How do you cook sausages without making a sticky burnt residue mess at the bottom of the pan or tray?
Help my sausage
you dont you fucktard its just gonna happen
Boil it. Then learn from how terrible of a plan that was and get over making a mess in your pan. Or deep fat fry it.
You can always deglaze the pan with tomato cubes to make a delicious sauce, OP.
This, just do something with it instead of seeing it as a problem.
Tomato cubes? Do you mean diced tomatoes?
Yeah, diced tomatoes. My bad.
Grill it you tard
with foil underneath?
not if they're iced
Yeah, spray it with some cooking spray first though.
Poach those snawsajez instead
Bake them
You can't that's why no one likes sausage
Did he post "diced tomatoes",?
He posted "tomato cubes",.
The first time at least.
Way to cause doubt where none was needed. You must be a fattish, disgruntled biatch.
learn to clean, bro. after removing the sausages add some water and hit it with a squirt of dawn. put it back on the heat until it begins boiling
Spicy Italian? Deglaze the fuck out of it was a red wine and then add tomatoes/garlic and whatever the fuck else to make yourself a sauce.
Beer brats? Deglaze the fuck out of it with a beer of your choice, probably whatever shit tier beer you have lying around. Slowly add a little bit of cream, cheese (cheddar), and salt a pepper for taste. You got yourself beer cheese for your beer brats nigga.
Oh or grill, but on pure lump charcoal. Never gas.
use a grill
i water fry sausage. put about a half a centimeter of water in the pan, put them in when it's boiling, keep it on top heat.
If you have impermeable casings, try boiling first, and/or finishing in the oven.
That's boiling user. As long as there is water in the pan it will never get above 100C and therefore nowhere close to frying temperature.
"water fry" is an oxymoron.
This. Put some oil on the pan, bake at 350, turn the sausages midway through cooking. They will be cooked evenly and there will be no mess.
Deglaze it, dumb ass.
To play double's advocate, the fat renders and fries with the small amount of water, which evaporates.
>i water fry sausage
>water fry