Do you like it? Or is it garbage?
Black licorice
>black licorice
That's redundant, dum dum.
i'd prefer garbage
It's an acquired taste
It's the best.
>inb4 finns come and praise licorice
I like it. I can understand why few else do.
I enjoy it. Gotta get stuff made outside of the US if i want good stuff though.
Licorice is the best.
Even licorice vodka is god tier
Is this even true? I've always loved it.
True for me at least.
Only took like 3 times tasting it for me to love it though.
Sambuca is the only thing I've ever gotten smashed on and not felt queasy thinking about it after. Licorice wins again.
I like it. Sometimes I'll even buy ouzo so if I take my liquor out people don't ask me for any. I know that seems cheap but I'm like the only motherfucker I know who brings alcohol to anything and I'm sick of people drinking up my whiskey and good beer, doubly so of people's GFs drinking my shit since nobody's GF ever brings beer or loads a bowl or anything and I ain't giving them the D.
Sorry if I seem assmad about this but I just had most of a fairly expensive bottle of Jap whiskey obliterated by people who saw fit to take it without even asking me simply because they're dating friends of mine. One of them even had the gall to tell me I had a drinking problem after she drank more of my whiskey than I did.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Well shit, I guess spoilers don't work on Veeky Forums.[/spoiler]
Welcome newfriend. Don't treat Veeky Forums like your old boards.
Ironically enough my home board is /k/, where spoilers also don't work.
I've been branching out since /k/'s gone to shit, I suppose I've spent too much time on Veeky Forums.
>I've spent too much time on Veeky Forums.
Any amount of time spent on Veeky Forums is too much time.
For some games, it's that or Reddit
I'm sorry for your lots.
If I'm going to eat licorice I like it black and salty.
It's about the only candy I eat these days
did you just fucking assume licorice's race?
How can red liquorice compete?
Nah man, race isn't genetic it's cultural. Calling it black is just a descriptor for its color
Never met anyone under the age of 50 that likes it
i like it, it occupies a space in my palate similar to that of spicy things but with an entirely different function
hate it
I love it. It gets a lot of hate in America, but that's probably mostly because most licorice products that are common in the US are terrible.
North American made stuff is garbage.
Northern Europeans make the best licorice candy. Walmart sells some Dutch and Finnish brands here and they're amazing.
Definitely an acquired taste. 52 years old. Appreciate licorice thanks to the moms. Horehound second best.
Step aside you plebs
delicious as fuck
just took a wild fucking guess, didn't you?
oh no it's 1 letter off, what could I have possibly meant by this?
yeah this. its an acquired taste and you have to find the good black licorice. bad black licorcie sucks.
you strike me as someone who has lots of excuses for his many, many failures in life
t. someone that gets anal about spelling on an imageboard
At least he tried? Besides, someone has to be my cashier. A purpose for everybody.
its a retronym, silly
I'm nineteen and love it
>That's redundant, dum dum.
It's probably different elsewhere but in the United States when you say licorice the majority of people think of the bright red fruity stuff and you have to specify black licorice when talking about the read deal.
That was my point. "Red licorice" isn't licorice. It's strawberry gummy candy. You shouldn't have to specify that licorice is "black".
Well, I'm a Finn and I recommend it, as you predicted.
holy shit that tastes bad
bitch drank all your suntory? I'd be pissed.
I've liked it since the first time I tried it, around 4. One of my favorite candies.
this, dutch stuff is the best.
i fucking love it but i don't eat it often because it lowers testosterone
>strawberry gummy candy.
but it's licorice flavored and not strawberry flavored
the reason you dumb americans hate liqourice is because you have only had garbage rubbery american liqourice.
Buy some REAL shit nigga and you will love it
doesn't it give you cancer?
Name me one thing that does not give you cancer
It was for me
>Be 10 year old me
>always have my family eat ll gummy stuff from the mixed Haribo bags
>eventaully I forced myself to eat some Licorice snails
>aquire the taste
>never have to share it with anyone
Pretty neat
It's one of the most estrogenic foods available, of you want bitch hormones then go ahead.
>le estromeme
>Scandinavians like licorice
>are massive effeminate cuckolds
>le cuck xD le estrogen Xd
I bet you use Alex Jones's testo pills
I bet you have man tits
sorry but i've been a redvine man all my ife
I'm Scandinavian, of course I love it.
Side note: it seems like there's a correlation between the love for liquorice and Donald Duck.
>Buy any kind of assorted candy
>Black licorice is one of the flavors and is always the most hated
Shit dude as a kid on valentine's day I'd trade my licorice for the stupid chalk hearts that say "I love you" but taste like "go fuck yourself", that's how shitty licorice is. Why anyone would eat it on purpose is beyond me.
Black licorice haters are simply immature palates.
If you look at the sheer number of liquors that are licorice/anise flavored in the world? From greece to france to all of scandinavia, it's got to total in the 100s. So, people like it! It's also a pretty intense component of traditional root beer.
If you don't? Well, you probably are a baby who doesn't eat fennel seeded breads or sausages, or even spice cake. It's not in your mind to have a variety of tastes. The simple life is for you.
i think ill have myself a glass of red zinfandel
i will say this- i LOVE fennel, i love fennel seeds, i love sambvca, bring it on. Fennel is the chief spice in my spice blend for venison. its great.
But the taste is best when its subtle and its against something - the earthiness of the venison loin, the bittersweet in the coffee, the richness of the duck leg sitting on the bed of braised fennel, the spice of the hot italian sausage.
Eating it by itself is like listening to The Three Tenors. Pavoratti, cararas or Domingo are ia treat when they are in an opera but, all three of them at the same time singing the hits - its a bit much.
>I'm Scandinavian, of course I love it.
Same here. The stronger the better, especially salmiak (aka salmakki). I actually dislike a lot of Western licorice or the British "Allsorts" because it's not strong enough.
As for Donald Duck (or should I say "Anders And", as he's called in my home country)? No, I don't care for him.
most disgusting candy coming through
Liquorice = Lakritsi
Salty liquorice = Salmiakki
Completely different thing desu, don't know why it's even called salty liquorice.
>muh ammonium chloride
salmiak < licorice
>mfw my ex's mom used my Yamazaki 12 to mix with her apple cider
I don't like it. Tastes fucking weird.
I guess there are people who like it... might be an acquired taste or individual preference. Not me.
You are subhuman if you don't like/cannot eat sweet licorice, salt licorice, milk and other dairy products
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
I bet I could find a study proving otherwise.
I like a mild flavor of licorice from fennel, anise seed, star anise, hell even ouzo, but candy and sugar are for manchildren and grils during their periods, so no.
It's good but salty licorice comes straight from hell
Tastes like Hell. It is what Hell tastes like.