Pic related, my lunch
>pan seared ribeye
>two fried (poelle) eggs
>brown rice and quinoa with some spicy pan sauce mixed in
Pic related, my lunch
>pan seared ribeye
>two fried (poelle) eggs
>brown rice and quinoa with some spicy pan sauce mixed in
Forgot to say, it was seared in duck fat
Perfectly cooked
This is the duck fat I used. I got it off Amazon. It's ok but not worth the money
why are you eating off a paper plate and using plastic cutlery
Because I'm a poor college student and I can't afford plates or silverware. Plus if I bought some my roommates would probably break them. Post you lunch instead of acting superior you mong.
How are you "poor" and eating ribeye and duck fat
Because I would rather spend my money on good food than nice plates off of which I would then eat top ramen. I still don't see you posting your lunch, maybe you can't cook at all? Fast food general is in another thread
This honestly. He's probably too lazy to do dishes
I wasn't too lazy to clean my spatula, thermometer, and pan, plus add another layer of seasoning onto the pan after.
Buy a dishwasher, moneybags
Looks gross. Hopefully it tasted better than it appears.
Manicotti in a lamb ragu.
Hey everybody, let's shit on the one person who actually cooked something and posted it
Great idea, OP.
It was delicious, thanks. I salted the ribeye and let it sit for a few hours. Nice thick crust, good cut of meat. I wish I had used two plates though, because the rice crowded the steak and I kept getting bites of rice and steak together
Disposable things are only cheaper short term. One ceramic plate would cost as much as 50 or so paper plates but it would last forever (or until you broke it).
>the steak and eggs meme irl
Having an egg sandwich.
U got pix.?
Here is my lunch, I made curry with a friend
You sound like a massive faggot, I dobut your roommates would bother to touch your stuff or learn your name
>Steak with duck fat on a Friday while everyone else is having fun and getting laid
>While being on college
>I'm poor guys
Fuck off
Those eggs look a little messy
Me a land line guy.
It's 440 on spring break retard, everyone is just waking up. Parties don't start till 1030 usually.
nice job m8
Shokugeki right now, cuck. I'll 1v1 u
I can tell when a lonely faggot is desperate for attention
Anyways if you want to learn how to cook try something harder than steak and rice maybe
Ok, give me a dish that you think is hard to do and I'll crush it. (no baking tho)
That looks like paki puke
>something hard to make
something is only hard to make if it includes ingridients you never handled before
trying to make something hard is dumb, just try a couple recipes that have more or less the same ingridients so you arent always on a walmart run and you learn how to handle different cooking techniques
I already know how to cook, that's what I'm saying. I made steak eggs and rice because that's what I like to eat, not because it's the most difficult dish to make. Btw some dishes are actually hard to make.
>what are paired flavors
>Btw some dishes are actually hard to make
some yeah, but they are only worth the hassle if you are trying to impress someone
And today i impressed a friend by buying a fresh chicken for half the price of frozen breasts and deboning it in under ten minutes
So its not exactly hard
I've impressed people by making pasta sauce then properly dressing spaghetti in it. Plebs aren't hard to impress. I have yet to see you present something tasty for everyone else to criticize.
All I made today was some Curry since I woke up past lunch time and yesterday I had a big Mac my friend bought me
And before that I mostly had steak because the supermarket put the good Black label meat on discount and before that I can't even remember what I had, I think I had a salad
It's not like I go around looking to show off on Veeky Forums,I make tasty food based on what the supermarket has on discount
I got all this at Sam's club because it was all cheap. I posted to share cooking related discussions, what with that being the purpose of this board and all.
>I got all this at Sam's club because it was all cheap
even if it was all marked down i still dobut that was cheap
im going to guess you went out of your way to buy all the cool things Veeky Forums says are good and made the equivalent of uploading a picture of a sundae with bacon on instagram
Go to bed Joe Rogan
Wrong, ribeye is top tier and I actually bought the duck fat because reddit memed me into it.. I still prefer coconut oil.
Nice, I'm jelly
Ok, I'm going to buy soy sauce and garlic because I actually cook my meals instead of making duck fat steak for 4 chan
I still have half a chicken to cook and I don't want shit rotting on my fridge
Go buy some dog chow, you'll get the same result
That's not what a paired flavor is, it's just two foods that are often cooked together.
Fucking gross
does it come in duck fat flavour?
Do people actually eat like this? If I ate that many eggs along with salty/spicy toppings and bread, my digestive system's state would be enough to make me unfit to dwell among other humans for 24 hours
Eternally BTFO