What is the best cereal?

>cookie crisp isn't on the list

>corn flakes
Veeky Forums is the board for alcoholic failures

>corn flakes and raisin brain are in the lead


>frosted flakes that low

Virtue signaling. It's considered childish and shameful to admit to something as basic as "sugar tastes good" and the idea of someone still enjoying something they liked as a kid threatens their sense of maturity.

As far as plain cornflakes being the winner goes, anyway. Raisin Bran is delicious.


>Corn Flakes in the lead

Jesus Christ, this board tries so hard to come off as mature and sophisticated

>not voting captain crunch

dried fruit is an estrogenic as well as milk

no thanks


>no quaker oatmeal squares
>no chex

Imagine the response Grape Nuts would've gotten

Corn flakes are amazing what are you talking about. You can add a spoonful of sugar and your favorite fruits. It tastes great with every type of milk, it's cheap and you can use it for breadcrumbs and stuff.


If you eat literally any of these for breakfast but the plain cheerios you're a fucking fatass loser and deserve the diabetes you're going to get


>Virtue signaling.
but everyone is user here if they want to be, there's no reputation involved

these are all just candy

real cereal that's good is shredded wheat and oatmeal with fresh banana slices or walnuts

If I want cereal for breakfast, I'll get Honey Nut Cheerios. Sweet, but not overly sugary.
If I'm getting something to munch on while I watch TV, I want Lucky Charms.

>9 grams of sugar vs. 10 grams of sugar

Might as well eat Lucky Charms for breakfast.

That's because it's AWFUL.

I literally said "as far as plain cornflakes go"

Even anonymously admitting to it would ding their sense of superiority.

Which has nothing to do with virtue signaling.

Honey Bunches of Oats w/ apple cinnamon is my favorive. Shame it's not more popular and is semi hard to find.

I beg your pardon, OP.

I don't think that people are assuming "corn flakes" means plain corn flakes. Frosted corn flakes are pretty good and are objectively better than plain flakes because they stay crunchy in the milk longer. That said, I avoid any cereal with a high sugar content and would have voted for grapenuts if they were on the list.

I voted for frosted miniwheats because they're substantial, unlike puffed cereals, and don't have an overload of sugar like cinna toast crunch and captain crunch.

I'm willing to bet that most of the posters here are in their late twenties or older. Most of us genuinely don't like super sugary cereal. It's made for children for a reason. Children can better tolerate mega doses of sugar.

>*blocks your path*

I do the same stuff, but I also do bran flakes with bananas too.

Weetabix, shredded wheat, and bran flakes are missing.

Did anyone else try this back when Batman v Superman was released?

I really liked it.
Unfortunately it seems to have been a limited-time thing.


*blocks your other path*

The correct answer is Golden Grahams.

Oh god, is that fucking salami in there?

I did once, trying to think of any other brands that taste similar for you but nothing is close really.

basically mini wheats


>no one likes rice krispies

They make a good dessert, but I wouldn't eat them for breakfast, pretty much no fibre at all.

I recently started making my own, it's sadly considerably more expensive than buying store brand.
> oat flakes
> mix of seeds you like
> oil and maple syrup
> into oven for caramelization
> very tasty, add fruit components if wanted

i like rice krispies but my favourite are bran flakes

>no golden nuggets

>special k on the bottom
Plebs everywhere.

Cracklin' Oat Bran.

I can't be the only one who likes it.

Might as well eat cardboard

Yeah, but I don't like the frosted cereals.

Vector...love it but pricey$$



Confirmed. They're fucking expensive though.

>Cap'n Crunch winning
Enjoy your oral lacerations sugarfags.

>corn flakes

reminder that kellog made this shit bland on purpose because he thought it would keep kids from masturbating


oh fuck i haven't had these in ages, they're so good with just a tiny bit of milk

Roasted wheatberries

Yup. Best cereal overall, and only cereal that gets better as it gets soggy.


>no golden grahams

even store bought granola/museli is expensive desu


but really this

superman caramel crunch is just a dogshit version of french toast crunch. sadly french toast crunch is hard to find these days.

Make way
Fruity Pebbles comin' thru

All cereal is fucking dessert food.
You don't get to pretend your preferred dessert is more mature because it has less sugar in it.


not him but thank you

I haven't eaten cereal since I was a teenager, and don't plan to again, but that's some grade A taste right there

>having bitch pussy mouth
I look down on you

I don't see how maple syrup flavor would taste similar to caramel flavor, but I'll give it a try anyway.

This, and THIS.
Voted Cinnamon Toast Crunch in their absence.


>no oats
they are the best, how could you forget them?

That's it guys

>Life isnt listed

didnt even vote desu

>Cap'n Crunch in bottom tier

Mini Wheats, Cheerios, Cinnamon Life, and Raisin Brand should be god tier.

My favorite cereal these days is Trader Joe's coconut cranberry granola.

I will never buy apple jacks because to this day I still have no fucking idea if they are going to taste like apple or not (all those "Why do you kids like Apple Jacks if they don't taste like apple?" commercials from the 90s/2000s), and like fuck I'm going to buy an entire box of glorified cheerios.

>Trader Joe's coconut cranberry granola.
I think that is the kind I almost bought because the sodium was not too much but I already had like 4 other boxes of random cereals at home to go through

>mfw Post and Kellog shills are working together

>not including actual best cereal

they're like the kinky sex of cereal. they actively hurt to eat but taste so fucking good

kellogs crunchy nut beats all this crap

kek solid comparison

Go back to /co/, Geoff.

that is what I voted for

they taste like more appley froot loops

No cocoa pebbles or apple Jack's, fuck this list and fuck you.

>Not having grape nuts

only black people and the elderly eat that garbage

So i'm not the only one annoyed by Lucky Charms, nice

I knew I saw someone outside the window, spying on me, trying to figure out how i eat my breakfast.

>all these sugary cereals

fucking amerifats

weet bix/weetabix/vitabrits/etc coming through