Why do rich people still eat fast food?
Why do rich people still eat fast food?
Time is money.
You can lead a whore to culture but you can't make her think.
Having money has no correlation with being intelligent. There are millionaires who smoke crack and gamble... Some people are just fucking degenerate/idiots.
>There are millionaires who smoke crack and gamble...
God forbid people enjoy life. If you can live a degenerate lifestyle and still stay rich, I say more power to you. You're living the dream.
Because convenience is a useful feature and rich people in modern times are also busy. It's not just about time to order - it's also about location, as Dave Thomas would have you know. And it doesn't have to be cheap anymore. A sandwich can cost $15 in my city.
Shut the fuck up, retard.
many rich people are chronically stressed and have no time to cook nutritious foods or sit in a restaurant.
These people usually die at 50 from heart failure
>wahhh people are enjoying life and getting fucked up with the money they worked for
Tell us more about how you've never done drugs because you're too autistic to meet a dealer.
Because it's American haute cuisine.
Your projection is showing, Kyle. :^)
I'm not the one complaining about adults using drugs, retard.
>b-b-but people can't have different opinions than meeeee
Calm your autism, sweetie.
>Sweetie posting
Listen honey *puts paw up* you can talk to that ;)
fpbp came in to post this ver batim
Why spend more money than you need to?
*grabs you by the tail*
*moves claw in a circle around my ear*
Just leave him alone. He's got kibble in the brain.
Everyone on Veeky Forums who is anti-drug only has that opinion because of what I described above.
Yes. You're 100% correct.
>mfw you
I know I am. Most of the turboautists on here couldn't make a drug deal with a suitcase full of cash and Hunter Thompson's rolodex.
>mfw you
A few reasons.
Sometimes it's because they genuinely like it.
Sometimes it's to promote the business/give it advertising (bonus points if they have financial interest in the company)
But most of all, in my opinion, it's a method to relate to the common man. There is no need to photograph their food and make it known to the world they eat McDonad's but they go out of their way to have photos of themselves with the junk and post it online for the world to see. Take Trump for example
>Whoa he eats McDonald's!
>Who KFC too?
>He's so cool I'm retarded I'm going to vote for him!
worst thread in the catalog
They are rich in currency but poor in time.
Bored and too much money
t. bitter liberal
Did you know? Most rich people aren't famous.
Trump won. Deal with it. Fast food is GOAT.
i make pretty good money but sometimes i like getting mcds or whitecastle because it makes me think of good childhood memories
also no bully rudy
Because it tastes good.
Maybe it's not like the best shit ever, but it doesn't a master chef to fry up some potatoes with a shitton of bacon and cheese and beef, and it's generally always going to taste rad as fuck.
you're a moron
>Why do rich people still eat fast food?
The same reason that I occasionally fuck nasty strippers when my wife is an "LA 10/10".....
After having filet mignon every night for months or years, sometimes you have a few drinks and just want a disgusting greasy double cheesburger from Jack In the Box or McDonalds
See. I am not even "liberal" nor am I American yet you're stupid enough to assume that is what I am. Trump voters are dumb pieces of trash.
Fast food sucks you fat fuck
Sorry, you're a very smart individual who is appreciated and loved.
Hey, I can make up things too!
I'm not entirely sure they experience stress
If you pay attention you will nottice that people who make it really big tend to share some traits
Personally the stress would kill me, at the very least I would look old and frail all the time. These are people who gamble with fortunes every day
ITT: triggered snowflakes
>Being this angry someone insulted you for voting in a manchild trustfund baby who likes to eat steak well done
No need to be passive aggressive, user.
it is you who are the p.p. head, friend
Nice quads but stop thinking about dicks.
fast food tastes good
>The same reason that I occasionally fuck nasty strippers when my wife is an "LA 10/10".....
That should not have been as funny as I read it. Fuck you.
>make post about politics
>later whine when people call you out on it
this is why slowboards are going to shit, because people have to bring up politics all the time
It's just shit bait baka
Rich people eat fast food because fast food is good. From a technical standpoint that is, since the companies employ food scientists to create "dishes" which are inexpensive so the lowest denominator can buy it, they make it good tasting, and addicting.
All drugs should be legal, you're very backwards and sheltered if you think otherwise. You're a fucking idiot if you support the pharmaceutical industry and are against legal street drugs, essentially in many cases its the same shit.
Fast food is garbage for you nutritionally, financially, and fundamentally. Its not fulfilling or filling, its basically a snack time treat, not a full meal.
Seriously go back
Wow, you're dumb AND poor, what a shocker.
GOOD point
What about that was Reddit at all?