Food wierdos

On the train home today a young man was eating Mcflurry from burger king which alone is very shameful an absolute disgrace but then things took a turn for the worse and the absolute freak of nature started taking fries out of his BK bag and was scooping up ice cream and eating them together.

I felt like confronting his but it was a very busy train and I just wanted to get home.

Have you ever come across such disgusting eating habits?

>Mcflurry from burger king
just fuck off

>Mcflurry from burger king
just fuck off

Jeez, kid.

Whatever BK's version of Mcflurry is you absolute retard.

>Mcflurry from burger king

>I felt like confronting
Why? I mean, that's shit taste, but it doesn't really hurt anyone. Just mind your own business in public.

You shouldn't eat on public transport never mind such a disgusting combination.

So a milkshake? Why not just say "milkshake"?

Fries dipped in shake is delicious though.

They don't have one
Kill yourself

>from Burgerking

You watched Scooby Doo when you were growing up, didn't you?

>Mcflurry from burger king
Holy shit.

Fries+milkshake is patrician tier

Come here honey-child and let daddy-momma cook you up some grits.

>What is a King Fusion

Anyway I occasionally do this ,too. It is surprisingly good.

SO many reterds on ?ck/ these days.

I do this with wendys frosty

>Mcflurry from burger king

you can't be this dense, this has to be bait. please tell me you were only pretending to be retarded

this, why do you care enough about how/what someone eats to confront them about it

First off,
>McFlurry from Burger King

And second, don't knock it until you try it, fag.

My autism prevents me from accepting there are things other people like.