showed those heretic unbelievers with your le euphoria meme
Wow, you really showed those Christians with your witty retort.
>not realising you get into heaven through faith alone
Top kek. Cathocucks BTFO
made same joke at home when i was 8. got cuffed upside the head. was not as clever as i believed.
Tell me about good fish recipes Veeky Forums
*posts on Veeky Forums*
McDonalds used to do McLent in Greece, replacing all the beef with fried seafood.
I'm an Episcopalian, our priests always joked that they were giving up water for Lent
>not realizing heaven and hell don't exist and upon death we all return to the spiritual singularity from whence we came
Christians BTFO.
>fish counts as meat.
In many languages, the word for meat doesnt refer to the flesh of fish, insects, reptiles and the like.
Thankfully we speak english.
i posted and i'm christian and saying there's no afterlife nigga. nowhere in the gud buk does it say anything about some alternate dimensions where good and bad people go when they die. the lake of fire is a place for unrighteous angels and the kingdom is what'll become of earth in the end times. if jewish folk got nothing else right at least they don't believe in fantasy afterlives.
anyway have my favorite friday lent snack. i usually give up soda or hard candy.
>some flaws in shitty languages means a water animal is in fact not an animal
>been stuck on broil and sear for months picking up all of the steak
>all this carnival traffic
>finally mardi gras day
>lmao thank fuck that's over now saute can get his
>suddenly scheduled all saute shifts after ash wednesday
In areas with high concentrations of Italian-Americans, the pepper-and-egg sandwich is a pretty popular Lent food.
It's not something you make yourself, really - you get it from a sandwich shop, and if they do it right, the egg is a dense egg-foo-young-type consistency. The place I go to tops it with the same sauce and cheese that they use on their chicken parm. It's good and you don't even have to be Catholic to enjoy it.
god isn't real
Looks good. Eggplant and roasted peppers and it'd be perfect.
[citation needed]
>needing a citation on the fact that there isn't magical sky wizards and underground devils
Good goy! Now, go watch some tranny porn, or perhaps cuck! Yes!
lent is so much better than passover.
I'd way rather eat a filet o fish than bitter herbs and manizhevitz in haste
being so childish as to automatically assume human consciousness is the highest possible consciousness, when evidence of lesser consciousness is all around.
If there is lesser, there is almost always greater.
Makes me wonder if a-humanist mayflies mock the mayflies that believe humans exist.
if you must know, the bible doesn't command people to give things up for lent. But its a nice exercise to help a person realize their depravity and need for the forgiveness offered by the cross.
that would be like suggesting mayflies don't exist.
We are taught to believe all races are equal, and that skin color doesn't matter. People will believe all sorts of stupid shit.
An evil man with faith may not enter, but a man who is righteous without knowing God may pass the gate. We get Buddhists and any atheists who can swallow their pride.
Your faith may help you, but if your deeds are like that of a depraved madman, you will be counted among the depraved
You don't need to eat fish. I've been doing miso based ramen, Chinese eggplant with fried tofu, and fried rice with cabbage and stuff. Asian monks can't eat meat ever, so asian vegetarian food is pretty gud.
Since when did r/atheism invade Veeky Forums or is it just one edgy thirteen year old mad his mom made him go to Sunday School?
>Anno Domini 2017
>Not praying the Rosary and Divine Office daily
Atheist's trying to undermine people's belief in god on an anonymous anime cooking image board. Wew lad
My parish has a thing every Friday where they serve well cooked fish for a good price and it's all you can eat, so my father and I usually go.
I've noticed that Veeky Forums is actually mostly Christian in some sense, so I'm guessing that it's just memers, or people who just don't understand others have their own beliefs.
Custom order the McFish with a whole slice of cheese and Mac sauce
Veeky Forums isn't an anime cooking board you pedophile.
when you die, nothing happens
Complaining about anime on Veeky Forums is like complaining about booze in a liquor store.
It wasn't a complaint, it was a statement.
*Anime forum site* my bad baka desu senpai.
It's an image board site.
It has its origins in the Japanese style.
/a/ is the board specifically for anime content.
I shouldn't have to explain this to you.
What did you do that required a sacrifice
> basically what JonTron's evolving into
who /doingthisjusttoappeaseparents/ here
you must be 18 years old to post here
Yeah, whatever kid.
You sound fat
uncle carl why the fuck are you on my board you libcuck never tell me that story again reeeeee.
Sorry kiddo, didn't mean to embarrass you in front of your friends. Hot pocket?
>Veeky Forums is actually mostly Christian
Veeky Forums is actually mostly contrarian. When atheism reached critical mass on the internet, we stopped being largely non-religious and became Southern Baptists ministers just to feel special again. Then came newfags like you who didn't understand the culture and thought you were in genuinely like-minded company, instead of amidst those who mock whatever they perceive to be the general consensus among a given community.
Newfag confirmed. You came here in 2015 or 2016, and you think "dank" "ironic" humor is actually funny.
it sure is hard making sacrifices
I've been here since 2006 you dumb fuck. I just know most are Christian because of every single thread I've seen where people share their religious views, it's predominantly Christian.
>of the people who have religious views, most claim to be Christian
>this means the site is predominantly Christian
>this means the site known for lying for entertainment's sake is predominantly Christian
You are a massive retard.
>I'm totally an oldfag trust me
And a liar.
I prefer Eggplant Parm
I would fuck this sandwich.
Or just eat it. Whichever.
So, why is St Patty's Day right in the middle of Lent?
No more snakes nigga
this looks good. why have i never heard of it?
I already gave up snakes for Lent
You realize jews believe in god right? The same god Christians do?
I'm sure you have some Gold Medal caliber mental gymnastics routine prepared, but this seems pretty cut and dry to me.
He's saying that if a white person proud of their heritage is to be religious it should be from a religion of their ancestors, prechristian.
You have absolutely no defense on the cherry picking. The closest defense is being Catholic and the Pope changing shit around.
Fuck off Jew.