Do pineapples belong on swedish meatballs?
Do pineapples belong on swedish meatballs?
Do sweden belong in pineapple country?
I think not
Fy fan
not swedish meatballs, but if you prepare them sweet and sour style sure. but then you'd need to have onions and green peppers in there too
Not alone, pineapples are too sour for meatballs. You need something sweet.
you disgusting jävel, kill yourself now
Where do you live? I will come over and waterboard you and your family with lingonberriejam
Why are you getting so mad about a Turkish dish?
Vad är fel med lingonjävlar och potäter, för i helvete.
Pineapples don't belong anywhere but the trash.
sure. why the hell not? anyone that says no is pic related
I grew up with them prepared like this in my family
inb4 brown people/scandi racial slurs, we're just midwestern
I like them better without pineapple but you can do whatever you like
Go fucking kill yourself Danskjävlar
I'm not meming. Swedish meatballs were brought over to Sweden from Turkey in the late 17th century.
Castrate yourself and never reproduce you utter cretin.
you need to die.
On everything, everywhere.
swedes are fruity enough
uh. that doesn't really look like swedish meatballs.
and with the pineapple..
are you sure you didn't make sweet and sour meatballs or something accidentally?
What for?
No, they belong on a pizza
pineapple is hallal so yes