first it was mother of all egg sandwiches, now this.
is Joe Rogan eating like a god?
first it was mother of all egg sandwiches, now this.
is Joe Rogan eating like a god?
i cant stand how normies type on social media stuff.
> rare elk
Now, it's just my experience, but I will never eat wild game rare ever again. I got a bacterial infection one time from eating medium rare deer. Had me in pain for a day and on antibiotics and painkillers for like 3 weeks.
that is way too much meat for one sitting
Please stop browsing Veeky Forums Joe
Stop fucking posting your horseshit meals Joe no one gives a fuck
I, too, eat all my meat cut in the shape of bread slices.
for you.
Rogan is a faggot stoner of the worst variety, the manlet thinks he's Hulk Hogan because he works out poorly and thinks he knows the secrets of the universe because he does drugs, when he pontificates he literally sounds like me and my friends did when we were 16 and trying acid for the first time
And the funniest thing about him is that he's a comedian, learning that years ago was funnier than anything he's ever said
What do you mean?
+1. Incredibly underrated post.
Isn't that kind of super lean meat supposed to be braised/slow cooked since it's so gamey and tough?
Where does it say it's wild elk?
And that's why the Injuns cooked all their food well done.
Eating mid rare wild meat is just... stupid.
thisit's probably farmed
elk is such a lean sinewy meat though. i don't know what cut that is but the squareness of it doesn't scream tenderloin, which is probably the only cut of elk i'd eat that rare
Came here to post this. You beat me to it.
joe rogan prides himself on killing the elk he eats
it's cringe all around
>injuns ate meat well done
No. The plains Indians typically at the heart raw immediately after the kill. Furthermore they dried, not cooked, large quantities. The only time they ate it well done was when they made stews or soups. Inuits ate almost all their meat raw.
somehow I hate this place even more knowing he is here
You've never been hunting obviously. It's a pain in the ass to track elk, let alone with a bow. An elk is hundreds of pounds of meat. You only need to get one to fill your freezer for a long time.
I don't doubt that it's difficult but that doesn't make his obsession with telling people about his elk hunting any less cringe.
not sure I understand why this is cringe
?? how does that make you cringe? I cringe from seeing a knocked out guy start wheezing when his head is being stomped in or some autist kid showing a mlp slideshow to his class
whats wrong with some guy liking to hunt elk?
because he overdoes it. he's on par with paleofags or crossfit faggots with his wild meat meme enthusiasm. just look at this fucking picture for christ's sake. if this contrived professional photo of him holding a bloody elk leg doesn't make you cringe then you're probably a faggot too.
well like don't watch his shit lol?
and it doesn't thanks for calling me a faggot because its a big deal that i don't give a fuck what a grown man does in his sparetime
I don't get it man why are you mad at me because i don't cringe at the same stuff you do? Why is everyone on Veeky Forums an angry autist
lmao you're the autist who is mad at me for not liking something in the first place. dumbass.
I only got ""mad"" because you called me a faggot for not cringing at the same things you do? I just asked a question man
I just asked how it makes you cringe not "WOW FAG LOL DON"T ACCEPT ELK HUNTING?? GET OUT"
and I didn't get "mad" at you or Joe at all. I just called you both faggots because that's what you are for defending this paleo tier meme shit.
Fuck off, Joe. You're shitting up the board.
and you're a faggot for caring? I'm not defending anything I just asked whats wrong witha guy liking to hunt elk? I don't even know he was into thhe paleo shit because I don't fucking watch the guy but I get this is just going to be a back and forth until you get to be right and I admit "oo yes i am a faggot srry for questioning you" so whatever man SORRY I replied to you ;)
come onn bros like smoke weed and do mma???
Is there some reason there is a DAILY thread of Joe Rogan tweet reposting? Doesn't this violate some kind of ad rule on this forum? Why hasn't OP been warned and banned yet?
I'm going to say that I know who he is...he's Jersey Shore-California actor level idiocy. Bros before hos kind of fool. Anyone that would follow him on twitter fits that mold. A couple of days ago was the worst mess of eggs I've ever seen. He can't cook. at. all. I don't think he is even trying to. This is all extreme brain illness diet nonsense, and should be over on /fit, not in /ck anyway.
And, yes, raw game is ignorant foolishness based upon what we know about their blood borne illnesses. Stupid, but then we knew he was stupid? His stupidity is a type of genius to stay relevant, where even the Kardashians will tell you all publicity is still publicity. This may even be Joe Rogan in this thread increasing his "brand"...and in a year, they'll be trying to sell a cookbook. Get off his twitter and stop being triggered to react.
I'm a faggot for calling joe a faggot due to his retarded beliefs but you're not a faggot for calling me a faggot for my beliefs? fucking retard. you'll should co-host JRE with an amazing intellect like this.
Dude I don't know what to say I even said SORRY ;) like man what did I do wrong looking back I just said what's wrong with the guy liking to hunt elk, then you called me a faggot, so I called you an autist
I literally started shit slinging when you did, will it make you happy if I admit I like taking dick up the ass or something? And what kind of logic is that
its infinite faggotry
you don't believe in his hes a fag, I question you I'm a fag, you're a fag for questioning him cycle we're all fags apparently because you can't ask a question without someone getting mad af
I only called you a faggot because you called me one thats it lmao and its looks like i was right apparently you won't giveup until I admit im a fag so yeah
sorry I replied to you and made you so mad
and yes I love cock in the mouth
>and yes I love cock in the mouth
that's all I wanted to hear faggot. next time start with that.
stay mad ;)
ARGHGHGH I am so mad at Joe Rogan I'm writing a hate mail right now. oh wait no I'm not.
good to know
>eating like a God
I want these idiots who have no idea how to cook off of my cooking board REEEEEEE
>Pile of jalapenos
The hell?