>Menu calls sandwiches "handhelds"
Menu calls sandwiches "handhelds"
Other urls found in this thread:
>the menu doesn't list the side dishes
>the menu is a russet potato
>the menu is a single page
>the menu is 8 pages but they only specify in one type of food
>"hubby" in yelp reviews
The website's pdf of the menu doesn't list the prices
>the fine eating establishment serves the McChicken
This fucking shit right here, wtf are you hiding?
Anybody who writes a food blog will tell you it's not just about writing about food! Sometimes one of your readers will "throw down" a challenge and it's up to the food blogger to meet that challenge.
About 8 months back I was challenged to eat all my meals one day with utensils and any one who knows me will realize that as a busy Mom, there's going to be a "take out" meal that day especially when I'm picking up my hubby and my mixed brood from school and getting them to their after school activities.
Well the fast food that day of the challenge was one of your more well known hamburger places and darn it if I didn't eat my "burger" with a knife and fork. The kids couldn't stop laughing (you know how kids are) and I did draw more than a few amused stares in the hamburger restaurant including a gal from my Yoga class!
The verdict? Hamburgers might be meant to be finger food, but you can just as well enjoy them with a knife and fork. And you also learn that the term "blogger" sometimes entails teaching your kids a lesson about keeping to your word when you lose a wager.
So good eating to all!
>prices are just a number without the dollar sign
Canadians, explain yourselves.
They seem to be making things in house and apparently putting effort into sourcing the ingredients. That already puts them leagues above truly shit-tier restaurants. z
Coal burners should all be necked
Fall in a ravine /pol/
*Lauges at your post*
*Opens new York times*
20 ways in Wich running water is racist
Does your cat hate gay people?
This level of wit is too good for four channel.
>the menu is printed in comic sans
>the menu has stock images on it
>the waiter doesn't know how to pronounce anything on the menu
>you order a 13 year old wine but you get a 14 year old wine
>the restaurant name is italian
>somebody lives in the restaurant
>the parking lot has a speed limit
>user's gif is a still picture
>food is served on a plank of wood
>drinks are poured into a mason jar
>No adult portion chicken tenders
>the real menu doesn't list prices either
menu kino
>Mac and cheese
>Kid's menu items are for children ages 12 and under ONLY
its funny because its true
can't stand that shit
>place has a secret menu
These are my favorite kinds of posts on Veeky Forums.
>Price is simply "MP."
>Don't know how to ask for the market price without being judged as too poor to eat at the restaurant.
>you order a 13 year old wine but you get a 14 year old wine
heaven forbid
Is this a thing? I guess I must be too poor to have seen it.
Usually it's on things like lobster where the price changes frequently.
Usually for expensive cuts of beef or the "Fish of the Day." The price fluctuates based on availability or what the chef got from the fishmonger that morning.
>Edible menstrual pad at 0:50
>Advertises "apps"
Just kill me now
I say who gives a fuck about the hipster aesthetic if the food and beer are good. Maybe it's just me. Shrug