1. your country

1. your country
2. your honest opinion on American and English bacon

American bacon is superior.

I like Buckboard bacon the best, which is more similar to English bacon

1. US
2. They're all fatty pieces of pork, they taste good. All other discussion is just regional shit-flinging.


Both are good. I make my own belly bacon and back bacon from the loin. To me, the back bacon is more like ham, different in texture and flavor, but still good.

Rashers aren't bacon, fuck off.

a thin slice of bacon or ham for frying or broiling.
a portion or serving of bacon, usually three or four slices.

I mean, I don't dislike ham, but you eat bacon for the fat. Obviously american bacon is the best, and I know everyone around the world agrees

it's a tough pill to swallow when you go on vacation in america and eat belly bacon every day, then go back to a country where back bacon is the norm


Us bacon is my preference


Smoked Streaky by far.

Country of origin is irrelevant unless it's islamic.

If by American bacon you mean streaky? Both have their place. Streaky's better in a BLT; back is better in a fry-up.

peameal bacon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all other bacon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> american "canadian" bacon

>peameal bacon

Not smoked, thus not bacon. It's just cured loin rolled in cornmeal. Christ, you canadafags can't even develop a bacon.

Flags on Veeky Forums when? Nationality is as important to food and cooking as it is to politics, and /pol/ gets flags.

Both are delicious but I probably slightly prefer English bacon


Both are shit

1. USA, North Carolina
2. I've never had the opportunity to try UK style bacon, but it looks great. I've yet to encounter a type of bacon I don't like at least a little.

fresh bacon straight off the pig. thick as you want and not swimming in brine like normal packaged bacon


Can we also agree that pancetta is shit? i actually found some and put it in my spaghetti carbonara to be "authentic". gross. I'll stick to regular bacon now instead of overpriced pasta fucker garbage

I like both the same, but American in smaller amounts since they have more flavor imo. I'd rather use English bacon for cooking.

Agreed, I've never had pancetta that didn't taste a little off

I prefer English bacon because you can separate the fat more easily. Reduces your risk of CHD


Bong bacon has less fat, better for cooking full meals, Amerifat bacon is for breakfast and sandwiches.

>Obviously american bacon is the best, and I know everyone around the world agrees
American bacon is like salty shrapnel

>not smoked, thus not bacon

all of this

do americans really microwave their bacon?

>Both taste good

No way in hell would I turn down someone giving me bacon

american bacon is superior

I don't think "it would make us like /pol/ is ever a good argument for anything

Both are widely available in Britain. There is no need to choose.

1. Netherlands
2. The Brits have a nicer version of bacon. I like the American variant plenty too, though.

You mean American or Danish bacon?


they're different, neither is better, but i don't understand why we have thin slices of back bacon here, there is no advantage to it and it turns out leathery as fuck. i'd probably prefer back bacon every time if it was commonly served in thick slices.

one is significantly fattier than the other though

I've seen Brits do the same. Maybe its a BEADY EYES thing.

Back bacon and 'murican bacon are both tasty, but only the former belongs in a proper fry.

I got a package of several bacon ribbons that's stretched out like gauze and pumped full of water making itinterestin to lay on the pan, laying it outstretched one curled in a big semicircle, layer flat another curled into a thicker smaller circle. Oh, I forgot to mention I got it at my local 99cent store for 1.99 or 2.99 as my memory serves. Cont.

Both tasty but too thin, not enough fat, and feels very "unnatural"

That's where you are wrong, famalam

If you're hungary, why not eat some delicious bacon?

What does Veeky Forums think about turkey bacon?

It's shit, Ahmed

France will save us from Trump Vol I

Also 1. USA (been around most of our country, our two bordering neighbors a bit, and some nato-esque working situations while over c's

2. There is many cultural autistic meme regarding this fatty belly meat, but they are both great cuts of animal that we should appreciate. That being said, I've never had them British pork rather things in my home ir cooked myself, so I suppose I should pick some up after my vegan brown gf comes to visit.

It tastes nothing like real bacon. So why bother?

I thought I overcooked the bacon ring fried egg, but this is A.O.K.

i see two hairs in that forkful.

It tastes good on it's own merit.

Thank you for being honest.

Please punish me[/spoiler]

1. Immigrant from Ireland to US when I was youngish so experienced both.
2. British. It actually has more meat than fat. I only want American bacon if I need some rendered fat.

btw not that big a fan of either.
I've fallen for the turkey bacon meme


I've never had English bacon


1. new zealand
2. british bacon because fat is gross

I'll have to say american bacon since it's closer to the pancetta we have here.

UK and I like both. Guess it depends on what I'm making.

I like it, but it's always overpriced.

I don't like commercialized bacon, I'm a backwoods fuck. We trap, feed, and butcher boars we catch in the wild. The meat is a little tough, but we stuff them for like 6 months to try and make them more fatty.

1. Canada
2. I don't know what the difference is. I'm just wondering why americans call back bacon "canadian bacon"?

if english bacon is just a mix between american and canadian then american by far. the fattier and crispier the better when it comes to bacon.

It's shit and just tastes like baloney
Doesn't taste anything like turkey or bacon


It's not "English" or American"; it's just a different cut of meat. Both are good (and better smoked), so really the only thing to decide over is if you want more protein or more fat.

I like it better than bacon. I actually enjoy lean meat more.

Veeky Forums will hate me now

Turkey bacon is cosy af

CH/IT (living in US, though).

US bacon, but UK bacon is okay so long as it's smoked. Why is unsmoked bacon even and option in Bongland?

They literally taste the same.

English bacon is fine but American is much better

US, prefer streaky bacon for sandwiches but back bacon for standalone stuff (like next to my eggs)

I didn't say that. I was saying that we deserve nice things like flags just as much as /pol/ does. Anyone who thinks flags are a bad thing is a falseflagging "Why do X" shitposter.

I like both but I like Canadian most.

Flags ruined /sp/

I don't think so. It's cool seeing European handegg bros.


Bacon is nice but must be moderated, I usually buy 1kg of bacon that I store in my freezer, it lasts months.

It's also good hangover food

>is fine, but shit's greasy yo.

both are widely available in the UK, meaning you are actually forced to choose


you're supposed to use guanciale in your carbonara to be authentic you fucking retarded amerifat

faggot mods ruined /sp/ way before flags.

Brits can't even into English and they live in Englishland

me so Italy, me so like the pancetta. Fuck yourself eurocuck.

good luck finding guanciale in america outside of a specialty italian grocery

>this degree of autism
It's literally the same thing, I just differentiated because you won't find anything explicitly labeled bacon here. Or are amerifats allergic to the concept of foreign languages?

I buy the cheeks at an asian market and cure it myself. Problem solved. You have to do that kind of thing in most areas of The Corporate States of America if you want quality cured meats or sausages.

>no love for middle bacon
>essentially the best of both worlds
