Do you eat sunfish, Veeky Forums? It is kind of frowned-upon these days in the west, but apparently they are becoming more popular in China. This is a problem, because they eat A LOT of jellyfish, and jellyfish overpopulation is trouble in many areas.
The Chinese also eat jellyfish, but in much smaller quantities than sunfish.
Carson Jenkins
>Chinks manage to find yet another new way to fuck up the environment And people say they aren't inventive baka
Eli Morales
They're a prized culinary item because the flesh is perceived in China as soft and savory, with a good ability to absorb sauces and oils. Organs such as the fish's liver appear in some high-end menu items.
William Lewis
I thought i remember hearing somewhere that ocean sunfish are basically all cartilage and connective tissue with hardly any meat but idk
Isaac Gray
Sounds about right. The Ocean Sunfish is so mindbogglingly terrible as an actual living organism it defies belief that it exist. It almost disproves BOTH Creationism AND Evolution: nothing intelligent could ever design something that stupid, and it defies explanation as something that terrible could have survived so long.
Leo Miller
not being made out of anything edible sounds like a pretty good evolutionary tactic to me
Chase Morgan
>I'm an alpha predator! I can run fast and rip anything apart with my powerful jaws! >I'm a herbivore! We travel in packs and breed rapidly ensuring the survival of our species! >I taste like shit to everything.
William Diaz
>eat the shit that no one else wants to eat >be a bony pain in the ass to kill >have little meat as a reward for killing >don't mind me. I ain't on nobody's turf and my turf is unappealing.
Easton Cruz
Apparently it shoots out enough eggs at a time (300 million) that it keeps the species going on probability alone.
Levi Anderson
literally everything the Chinese say about food is wrong, though. literally everything.
>le "rhino horns and lion dicks cure my asthma" meme >le "boiling dogs alive makes them taste better because of the adrenaline" meme >le "it's perfectly safe to use gutter oil to cook my food" meme >le "raising my pigs on an all-feces diet and then eating them is perfectly safe" meme
They're savages.
Adrian Ortiz
Yet another casualty of the Chinese zerg
Bentley Howard
At least they're honest about how much they don't give a shit, unlike Americans who only pretend to.
Oliver Hill
You didn't need to include le and meme on every line, please reread your Veeky Forums posting companion guide
Parker Jackson
Chinks will eat fucking anything. They'd probably eat tree bark if they had any trees left in that cesspool of a country.
Daniel Barnes
Who the fuck would eat a baby fucking wheel, jay?! What the fuck!
Angel Perez
Was waiting for this, honestly.
Kevin Brooks
James Richardson
They do so in Best Korea.
John Kelly
>I taste like shit to everything.
One of the Sunfish's predators, the sea lion, kills them for fun by ripping off their fins and letting the body fall to the sea floor.
Brayden Ortiz
I have not yet tried it, but is on a taster menu a sliteye friend is cooking at the mo. Will try soon, I believe it is served with sour green leaves and ginger.
Levi Howard
Knowlegeable people do in 'murrica too. Ever heard of Euell Gibbons and his famous quote, "Ever eat a pine cone? I have". Get a book on edible wild plants. There are several tree barks that are edible. Aspirin derives from willow tree bark. The invasive plant kudzu from asia is almost entirely edible and very nutritious, yet we're too stupid to harvest it as a food source, so instead we wring our hands or dump tons of poisons, and it destroys forests. Who's smarter again?
Dylan Ortiz
kek you write well
Samuel Sanders
>t. Chinese medicine won't fix my whiteboi pee pee
John Morales
From the sounds of it the chinese would eat their own shit if you fried it long enough and added enough soy sauce.
James Clark
They're so big that they have quite a bit of flesh even though the ratio of flesh to weight isn't that high compared to other fish.
But in China, the fish's guts are also used, and there are a lot of those. Pic related is from a Chinese fish market.
Justin Smith
The eyeballs are also eaten. It's called a "mambo fish" (曼波魚) in China and Taiwan.
Joseph Stewart
Also, the gelatinous parts of the fish are cut into cubes and sold as a health-food.
Isaac Harris
Joshua Garcia
And finally, here's a de-boned, gutted, and halved sunfish. You can see the layer of gelatinous fat under the skin (which is eaten), the layer of blubbery tissue under the fat (which is eaten), and finally the inner flesh (which is, of course, eaten).
Andrew Bennett
Backwards fucks around the world could give a shit less about destroying the world tomorrow if it brings them satisfaction today.
It's one thing to raise animals for consumptiin, or eat wild animals that need population control or who are already killed by accident or when acting in necessary self defense. But if you harm animals that do not meet that description you are a piece of shit and I would gladly see you put through the meet grinder to feed the poor.
Ian Miller
>be sunfish >scale the evolutionary ladder by tasting like crap >some asshole mammal decides to move back to the ocean >fuuuuuuuuuuuuu