>be Argentinian
>have the best beef in world
>ruin it
Be Argentinian
Other urls found in this thread:
>he fell for the rare steak meme
Fuck it, just drown it in some sauce at that point.
Sure. Those cows walking on special soil, eating special grass gonna make the beef taste better, Houdini.
>Those cows walking on special soil, eating special grass gonna make the beef taste better
It literally does though, retard
Before I call you names, I'm gonna let you proof your statement... take your time.
Lol, who are those 'researchers' excactly?
Admit it, you got BTFO
are you literally brain damaged?
it says who they are in linked piece
between the title of the journal and the author list you could easily find the article itself
My argie mom does the same thing, same with my sister. "Nice and dry" is something they say a lot.
Historically most people only got shit-tier cuts because the good stuff was sold to richer countries for that mad profit. When you get shit meat there really isn't much difference between eating it ala shoe leather or eating it properly done. Hell, tanks to dubious sanitation and quality, if you err a tad too low on the internal temp you're likely to shit/puke yourself to death, why take the chance? Incinerate it, hurr.
Everyone my age tends to be more open to the idea of meat not being gray, most people I know like medium-ish, so we're slowly getting there. It also depends a ton on social class; the well to do are much more likely to buy quality meat and cook it properly, while the poor are likely to try to buy a cheap cut like roast beef and try to make a well-done steak out of it because... I don't know. They could at least roast it to make something good, but no, they cut it into a quarter inch steak and stick it on an oiled tray in a full-whack oven for however long, they just don't seem to give a fuck. The results are, needless to day, appallingly bad.
I still get a lot of people telling me how the fuck I can eat medium rare "raw" meat; some that eat it more on the well-done side have commented that I must have good taste because that's how everyone with good taste has theirs. Living with my parents is tough, my mother begs me not to eat anything under medium because it makes both her and my sister physically ill to the point of nausea if they see me eating it. Pleb as fuck, but what am I supposed to do about it.
I also think it has something to do with Italians having liked their shit well done and it carried over since half this country has a huge amount of wop blood. I may be wrong, I'm not sure when or where I heard it; please don't get angry Italian user, I mean no disrespect.
>ruin it
I would eat it, and im brazilian.
Believe it or not, some people like welldone, which is why churrascarias usually serve both options.
Also, those are ribs, they are MEANT to be welldone to the point of falling off the bone when you bite it!
>Being this absolutely, utterly blown the fuck out.
>another third world country with no hygiene standards talking up the idea of overcooked steak
As expected
>another third world country with no hygiene standards talking up the idea of overcooked steak
Oh don't get me wrong, I like my meat bleeding and screaming, but it is a fact that some people will simply not eat it.
Health standards when it comes to meat is actually taken pretty serious here, specially in churrascarias since those would go out of business in no time if the meat quality dropped.
Anyway, have you ever eaten churrasco from a bull you literally just slaughtered right there on the spot? If you have not let me tell you, there is no meat tastier than freshly butchered!
Oh god, my mouth is watering just thinking about it!
Beef is generally much tastier after it's been hung for at least three weeks. Don't you find freshly-butchered beef a bit tough?
>>be Argentinian
>>have the best beef in world
Even the regular ass grocery store steaks in Japan are better.
What's an ass grocery store?
>Don't you find freshly-butchered beef a bit tough?
Oh boy, here we go again...
That only happens if stupid people try to butcher the cow. If you butcher it wrong and it realizes it will die it gets tough because the animal is trying to survive.
What you need to do is grab a heavy sledgehammer and with a single powerfull and decisive strike to the head knock the bull out.
After that, grab a knife and slit throat, be sure to cut from one artery in the side of the neck to the other, ensuring a quick and painless death to the animal.
When the animal does not see it coming it the meat is remarkably soft and tender, and the fresh taste is better than anything you can find in a supermarket!
After you kill it, let it bleed out for 5 minutes remove the hide and open the chest and belly, take out organs and start cutting the pieces, spice them up and place on a grill over hot coal or stabbed with bamboo spikes by a campfire like a gaucho would!
There is nothing like it in the world, eating delicious fresh churrasco and drinking delicious locally produced wine, with some garlic bread on the side!
What the neighborhood calls your mom
Good post, dude
Don't reply to me again.
>he fell for the kobe meme
>sledgehammer to the head
>quick and painless
You jungle monkeys were a mistake. Portugal should have genocided you before settling there.
Dont be a dingus
we no longer have the best beef in the world because 12 years of socialist goverment banned farmers from selling the meat to other countries and they farm soy now
i watched the price of meat rise to 7 times the original price in a 6 year period
we started importing chicken from other countries 2 years ago because people cant pay what famers demand
socialist president escaped with over 7000 confirmed stolen millions of dollars she scammed us with fake projects like the gas line that was going to help poor people that go out with axes to get wood at the forest not to freeze to death wich ended up costing 10 times the budget and never got past the initial state
dont trust anyone, there is only socialism left here. They say be proud of your country or go away but they destroyed everything and left nothing to be proud of
mad jelly cunts over here
what do you do with the brain?
your mom just sucks at cooking, breh
going back to the asado, the cuts used for it are usually tough and fatty and as such require a different cooking point than thinks like steak.
in fact a lot of people enjoy their asado "jugoso" which would equate to rare/medium rare in the anglo world
this is not charred trump steaks slathered in ketchup, it's meat falling of a bone and so tender you can cut it with a spoon
BTW, grilling steaks is for faggots
rare fags are the worst
it's sweetbread actually
grill it to high heat until crisp and golden on both sides, covering it with lemon juice everytime you turn them around (just once though, don't want to touch them too much and just let the heat do its thing)
after both sides are golden, you butterfly them and give it a last touch on the inside until a crisp layer forms
if done right, it's fucking delicious and they melt in your mouth like butter
Good post, man. Keep it up.
not brains, glands
great with garlic and butter or light mustard sauce but griled they are good too
expensive as fuck tho, you will have a hard time finding a butcher that sells them
>Bife is pronounced "BEE-fay".
Holy fuck, nigger, is this a troll or are United Statians really this bad?
some people have no experience with romance languages user
I'm argentinean, and this is how I like my steak, roast me
looks fine
I see you carefully left yourself out of the picture so you can claim how white you are
>live in Kansas city
>have amazing barbecue at my fingertips
I feel bad for other places.
callate salame te comiste el verso de la revolucion de la alegria vos
aca nunca hubo un gobierno socialista, y los que reventaron el pais son los pelotudos de derecha como vos
a /pol/ papu, anda a tomar la pastillita roja, siome
I was trying to show how cooked the meat was, but I have no issue with my skin tone
I was trying poorly to roast you.
>be Argentinian
>have the best beef in world
Stopped reading there. Canadian beef is superior. Third world brown shitskin spics can't into quality food.
Looks good
>he thought this was funny
Why do flyovers think they're so smart once they've discovered rare steak?
because that's the most "ethnic" they're willing to get before running back to the mcdonalds confort zone
Stop projecting
Civilised people don't ''discover'' rare steak, they're brought up with it
stfu u massive fucking mong poofter
wow are you annoyed? lol!
>pero está vivo eso!
Every time
>best beef in world
I went to an Argentinian "steak" house in Amsterdam on my trip to Europe. One of the worst cuts of meat I've ever tasted
porro? manaos? subcidio?
nunca entendi el idioma de los negros
ojala te hallan rajado del cargo puublico al que nunca te presentaste para otra cosa que cobrar plata y estes en alguna base de datos para que nunca mas tengas un cargo publico
>Steak House
>In Amsterdam
none of those three things make sense when combined
Argentinians don't eat steaks like Americans do and those places in Europe are usually turk tourist traps laundering money
still better than dutch food
Pick one. Just because peronistas appease the poor doesn't make them socialist. Argentina is governed by corruption and fascism
>What you need to do is grab a heavy sledgehammer and with a single powerfull and decisive strike to the head knock the bull out.
Or you could shoot it in the head like a civilized human you fucking ape.
ajjakajakaja te haces el piola pero no sabes ni escribir subsidio, mogolico
dale que va nomas, que disfrutes la mano en el orto que te esta metiendo macri
sali del country, pedazo de estupido, gringo chupapijas
menos tn y mas realidad te hace falta
trosko cagon, tibio de mierda
Macri no me mete la mano en El orto, lo vote para que te meta la mano en El orto a vos como le metio la mano en el orto a to-do el pais the jefa
Pero a low peruanos como vos ESO le chupa UN huevo total so este pais se VA a la mierda vas a encontrar otro lado donde vender droga no?
Que tal si terminas la uba si todavia the quedan 2 neuronas que no te fumaste y te ganas la vida de forma decente en lugar de ir a contrarle la calle a gente que trabaja porque los pibes que mataste de hambre por 12 anos ahora aparecen en the enquestas
Pero claro los pelotudos como vos no entienden que en UN Sistema que funciona a base de inflacion termina devalorando la Moneda y terminas comprando el Jabon y herbs mate en dolares como Venezuela no?
A veces pienso que me gustaria haber visto eso, dolares a mi familia no le faltan, so we cae to-do a la mierda por lo menos ustedes son los primeros en morirse de hambre Bien que se lo merecen
>Peronists appease the poor
>12 years of government
>The poor are still poor
>The people without sewage still have no sewage
>The people without electricity or gas to heat up their homes during winter still have no electricity or gas
>Unemployed people are still unemployed
>Uneducated people are still uneducated
>Criminals still go kill and steal and police still looks the other way
>Peronists appease the poor
Peronists opress the poor
> ganglion cyst remove?
um, that's pork.
At the Sunday fair.
Yeah I'm aware of that. Should've put appease in quotation marks. But the poor are stupid and think they're being helped either way, when in reality the class divide gets bigger and social mobility is nonexistent.
>trosko cagon
Pero no te gusta nadie, no me digas que sos anarchista.
medium rare is supreme, any quality the beef had will start to degrade beyond that point. stay pleb.
argentina sucks fucking BIG black dicks
chile is better every way
even mexico, a brown smelly shit hole is better
Socialists only help themselves
I don't put the poor first but I don't lie to them to steal their votes either
People died defending them and waiting for the food or heat they were promised
And the stupid college students who acted as henchmen for them either act like cunts refusing to realize that a country is not a toy and when you play the Guevara lots of people die or downplay it as I was young and dumb and wanted to get laid and get high
But the dead people are dead and it's all their fault
The insanity behind this is incredible
ajakajak re caliente estas bobo no se te entiende una goma
ya veremos que onda con la gestion, hay que darle tiempo al presi no?
fijate de lo que hablas mogolico, yo ni estudio en la uba, no soy transa ni soy un cagon comunista, pasa que los estupidos como vos se piensan que todos los que no miran canal 13 y leen clarin son zurdos vagos y negros villeros
que, me vas a venir con esa tonteria de "un pais es como una empresa"?
empiecen a darse cuenta de que en este pais los que se creen blancos son negros carbon, y toda la clase """""media"""" esta conformada por muertos de hambre asalariados como vos que se tragan todo lo que ven en la tele
me juego la cabeza a que nunca pisaste un barrio del conurbano, mucho menos una villa
cheto refugiado
ni a palos, solo que los comunistas me parecen unos bobos que no hacen nada mas que quejarse, pero nunca mueven un dedo
been to argentina
can confirm, the beef especially the steak is fucking a m a z i n g
I don't know how they do it
Never tasted something so good
underrated post.
That scar you mean? No, I burnt myself with the oven
been to argentina
can confirm, the beef especially the steak is fucking b a s u r a
I don't know how they do it
Never tasted something so awful
>talks about beef
>posts pork
>american """"education""""
shame on you, retard
I assume you are basing this opinion on direct experience in both countries, right?
>muh marbled kobe
Fucking weebs, man.
>Sugar sauce and heavy smoke
It's almost like you're trying to cover something awful. Don;t feel bad for me, burguerino
This is bait
>get btfo
>pfft "researchers"
>brazilian meat
A-at least we are r-resistant to lots of stuff, r-right?
I was under the impression that South American beef was of lower quality due to being generally tougher/less fatty. Read something about how they need to use a different breed of cattle since the ones we use up here are too susceptible to Lyme disease/the heat in South America.
just wanted to laugh at you as well
Yeah, they have a lot of beef, but its not higher quality than America
I always went Medium but it can be shit when you get a bad chef and he makes the steak go to medium well, otherwise if the chef doesn't cook it enough I will end up with a medium rare steak which is also just as good as the medium
>talks about beef
>posts pork
>yurocuck """"education""""
You are eating the fat right?
>muh health
This makes me so mad. Dumb fucking spics.
At least two of these posts were made by the same person
I bet my ass OP is a chicano trying to get approval from his amerilard masters
nice damage control
Last time I went to Patagonia we had some cordero on the asado, cooking for hours and really to just peel off the bones. The best thing about their meat (at least their lamb meat in this case) is that it's so juicy you don't even need garnish. We just ate the meat and had wine, there was also a salad but you could easily just eat the lamb without any sauce or potatoes because of that insane taste