How do you make the perfect fried eggs?When my mom used to make my fried eggs, the whites were always moist and soft but solid, while the yolks were perfectly oozy and warm, I know she didn't do anything special she just cooked them in butter and let them cook in the pan....but whenever I make fried eggs they end up with rubbery whites or just plain not cooked enough with too much snotty and I just can't figure this out
How do you make the perfect fried eggs?When my mom used to make my fried eggs...
She probably used a lot of butter and basted the whites. It's a classic technique, it's how my mom made them too.
It sounds like you have to lower your temperature and figure out your cooking time. If you're doing sunny-side-up, baste regularly.
A certain jack recommends the Roundy.
Either baste like other anons said, or cover the pan and lower temp. Helps keep the top of the egg hotter so it cooks faster, meaning the egg is done prior to bottom burning.
This is a creative board.
Go and spread your irrelevant cancer elsewhere.
Just cook it at a really low temperature
>tfw growing up you always had overcooked scrambled eggs or over cooked boiled eggs
I didn't know proper eggs until I was a teenager.
No, cook it a very high temperature
Low temp and a cover
or lid on the pan and a splash of water if you are too impatient and ham-fisted to just cook on low heat.
2 types;
>Pan on medium low heat
>Crack in egg
>Cook until the bottom of the white turns solid but the top and yoke is still liquid
>Add a bit of water
>Cover pan with lid
>Cook for desired amount of time
This is a quick way but will whiten the top of the yoke, but the steaming prevent burning the bottom before the top is cooked.
Additional oil in the pan, slightly higher than medium heat, tilt and scoop hot oil over the eggs to finish the upper portion of the white as quickly as the bottom.
Done with higher heat and in a curved-bottom pan, the egg will even bubble into a fluffy, plump shape.
Pretty easy for me at work with a 2 foot spatula and a 1.5' diameter wok
flip the eggs after turning off heat wait like 20 seconds and remove
Pretty much this.
Also using ooey, oozy, gooey as an adjective for food makes you seem like a 12 year old.
I make them Joe Rogan style, nice and oily in a dirty cast-iron pan.
This is as bad as retards asking how to scramble eggs or make pancakes. Cooking hotdogs over a grill is harder, you're braindead if you can't do it.
depends on your desired style
temp of pan, type of oil, and amount of oil are the biggest factors
classic diner eggs are medium heat, lots of butter, flip once
>sour kraut
>sliced jalenenos
>eggs from my yard
joe rogan is the smoothbrain alpha god
r8 my ayygs
Aight out of a tenny
she cooked it with love :)
Pan on low with a little bit of oil, crack eggs into it and then cover with a glass lid and let it do it's thing. When the bottoms are looking done and there's still a bit of uncooked egg white on top kill the heat and move the pan to another spot on the stove - residual heat finishes it off perfectly. Made that this morning, but I also threw in a split english muffin. It was so fucking good I think I'm going to have it for dinner as well.
that looks fucking nasty
practice. not to you the pan on full blast because butter (salt content makes it) burns faster. or start using ghee (clarified or unsalted) butter
This is correct. The trick is covering it so that heat builds up in the pan and cooks the top.
I use butter instead of oil. I get the pan pretty nice and hot before I drop the egg in. And I add about 1 tablespoon of water to the pan just after I drop the egg to create some steam, then cover.
3 minutes later you have a really good sunny side up egg. 4 minutes and the yolk will have started to turn semi gelatinous... which is the sweet plot in my opinion.
Feel free to lift the lid at the 3 minute mark and poke the yolks. I do this till they are just starting to get a little firm, but still very runny.
FYI, The water (beside making steam to cook the top of the egg will prevent any browning from happening on the bottom of the egg. if you shake the pan a bit to get a little water under the egg (after its set a bit)
Fuck off. Nobody likes your creepy ooey gooey nummy num nums baby waby shit talk.
If you move the pan around a little and use a little more water you can sort of baste the top of the egg by just tilting the pan to one side.
Its sort of a steam / poach hybrid approach with a little butter thrown in. The best of all worlds.
You have severe autism. You have to go back.
Toast looks rl good
OP is jelly of our egg skillz boys.
Don't worry Op. Practice makes perfect. You will git gud with time.
Use the tiny egg shaped pan
Splash of rapeseed oil
Med heat
When whites have set, finish under grill
After boiling, fried are the easiest method.
sunny-side eggs must be the most plebeian way to cook them.
Poach your nuts faggot
>Green yucateco
just do over easy. whites always done & yolks can be as runny as you like. You just need a nonstick pan, some kind of oil (I like coconut oil) & good flipping technique.
flipping is easy once you get the hang of it. Just make an omelet and flip it a couple hundred times until you have that down. You can also watch youtube videos on how to flip things in a pan.
>overcooked boiled eggs
is that even possible?
If the yolks are greenish on the outside, that's overcooked.
I actually use the "roundie" myself, though I snapped off that stupid plastic egg-shaped "handle" because it's too tall for lids to fit on the pan without fucking up the egg.
That said, the "roundie" (which I always pronounce "ROUND-EYE" in a stereotypical gook accent because of how it's spelled) isn't used to cook eggs with any certain consistency or texture, it's just to make them puck-shaped so they fit on a bun/biscuit/english muffin better.
I've tried using things like cookie cutters, mason jar lids, and other squat, hollow cylinder shapes, but you always have to spray the fuck out of them with non-stick whatever or glob a fuckload of butter around them so that the egg doesn't stick all over it forever, and apparently the metals used in those things aren't good to be introducing to high direct heat or food that you intend to put into your body. The "roundie" is heat-resistant silicone, only requires a little swipe of butter around the inside, and cleans easy. If I had the materials, I wouldn't fuck with any stupid single-purpose kitchen product and I'd just make something myself, but since I make a lot of egg sandwiches, this comes in handy.
Pleb spotted
There is nothing that egg can not stick to and fuck up when you break the yolk.
Regular fried eggs have magic nonstick properties. I prefer to break the yolks though so I'm always stuck with a pan to scrub.
Peanut butter ice cream, 30 deep fried shrimp and some mini donuts
>All that yolk
Low temp and cover.
Medium heat
Olive oil and land'a lakes
Bacon grease
2-3 large eggs
Crack and sizzle
Add pepper and salt
Cover for two minutes
Break yoke
Flip for 10 seconds
Perfect egg
wrong thread faggot
maybe his post is correct and the rest of the thread is wrong.