I had carbs
How do people manage this?
First day of no carbs
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it's a meme diet for memers
Eventually the part of your brain that enjoys flavor and is responsible for decision making shuts down, at which point you join a crossfit gym.
Often, they are very overweight or have a medical condition that drives their will not to die. For myself, it was a choice between having uncontrolled type 1 diabetes and feeling sick all the time or quitting them and feeling normalish.
Hey, so the first thing you want to do is cut out refined sugars like sucrose, hfcs, bleached flours, white rice, etc. Then it'll be a lot easier to cut out whole grain complex carbohydrates. Simple sugars really fuck with your brain chemistry, insulin levels, and hunger cycle.
this user is partly correct. The reality is that sugar is a highly addictive substance that numbs the sense of taste and neural interpretation of taste, which drives your digestive hormones and sensations of psychological craving and hunger. For most people it takes 1-3 months for a reset, after which you're likely to spit out sugary carbs the same way most people would spit out a big spoonful of salt.
I dunno, I managed two weeks before realising it was a meme diet for deluded humans seeking unrealistic results.
It is a sad truth that the best diet in 99% of cases is a balanced one, built on varieties of macro and micro nute sources.
bacon and eggs
this diet really isn't difficult at all
>cut out bread, starches like potatoes, and things that are straight-up sugary
>replace them with things that are high in fat and protein and nutrients, e.g. meat eggs and veggies
this diet may be a meme but sugar is an even bigger meme
and by "bread" i mean "wheat products"
>wheat products
Cuck. Every civilization was built on either rice, wheat or corn, period. To deny it means you can't accept civilisation. Fine, I heard Ongaboonga is accepting applications for citizenship.
that's great and all but it doesn't mean it's actually good for you, it's just what gave large amounts of people enough cheap food when society was in its retard years
You need carbs to live
Yeah, go fucking figure, the best diet is a balanced one! I don't get why people feel the need to latch on to these meme diets. I lost 65 pounds tracking my calories and balancing my macros while eating. Your body needs carbs, and starving it of carbs will make you lose weight, but in an incredibly unhealthy way.
No, hypocrite, now that civilization is so advanced, people don't need to rely on the easily harvested and cooked carbs. If you like them that's great (I certainly do) but you're a cunt to imply it's uncivilized to eat them.
Not really, considering ketosis is an actual thing that the body is capable of. What do you think we did pre agriculture?
Forage for berries and other things? Eat vegetables out of the ground? You can get carbs from lots of places besides grains, grains just have a lot of carbohydrates. Ketosis is a survival mechanism but it's not very effective long-term. There's a reason our body is calibrated to burn all three energy source, rather than just two.
You realize carbs exist outside of grains right?
I mean you get that?
You're a retard
Actually, if you lose a lot of weight through a calorie restricted, high carbohydrate diet you also lose a lot of muscle mass and greatly increase your chances of developing gallstones. Have any abdominal pain?
Dietary ketosis is healthy. Starvation ketoacidosis is unhealthy.
Eat more food I guess. I've been LCHF for about 6 weeks now. 3-4 of those I wasn't doing so good. Finally hit ketosis (sweet spit) and got hangry so I had to eat more, almost double what I was eating before which is 900 calories. Just eat until your satiated. It you ratios are 60-75% fat 15-30 protein and 5-10% carbs you're gonna get satiated before you get out of the weight loss range let alone into the weight gain range.
Well put.
I guarantee GUARANTEE you you only feel that way because you did it wrong. You didn't take magnesium supplements. You failed to get adequate sodium (both of which you need more of on LCHF vs HC(L/M)F). You didn't eat organ meat and your energy and enthusiasm waned or your hair started to fall out because a lack of nutrients. You tried to restrict calories in the beginning even though your appetite goes up at the beginning of ketosis before stabilizing days later and not eating when you hungry on LCHF is practically suicide.
One or all of these things you did and then did mental gymnastics to say that only you see how wrong it is and those other people, layman's, doctors, nutritionist who succeed and advocate for it are wrong or lying or maybe you dropped the ball on even considering them while doing your triple arabian to give you a justification to fail at something but be smug about it.
Wrong. It's literally so much more effecient than glucose metabolisation that glucose should be considered the "last resort survival mechanism." youtube.com