Why are sea bugs eaten in most of the world but land bugs only in asia and africa?
Why are sea bugs eaten in most of the world but land bugs only in asia and africa?
Because meat comes from the store, and stuff I'm not used to is barbaric and it just goes to show you how I'm personally responsible for stuff invented by people who lived on a continent I've never been to but some of my ancestors fled due to poverty and their quixotic religious beliefs
I think Asia and Africa are most of the world.
60% of the worlds population lives in Asia alone.
Because they're third world savages who haven't attained high level civilisation like Europeans have. Savages eat purely to survive, there's no cultural trappings to third world cuisine [sic]. It's just a case of grab the nearest thing that looks semi-edible and stuff your face. They have no concept of taste or refinement.
Brainwashing hasn't gotten that far here yet
can insects 'go off'? they would last a lot longer in tropical poorfag climates than poorly refrigerated pork or beef.
there is a dead cicada on my balcony which has been there since last summer and still looks the same. I bet it would still be fine to eat.
Sea bugs have actual meat in them, while with land bugs you're stuck gnawing on chitin like a troglodyte.
That said I'd be fine with powdered bug like cricket flour, provided it ever stops being more expensive than cocaine.
Sea bugs used to be something only fit for dogs and slaves.
Then Maine realized that middle class people are fucking stupid and will eat anything if you charge them $20 a plate and claim that rich people like it.
So, you just need to get better PR for your cricket farm.
Well, before Maine served it fresh on a plate for $20 the only way to get seabug was in a can and it was notoriously disgusting, not unlike surströmming.
>cricket flour
Just grow your own crickets. They eat damn near anything, and will resort to cannibalism if you miss a few feedings, keeping your farm intact.
Stop talking about things you know nothing about, they used to crush whole lobsters and then over cook them into one big disgusting loaf.
Shellfish are popular around the world for good reason.
Lobster was eaten as long as their were people to eat it. Canned lobster didn't start up until after it became expensive.
Canned lobster was prison food, and was so awful it sparked 'cruel and unusual punishment' complaints.
Maybe with Lobster specifically from Maine but Europe and Asia ate shellfish for thousands of years.
That's his skeleton. A human rots away the flesh on the outside, an insect on the inside. You know, exoskeleton and all that.
>only in asia and africa?
And South America, and the Pacific Islands. And the Abbos in Australia. Even the Romans ate insects. It's almost entirely western Judeo-Christian descendants that don't, because the Jews.
Who the fuck wants a terrarium of loud ass crickets in their house lmo
Only those with close access to the ocean. Fish and consequently fish and chips was rare in England until the 20th century and the railroads.
Are third-worlders really this insecure about liking bugs? It's alright, no one is going to stop you.
>isleniggers knowing anything about good food
>Fish and consequently fish and chips was rare in England until the 20th century
Depends on what you consider "fish"
The definition was extremely broad in the middle ages, even including ducks
Jellied eel became an English staple in the 1700's and the Thames supported trout and salmon fishing before the industrial revolution
>Fish was rare in England until the 20th century
Because land bugs tend to be found near excrement.
>muh tolerance
get a job kid
because crabs and shrimps can actually be prepared and hanve their shell removed, while all vermin eaters insist on putting a whole cricket in their mouth incluting legs, wings and head despite the shell not being digested at all.
>not eating the shell of the shrimp
cause they meaty and not gushy or need 2 b fried