Is apple juice real?

Im FREAKING the fuck out Veeky Forums! I just got back from the store where I found an entire isle of orange juice and PINEapple juice
That was it?
I wanted apple juice and I realized they didnt have any at this big fucking store (whole foods)
Did I just dream myself drinking apple juice out of the carton anymore or what?
I thought apple juice was a popular drink that you could get at a normal cafeteria but I couldnt find any at neither whole foods or CVS
What the fuck?

Wtf is apple juice?
Are you okay user?

Americans keep mislabeling apple juice as cider, try looking for that

apple juice does not exist in this timeline

How do you juice a fucking apple? What's next, carrots? Fucking potatoes?

Look for cider, also it's often not in the refrigerated aisle because it doesn't need to be kept cool until after you break the seal on the bottle.

What the fuck is apple juice? Are you talking about cider?

Apples are not real.
That tree you are kicking is not real YOU ARE NOT REAL.

>can't find apple juice in the store
>instead if asking a clerk where it is, user has an existential crisis

oh Veeky Forums

Also, you could try just fucking asking someone who works at the store where they keep the apple juice.