>mfw discovering Hot Toddy
Mfw discovering Hot Toddy
Isn't that the stuff brewed in unused Indian toilets?
>Hot Toddy
Do Britlards really do this?
Do amerifats really call them that?
>Four naan Jeremy? FOUR?
That's insane.
I'm thinking of popping down to the Chinky. You want anything?
Yeah get me Dune on DVD, Bakewell slices, gin and Sara Lee.
Here's a bump.
Hot toddy really comes into its own when hiking an icy scottish mountain
100ml choice of scotch
Stick of cinnamon
2 tablespoons honey
Half a lemon
Pinch of ginger
Add hot water to desired dilution
Hot toddy is awesome when your have a cold and its snowing outside
You 'Merican niggers have us brits beat easily... the most obese people in the world, next to pacific islanders.
Blacks really don't count, though.
Yeah, 12th fattest nation in the world, look what countries are ahead. Correlates with our medical ranking at 37th in the world. A number of third world countries are ahead! Surprise!
Us French definitely do. Britblobs are easily the fattest in the region. Now that they left EU though the average might go down at last.
Also proofs before any smelly rosbif tries to think I am talking from my ass LOL
>b-but muh empire
>the world speaks english!
kek, no wonder amerisharts are so fat they take like their father
anglos are truly the worst of the world
I call them crisps actually.
when you remove blacks from US statistics, US white obesity is less than UK white obesity.
Check and mate, faggot.
The bongs haven't left the EU.
There's part of your problem. To be in the "ideal" range you have to have both no muscle mass whatsoever and no excess fat (t. heroin addict). Grouping the two together is and has always be fucking retarded and the BMI scale should be abolished.
always been*
>t. britfat
Just cut some weight you fat fuck.