What are you guys feeding your dog tonight?

What are you guys feeding your dog tonight?

I'm giving mine four eggs, some bread, cottage cheese, and fruit loops

>fruit loops
you might as well just feed him cornmeal dog food

Have fun treating your dog for it's diabetes

You should give it oatmeal instead of bread and cereal. The other stuff is fine, although more meat would be better.

>cooking the eggs solid

Your dog must have been a cunt in a previous life to deserve this nightly poisoning.

I want to forever-love your pupper. I can't tell if it's a sheltie or a collie, though.

He's a vegetarian.


I have been thinking about doing this. I just don't know how the dog will react to oatmeal seeing as it's so fibrous and slow-digesting etc...

Do I need to cook it or can I just give it to him straight out of the container (perhaps soaked in some milk to make it easier to eat)

My wife's son's father-in-law's dog got bacon scraps from when I was cooking, then I think he ate a toenail from behind the couch.

He thought eating an SOS pad was a good idea.

So his meal was 3 teaSpoon of peroxyde.

Now he is just relaxing.

Cheekily feeding him some of my grapes now

please don't feed anyone/thing fruit loops

Aren't grapes poisonous to dogs?


My dog hasn't been eating at all for the past four days. I've tried all her favorite treats with no luck. What could do the trick?

intestinal torsion

But why?

To make him puke.
It works every time.

Rice, lean ground beef, and green beans, same as every night

My dog died 15 years ago.


Nice bait.

See I give my puppers organic, grass-fed, cruelty-free, cage-free meat and home grown vegetables like the pretentious fuckwit I am.

I'm sorry, user. My 18 year old kitty named Ashura died last year. I know that feel.

Yeah and causes gastric lesions. Not the best thing to give to an animal to induce vomiting.

The Chihuahua, Miniature Pinscher and Dachshund got their kibble before we had dinner, and my father also cut up a portion of roast meat for them which he fed to them once we were done using his fork. They wait patiently until we're done, then sprint to my father's side and take turns swallowing the chunks of meat more or less whole.

The mutt outside also got her much larger portion of kibble along with some roast chicken that had been sitting around in the fridge for too long and nobody really wanted it. She might be the only one outside (until now), but it's because she sheds a ton of hair and my mom doesn't want to have the house chock full of the stuff since she likes to keep things very tidy, and she's also a very large and very clumsy doggo who thinks she's still a tiny pupper. We still care for her as well as we do the inside dogs.

After we finished eating we had two or so portions of rice and two portions of roast beef left. We cut up the beef, stuck it in the pot of rice, and gave it to the Greyhound. Our first male, we rescued him less than a week ago. Mom found him lying in a ditch next to a pile of trash. Pic related; poor thing is so mal nourished that the vet said we were lucky to have picked him up when we did, a day or two more and he might have not made it. He had pieces of plastic bags in his stool, I guess he had to resort to that out of desperation. Luckily no parasites, and we got all the ticks and fleas off right away with appropriate product. We've been giving him small amounts spaced out through the day to make sure a sudden influx of food doesn't cause an intestinal blockage or something and kill him, mostly kibble mixed with warm broth and meat scraps or organ meat like liver. Anyways, he ate most of what was in the pot and what he left we gave to the mutt.

Slowly but surely he's gaining energy to be able to move at something more than a crawl, today I even saw him trot after a bird in the backyard, and he's holding his head up higher.

Aw look that little Gordog Rawrmsy
What a QT

>he still lives with his parents

thanks for the blogpost, /an/


Don't do this you fucking idiot, they're worse than chocolate

At the speed he vomit after that I doubt the peroxyde stays in the stomach.

>boil chicken breast in water
>I eat the meat
>dog drinks the broth
>give the pupper his regular meal too
dang near every day

...he posted from his government subsidized housing. Feeling witty and superior he cracks open another can of monster energy and chokes it down in half a second, his taste buds not even registering the flavor. "BUUURRP... that's one for the record books!" He pulls out his MLP journal from inside his man-bra and jots down the time.